Are You Ready?

The Public Energy Art Kit (P.E.A.K.) is a large-format printed compendium of 14 posters about the challenge of tackling climate change, energy inequality and fossil fuel dependency. Join us now in our national campaign to get 35,000 of these newspapers and their digital counterparts into public view. It’s time to get the word out in a BIG way..

It’s time we take an honest look at our energy predicament and change course. That’s why we’re asking YOU — activated citizens, community organizers, students, anyone who cares about our future and our relationship to the natural world — to help us. Are you ready to get started?

Watch a Video from our CuratorSee the Artwork Read About Us in Fast Company

The Art

Fifteen new works for our new energy reality


The Goddess of Greed

The Energy Train


Energy Slaves

Energy Sprawl

A New Energy Reality – Wind

A New Energy Reality – Solar

A New Energy Reality – Obsolete

Democracy Lubricated

Be The Tortoise

The Power of Planning

Community Power

Our Dark Future

Own Your Power

Download the Kit

Get Involved

Making the right choices about our energy future begins with the right conversation.

That’s where you come in — we hope that the images and words in the Public Energy Art Kit (P.E.A.K.) inspire you to reflect and to act. Whether you want to post art from the kit in your community, share our online pledge with your social networks, or make a donation to support our work — we want you involved.


Half the fun is getting the word out. If you’re one of the lucky people to get your hands on a Public Energy Art Kit (P.E.A.K.), find out the best way to share them.

GET A Public Energy Art Kit (P.E.A.K.)

We have made the the Public Energy Art Kit (P.E.A.K.) available as a free download for anyone to print at home or take to your local print shop. Or, if you want us to send you a larger quantity of Public Energy Art Kit (P.E.A.K.), please fill out this form.


It’s time to remake our energy economy under different terms. Join those of us who are ready to create our own energy future that doesn’t destroy the planet just to keep the lights on. Take the Pledge.


Help us build a better future together and support more projects like the Public Energy Art Kit (P.E.A.K.). Please consider making a tax-deductible credit card donation today.

Social Hub

Join the Conversation

If you’re sharing the Public Energy Action Kit (P.E.A.K.) posters online, let us know! Post a photo to our Facebook page ( or your own Instagram/Twitter with the hashtag #energyreality, or send an email to Include the location and your thoughts, and we’ll it share far and wide!

“Overhauling the toxic energy economy and rebuilding it with one that supports the values of beauty and biodiversity is vital–and meaningful–work in which every citizen can play a part.” – Doug Tompkins

Spotted a Public Energy Art Kit (P.E.A.K.) poster in your community? Add it to our map.

Our Partners

The Public Energy Art Kit (P.E.A.K.) is a project of:

Click here to see a list of our other partners.