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Opinionator | Private Lives

Fledgling Grief

I could save the birds, or at least try. I could do nothing for my father.

Rachell Sumpter
Today's Editorials

Mr. Obama’s Offer to Republicans

The president said what he heard from voters Tuesday was to “get stuff done,” and he pointed out areas where he thinks agreement could be reached. comment icon Comments


Looking Back, Looking Forward

Now Republicans must demonstrate that they are capable of solutions, and not just sullenness. They have to pass actual legislation. comment icon Comments


The Bear Turns

The West needs a new policy to resist, restrain and retain Russia. comment icon Comments


Always Look on the Bright Side

There are some positive ways to interpret the midterms. You just have to look for them. comment icon Comments


America’s Broken Politics

We painlessly inherited democracy, but by allowing political dysfunction to set in, we’ve botched it. comment icon Comments

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The Midterms Were Not a Republican Revolution

They were a repudiation of a broken political system.

Room for Debate

The Possibility of Post-Election Bipartisan Deals

What compromises, if any, are realistic for President Obama and the new Congress to make?


In Red and Blue States, Good Ideas Prevail

In many states, voters approved ballot measures that were directly at odds with the positions of many Republican candidates who won.

Op-Ed Contributor

An Epidemic of Thyroid Cancer?

No. It’s an epidemic of overdiagnosis.


Election 2014: Gun Sense

In Washington State, voters approved a ballot measure that tries to limit mass killings. comment icon Comments

Opinionator | The Stone

What ‘White Privilege’ Really Means

Is not fearing that the police will kill your child for no reason a privilege or a right?

Op-Ed Contributor

How the Berlin Wall Really Fell

Mistakes by East German officials and rising opposition by large numbers of everyday citizens led to the opening. comment icon Comments


You May Have Missed It, but There Was an Election Debate on Criminal Justice Reform

Voters did not hear much about criminal-justice reform during the midterm election, but several ballot propositions passed across the country to reform the system.

Dot Earth Blog

One Factor Blunting Impact of Green Spending on Election: Inertia

What’s missed in debates over the impact of liberal and conservative spending on congressional campaigns.

Opinionator | The Conversation

The Republican Party In Triumph

Brooks and Collins on the full extent of the Election Day devastation of Democrats, including some who weren’t on the ballot.

Taking Note

Facts & Figures: Healthcare Premiums Are Not on the Rise

Only two of 17 states in an Urban Institute study will see premium increases of more than 5 percent.

Taking Note

The Tornado Election

More than a third of people voting for a Republican House candidate said they were unhappy or even angry at the Republican leaders in Congress.


When a Stranger Delivers Your Texts

Miranda July’s app aims to shake up your life, or at least some of your conversations. Does it deliver?


No Time to Relax on Ebola

The news is better in America and Africa. But the disease has a way of bouncing back.

Op-Ed Contributor

Europe Is Blocking Mideast Peace

Backing Palestine’s accession to the I.C.C. would deter war crimes on both sides.

Election 2014: Europe Looks Beyond Obama

The midterms have one simple message for the European chancelleries: Plan for America’s next president. comment icon Comments

Opinionator | Disunion

The Plot to Burn New York City

In November 1864, Confederate agents came dangerously close to setting fire to Manhattan.

Op-Ed Contributor

Election 2014: President Obama Is Not a Happy Warrior

This administration has been afflicted almost from the start with the inability to decide just whom it is trying to appeal to. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

For Israel, Two-State Is No Solution

The Oslo plan for a settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is finished. We need a new model. comment icon Comments


Fight Poverty, Not Cooking

It’s not important that everyone cook, but it is important that everyone eat well — and the best way to do that now is to buy good food and cook it. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

Election 2014: Ill-Concealed Prejudice

It’s harder for black people to get concealed handgun licenses, suggesting that voter ID laws may disenfranchise minorities. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

Election 2014: How the Turks See Us

Republican criticism of Obama’s foreign policy finds unexpected echoes among Turkey’s public. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

Election 2014: Should Black Voters Keep Their Faith in Obama?

President Obama may be a flawed politician, but he has guided the nation through troubled waters. Black voters should resist alienation. comment icon Comments

Taking Note

The Editorial Page Editor's Blog

An Oklahoma Court’s Good Move on Abortion Rights

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