@cnntech This is how your Gmail account got hacked http://t.co/2ii4uNKTol via @Jose_Pagliery http://t.co/nF2ENENfTL

2 hours ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech Amazon's quirky Echo puts Siri inside a speaker http://t.co/t56LCPJwip via @jtotoole http://t.co/hzMSvtkx3e

19 hours ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech Apps aimed at children collect a shocking amount of data http://t.co/8zgsOceqxC via @Jose_Pagliery http://t.co/rm4L46FwEI

20 hours ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech Got questions for Mark Zuckerberg? Today's your chance to ask. http://t.co/fXQT7FSs85 via @jtotoole http://t.co/689EOHYs2w

20 hours ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech Microsoft makes Office free on mobile http://t.co/PyVwLIVNPm via @DavidGoldmanCNN http://t.co/sqQKuSp8xx

23 hours ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech This suit will give you superhuman strength http://t.co/7Bou8kH2fH via @ericafink and @LaurieSegallCNN cc: @LockheedMartin

23 hours ago via Twitter Web Client | RETWEET

@cnntech Apple Pay is a win for (smart) retailers http://t.co/Ig1jsJGl3s via @Jose_Pagliery

2 days ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech Uber program offers auto loans to subprime borrowers http://t.co/XxnJ9AWTry via @jtotoole http://t.co/ipE0tpcywY

2 days ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech Amazon extending Prime benefits to other sites http://t.co/aK6QB1vOoI via @doug_gross http://t.co/MChD6Tx07o

2 days ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech The Star Trek communicator is real -- and it's now on sale http://t.co/G8zF8AuVYx via @DavidGoldmanCNN http://t.co/ELUQQZw8wX

2 days ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET


Dazed and confused, the music industry still hasn't found what it's looking for

Albums sales are at an all-time low in the United States. Vinyl sales are at their highest for 15 years. Everybody says streaming is the future, yet major artists are pulling out of streaming services. And in tech-oriented Japan, CDs still account for 85% of album sales. The current state of the music industry is anyon… FULL STORY

By Jacopo Prisco, for CNN

Filed under: Innovation

This is how your Gmail account got hacked CNNMoney.com

If your Gmail account got hacked, blame your friends. FULL STORY

Jose Pagliery

Filed under: Tech Biz

Mark Zuckerberg holds his first-ever public Q&A on Facebook CNNMoney.com

Mark Zuckerberg took on the public Thursday, holding his first-ever open Q&A session. FULL STORY

James O'Toole

Filed under: Tech Biz

Home Depot hackers stole 53 million emails, too CNNMoney.com

There are more details out about Home Depot's recent security breach, which was worse than first thought. FULL STORY

Katie Lobosco

Filed under: Tech Biz

Uber program offers auto loans to subprime borrowers CNNMoney.com

Uber has a new controversy on its hands. FULL STORY

James O'Toole

Filed under: Tech Biz

Peter Thiel on Tim Cook coming out: 'It was courageous' CNNMoney.com

PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel called Apple CEO Tim Cook's decision to come out "courageous." FULL STORY

Laurie Segall

Filed under: Tech Biz

Apps aimed at children collect a shocking amount of data  CNNMoney.com

Apps aimed at kids tend to be the worst at invading privacy. FULL STORY

Jose Pagliery

Filed under: Tech Biz

Microsoft makes Office free on mobile CNNMoney.com

In a sea change for Microsoft, Office is now available for free on mobile devices. FULL STORY

David Goldman

Filed under: Tech Biz

New Jawbone tracker takes your heart rate CNNMoney.com

The newest fitness tracker from Jawbone has the ability to measure your heart rate on demand, tell if you're dehydrated, take your temperature, and detect if you're stressed or tired. FULL STORY

Heather Kelly

Filed under: Tech Biz

Nintendo wants to watch you sleep CNNMoney.com

The maker of Mario wants to monitor your sleep -- and then help improve it. FULL STORY

Ravi Hiranand

Filed under: Tech Biz

The Star Trek communicator is real -- and it's now on sale CNNMoney.com

When Star Trek's Captain Picard presses his communicator badge, he can instantly speak with any member of his crew -- even when they've beamed down to a planet or a nearby spaceship. FULL STORY

David Goldman

Filed under: Tech Biz

Tinder founder Sean Rad says he's been stripped of CEO title CNNMoney.com

Sean Rad, founder of the dating app Tinder, has been stripped of his CEO title, according to Forbes. FULL STORY

David Goldman

Filed under: Tech Biz

Oculus 'many months away,' but virtual reality sunglasses will take a little longer

We might still not have jetpacks and flying cars, but another dangling promise of the technology world now seems one step closer. Virtual reality (VR) is a serious business, as confirmed by Facebook's acquisition of Oculus VR for $2 billion earlier this year. Now, the makers of the highly anticipated Oculus device seem… FULL STORY

By Jacopo Prisco and Laurie Segall, for CNN

Filed under: Innovation

Text puppy GIFs with just one tap CNNMoney.com

Move over emojis. You've been one-upped. FULL STORY

Sara Ashley O'Brien

Filed under: Tech Biz

Amazon offers unlimited photo storage for Prime customers CNNMoney.com

That $99 yearly Amazon Prime membership now has another perk: free, unlimited photo storage. FULL STORY

Jose Pagliery

Filed under: Tech Biz

The story of a map-maker who discovered the hidden truths behind basketball player performance on the courts. FULL STORY

Big data is everywhere -- you will create a bit more just by reading this story. It is a commodity as valuable as gold or oil and it is growing exponentially. FULL STORY

Business Talent Group, founded by Jody Miller, seeks to help workers who are after a project-based career. FULL STORY

See how MIT's 4D printing programme could make autonomous robots that don't need people. FULL STORY

From drone wars to cosmic theories, long-term bets take the long view and place odds on the shape of the future. FULL STORY

The founders of SoundCloud and Beats weigh in on the future of the music industry. FULL STORY

Doug Gross

Who is Slenderman?
He's the Internet's own monster, a ghoul who lurks in its darkest corners and, like the Web itself, has mutated time and again to suit the dreams and desires of his devotees. FULL STORY

Heather Kelly

Sensors let Alzheimer's patients stay at home, safely
Caregivers are turning to smart-home and wearable technology to monitor family members with Alzheimer's and dementia, helping them live independently longer. FULL STORY

Jarrett Bellini

Apparently This Matters: Weed Fairy leaves free pot
I never actually caught a glimpse of the Tooth Fairy when I was young, but she was definitely real and in cahoots with my mom. This, due to the fact that I never woke up to find a Nintendo. FULL STORY

Brandon Griggs

The next frontier in 3-D printing: Human organs
The emerging process of 3-D printing can reproduce the vascular systems required to make organs viable. Scientists already use the machines to print tiny strips of organ tissue. And while printing whole human organs for transplants is still years away, the technology is rapidly developing. FULL STORY

Larry Frum

Can 'Mario Kart 8' save the Wii U?
It's the gaming industry's gold standard, once named by Guinness World Records as the most influential video game in history. Now, Nintendo is turning to "Super Mario Kart" once again. FULL STORY

10 ideas to change the world

10 ideas to change the world What if the U.S. had only two time zones? Should all public transportation be automated for safety? And maybe it IS time to reinvent the wheel. Meet 10 bold ideas that could shape our future. FULL STORY

Wired | Mar 20, 2014

The Germans have figured how to 3-D print cars

The assembly line isn't going away, but 3-D printing is going to reshape how we make cars. One German automaker points the way with an beautifully crafted frame inspired by a turtle's skeleton. FULL STORY

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