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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Today’s Paper

The Times in Print for Thursday, November 06, 2014

After Election, Obama Vows to Work With, and Without, Congress

President Obama shook off an electoral drubbing and said he was eager to find common ground, but he also vowed to bypass Congress to change the immigration system.

In States Seen to Be Tilting Left, Voters Defy Democrats’ Forecast

A powerful lesson for both parties emerged Tuesday: Demographic shifts that are gradually reshaping the American electorate cannot overcome a difficult political environment and a weak message.

Outside Groups With Deep Pockets Lift G.O.P.

The election was a pivotal moment for the “super PACs” and political nonprofit groups that helped the party defeat Democrats across the country.

State of the Art

Fall of the Banner Ad: The Monster That Swallowed the Web

In the 20 years since their introduction, banner ads have ruined the appearance and usability of the web, perverted content and diminished privacy.

If a Tiny House Is Just Too Big

Retro trailers, sometimes moored in the yard like the Airstream, become cozy second homes. Design Notebook »

Today's Front Pages

Quotation of the Day
"It doesn’t make me mopey. It energizes me, because it means that this democracy’s working."
PRESIDENT OBAMA, on his party’s sweeping midterm losses.




Editorials, Op-Ed and Letters

Business Day

Sports Thursday

The Arts

