Election 2014

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McConnell, Boehner: Here's What We're Going to Do

Revive bills that languished, repeal ObamaCare, greenlight Keystone

(Newser) - Come January, Republicans will control both the House and the Senate—and in the Wall Street Journal , House Speaker John Boehner and soon-to-be-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell offer up a joint column explaining their plans. "For years, the House did its job and produced a steady stream of bills... More »

Former Charlotte Mayor Commits Felony: He Voted

Patrick Cannon, as a convicted felon, is not allowed to cast a ballot in NC

(Newser) - Patrick Cannon, the former mayor of Charlotte, NC, participated in early voting last week—and he could be headed to prison as a result. The problem? Cannon has been convicted of corruption, a felony, and is already headed to prison on Nov. 18. Under North Carolina law, convicted felons can'... More »

Congress May Have Won Some New Stars

Some fresh faces, blood headed to Capitol Hill

(Newser) - More than one vaunted member of Congress had his hat handed to him and his seat swiped last night. But as they get ready to pack it in, some interesting potential stars are heading for Capitol Hill. A look at a few, via the Christian Science Monitor :
  • Seth Moulton, D-Mass.
... More »

Vermont Legislature Might Have to Pick Governor

Neither candidate got threshold of 50%

(Newser) - It's one of the stranger outcomes of election night: The race for Vermont governor is so close that the state legislature might have to decide the winner, reports AP . More precisely, the state constitution stipulates that if no candidate wins more than 50% of the vote, lawmakers must pick... More »

Highlight of Election Night: Tom Brokaw's Phone Alarm

Alarm goes off live on air, he plays along

(Newser) - While Tom Brokaw was discussing the election last night live on MSNBC , he was interrupted by an alarm. But no, it wasn't the building going down in flames over the GOP taking control of the Senate —it was just an alarm Brokaw had set on his phone. As... More »

How McCain Could Change US Defense

With GOP taking control of Senate, he'll likely chair Armed Services Committee

(Newser) - With Senate leadership changing , John McCain appears poised to be the new head of the Armed Services Committee—and that could have big implications for US defense, Reuters reports. McCain has a history of criticizing what he sees as excessive spending on some weapons programs; as chair of the committee,... More »

Last Night Saw a Bush Family First

George P. Bush is first in family to win his first election

(Newser) - For the first time ever, a member of the Bush family won his very first election . George P. Bush, Jeb Bush's son , was elected land commissioner in Texas last night, CBS Houston reports. "I could not be prouder of George. He ran a great campaign, built his own... More »

Last Night's Major Victor: McConnell

NRSC, RGA also pull off major coups

(Newser) - Last night's victory for Mitch McConnell was a big one: He was expected to face a neck-and-neck race, but instead he was called the winner just after the polls closed, Chris Cillizza writes in the Washington Post . Starting next year, he's the Senate majority leader. Among the night'... More »

Marijuana Now Legal in 3 More Places

Minimum wage increases pass in 3 states

(Newser) - Marijuana legalization advocates are on a roll: Ballot measures loosening pot laws have passed in Alaska , Oregon, and Washington, DC. The DC law—which could still be blocked by Congress—will allow residents and visitors to grow and possess marijuana but not sell it, reports the Washington Post , while the... More »

Cruz: 'Era of Obama Lawlessness' Is Over

But McConnell doesn't plan 'perpetual conflict'

(Newser) - Ted Cruz wasn't on the ballot, but he still seemed pretty giddy with victory last night after his party won control of the Senate . The senator declared that the "era of Obama lawlessness is over" and urged his fellow Republicans to "do everything humanly possible to repeal... More »

Angry Dems Blame Losses on Obama

GOP strategy paid off

(Newser) - As Republicans rejoice after recapturing the Senate , defeated Democrats are blaming the man they tried to distance themselves from. Aides and strategists complain that President Obama nationalized the election despite his low approval ratings, allowing Republicans to make the election all about the president. Obama—who said last month that... More »

GOP Takes Control of Senate; McConnell Wins

Scott Brown fails in upset bid, but Republicans flip at least 7 seats

(Newser) - Election night was a win for Republicans: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell started things off by defeating Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes in Kentucky, reports the AP . Hours later, McConnell learned he will be changing his title to majority leader: Republicans needed a net gain of six seats to take the... More »

Governors: Scott Walker, Rick Scott Win; Wendy Davis Loses

Charlie Crist's comeback falls short

(Newser) - Florida Gov. Rick Scott will not hand his job back to former Gov. Charlie Crist. The Republican Scott fended off the challenge from Republican-turned-Democrat Crist tonight in one of the higher-profile races of the 36 gubernatorial contests on the ballot. Elsewhere, Wisconsin's Scott Walker defeated Mary Burke to keep... More »

GOP Easily Keeps Control of House

The question is, how much will they extend their margin?

(Newser) - As the night's results filter in, NBC News is projecting early that—surprise, surprise—Republicans will retain control of the House. While the GOP win was a virtual certainty beforehand, the question now is how much the party can pad its margin. By AP's count , Republicans currently control... More »

Exit Polls: Voters Miserable About Everything

They don't like Obama, Congress, country's path

(Newser) - The first exit polls show that those who turned out to vote today are in a foul mood politically, and it applies to both President Obama and Republicans. Some highlights:
  • Obama: More than half, 54%, disapprove of Obama, a figure just shy of George W. Bush's 57% in the
... More »

Ballot Issues: Voters May Loosen Pot Rules

Issues on abortion, minimum wage also on ballots across US

(Newser) - The legalization of marijuana could take three more steps forward tonight. The first related vote is in Washington, DC, where a measure on the ballot would allow people to grow and possess pot but not sell it. Later results will come in from Oregon and Alaska, whose residents will decide... More »

GOP's Chances of Taking Senate: More Than 70%

McConnell says Obama rollback starts today

(Newser) - It's Election Day, and Democrats' chances of retaining control of the Senate look pretty slim, according to election models at the Washington Post , the New York Times , and FiveThirtyEight, which put the chances of a GOP victory at 96%, 73%, and 76%, respectively. The Post notes that all three... More »

Car Crash Kills House Candidate

Earl Everett was Democratic nominee in Oklahoma's 2nd District

(Newser) - An 81-year-old Democrat in the race for a US House seat in eastern Oklahoma has died from injuries he sustained in a car accident, police say. Earl Emmitt Everett, a retired schoolteacher and Korean War veteran, died at a Tulsa hospital yesterday. He had been in a two-car accident Friday... More »

5 Things to Know Before Election Day

We could be in for an early night ... or the total opposite

(Newser) - We're a day away from Election Day. Here are five things to know about what's expected, what to watch, and what's being said.
  1. All eyes are on the Senate, where Republicans need six seats to gain control. USA Today deems 10 races "still close enough to
... More »

Senate Control Is Up to Iowa: Harry Reid

If Bruce Braley doesn't win, Mitch McConnell will be majority leader, says Democrat

(Newser) - If Democrats want to retain control of the Senate, they'll have to win in Iowa, says Harry Reid. Speaking today to progressive activists, Reid said that if Rep. Bruce Braley beats Joni Ernst, Democrats will do "just fine." But if Ernst—who has recently led in polls,... More »

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