Mayors raise Stanley Cup stakes with Frank Sinatra-Randy Newman bet

Eric Garcetti to perform New York, New York on live TV if Rangers beat Kings – but if the Kings win, Bill deBlasio will have to croon

New York Rangers forward Martin St Louis at practice.
New York Rangers forward Martin St Louis at practice. Photograph: Kirby Lee/USA Today Sports

Start spreading the news: the battle for Stanley Cup glory reached new levels of intensity on Wednesday as New York City mayor Bill de Blasio and Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti announced their much-hyped bet on the outcome of the National Hockey League finals.

“It’s going to be a doozy. Stay tuned for the bet — the big bet,” Garcetti threatened earlier in the week. Never one to be outdone on hyperbole, Bill de Blasio later assured New Yorkers: “It’s a bet he will have to honor, and I’m going to win.”

If the New York Rangers win, Garcetti will help perform Frank Sinatra’s New York, New York on Jimmy Kimmel Live. If the Los Angeles Kings win, de Blasio will serenade Kimmel’s audience with Randy Newman’s “I Love LA.”

No matter which team captures the Stanley Cup, the real winners will be the members of Kimmel’s studio audience. The mayor who loses will supply them with hot dogs from one of his city’s iconic vendors: Garcetti would provide Pink's Hot Dogs, while de Blasio would serve franks from Gray’s Papaya.

“Start spreading the news, it’s been over 20 years since the Stanley Cup has found its home in New York City, and we look forward to it making its way here,” de Blasio said in a statement.

“Looks like another perfect day – for the Kings to take home the Stanley Cup,” Garcetti boasted. “From the west side to the east side, the Kings will reign. Go Kings go!”

The pun-filled press release issued by De Blasio also helpfully included the lyrics to Sinatra’s and Newman’s classic tunes, in case anyone had forgotten.

De Blasio and Garcetti aren’t the first politicians to make a bet on the Stanley Cup. On Tuesday, New York governor Andrew Cuomo and California governor Jerry Brown placed what the former called a “friendly wager” on the outcome.

At stake: rice cakes, a gift basket, and a somewhat condescending hockey puck.

If the Rangers win, Brown will send Cuomo California: A History by Kevin Starr, and Lundberg Organic Brown Rice Cakes, Lightly Salted (a Guardian investigation confirmed that they are indeed delicious, but can be easily obtained in New York City grocery stores).

Cuomo’s end of the bargain is slightly more substantial. If the Kings emerge victorious, Cuomo will send Brown a Taste NY gift basket, filled with various bounties from the Empire State. Cuomo will also send Brown “a commemorative hockey puck from the 2013 ‘Hat Trick’ of three on-time [state] budgets in a row.”

The lighthearted bet naturally inspired some snarking. Cuomo’s Republican rival in the governor’s race was quick to capitalize on the moment:

— Rob Astorino (@RobAstorino) June 3, 2014

Just don't let them bet ideas. Californians and New Yorkers have enough problems! cc: @NYGovCuomo @JerryBrownGov

Brown’s newly-minted Republican opponent Neel Kashkari remained silent, but that also could be because he was busy winning a primary on Tuesday.

The Stanley Cup finals begin June 4 in Los Angeles. Follow all the Guardian’s coverage of the games here.