weird crimes

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Why You Should Never Use Wife's Urine for a Drug Test

Yes, because she might be pregnant

(Newser) - Two tales of men accused of trying to cheat drug and alcohol tests, neither of which ends well:
  • Congratulations: A bus driver in Egypt provided his wife's urine to avoid a drug test, which officials know because tests revealed it belonged to someone two months' pregnant, reports the BBC
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Alleged Meth Smuggler Chooses Wrong Parking Lot

Sylvia Mashiah busted with 27 pounds of meth after parking in federal 'search' lot

(Newser) - You just had one job, suspected drug smuggler: to get across the US-Mexico border with 27 pounds of meth. And technically, Sylvia Mashiah allegedly did that—until she screwed it all up, according to Customs and Border Protection agents. The 33-year-old California woman allegedly drove up to the Otay Mesa... More »

2 Pastors and Man, 90, Charged for Feeding Homeless

Fort Lauderdale officials say they're simply enforcing public food-sharing law

(Newser) - "Drop that plate right now" was the command hurled at 90-year-old Arnold Abbott on Sunday before he was charged with violating Florida law. His crime: feeding Fort Lauderdale's homeless. Abbott and two pastors, Dwayne Black and Mark Sims, were cited for disobeying a new city ordinance that effectively... More »

Cops: Drunk IRS Worker Tried to Bribe Us

After knocking out woman at NFL game

(Newser) - Pittsburgh police say an Internal Revenue Service worker tried to bribe officers when they arrested him for being drunk and throwing steel crowd dividers, one of which knocked a woman unconscious, during a Steelers game. Police say 29-year-old Stephen Sapp was screaming and cursing after he was asked to leave... More »

Trick-or-Treater Given Bag of Crystal Meth

Parents find it among 8-year-old's candy

(Newser) - Checking out their 8-year-old daughter's Halloween candy, parents in the San Francisco Bay Area came upon something that definitely wasn't a Snickers. It was a .1-gram bag of crystal meth, police say. "This could have been intentional or it could have been accidental, and we won't... More »

Guy Parks Plane Outside Pub, Goes in for a Beer

Thirsty Aussie drives wingless plane through town

(Newser) - Buying a plane must be thirsty work: Police in Newman, Western Australia, say a man who had just purchased a two-seater Beechcraft decided to drive it home and stop for a beer at a pub on the main street on the way. A resident says he was astounded to see... More »

Corpses Being Dug Up, Sold in China

2 government officials allegedly purchased some in order to meet cremation quota

(Newser) - Two officials in southern China offered up a pretty bizarre explanation after being arrested for allegedly purchasing dug-up corpses, according to local media: They needed to meet their cremation quotas. The official Xinhua news agency reports that the case had its beginnings in June, when a resident of Beiliu City... More »

5 Craziest Crimes of the Week

Including a burglary suspect who forgot to flush

(Newser) - It's Halloween week, so it makes sense that criminals in costumes factor into the weirdest crime stories of the week:
  • Things Go Wrong After Halloween Parties : A 26-year-old woman dressed as a zombie in Gates, NY, got charged with DWI about 2am Saturday after driving without her headlights on.
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Paraglider Charged With Harassing Owl

Former TV pitchman in Utah allegedly kicked one

(Newser) - A paraglider accused of chasing and kicking a barn owl is looking at possible jail time and six-figure fines as a result, reports the Salt Lake Tribune . The accused, Dell Schanze, was allegedly featured in a since-deleted YouTube video showing off his owl-harassing ways. Federal wildlife officials weren't amused,... More »

Jewel Thief Busted by Empty Coke Can: Cops

Police say suspect Ramon Herrera also didn't flush before leaving NM crime scene

(Newser) - A burglary suspect might have gotten away with it if he had just waited until he left the crime scene to quench his thirst. Instead, police say suspect Ramon Herrera helped himself to a can of Coke from the refrigerator of the Albuquerque, NM, home he allegedly broke into and... More »

Zombie Woman Charged With DWI Twice in 3 Hours

Hello Kitty also had a rough night

(Newser) - Time for that annual rite of fall: People arrested in costume after apparently having a little too much fun at the Halloween party. Two early entrants:
  • Zombie: A 26-year-old woman dressed as a zombie in Gates, NY, got charged with DWI about 2am Saturday after driving without her headlights on,
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Suspect in Chinese-Food Theft: Yellow Teletubby

Guy in Laa-Laa costume broke into friend's house: police

(Newser) - When a Teletubby gets hungry, there's no telling what it will do. In this case, Laa-Laa—the yellow one—allegedly broke into a friend's house at 2am Sunday and stole leftover Chinese food. The man dressed as the character had apparently been at a Halloween party, the Smoking... More »

Cops: We Busted Crook. Her Name Is 'Crook'

Josephine Crook charged with stealing ladies' undies from Kohl's

(Newser) - Much like a guy named "John Pirate" probably shouldn't try to make a living terrorizing the high seas, someone with the surname "Crook" raises eyebrows when they turn to a life of crime. California cops say they arrested one Josephine Crook on Friday on suspicion of commercial... More »

5 Craziest Crimes of the Week

Including what not to text your probation officer

(Newser) - An ill-fated attempt to bust into an ex-boyfriend's home and a drunk driver lost in the worst possible place are among the weirdest crime stories of the week:
  • Some Ways Are Easier Than Others to Visit Your Ex : A tip for would-be home invaders: You might consider attempting to
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What Not to Text Your Probation Officer

'You have some weed?'

(Newser) - A guy in Albany, Ga., texted his probation officer by mistake asking, "You have any weed?" The probation officer then showed up at the errant texter's house with drug agents who found a bag of cocaine, reports WALB . And that's why Alvin Cross is not only going... More »

500-Pound Suspect Can't Fit Inside Police Car

Florida cops say he sat down to resist arrest

(Newser) - Today's this-must-be-Florida entry from the crime blotter comes from the city of Deltona, where police say a 500-pound man resisted arrest simply by sitting down and challenging deputies to move him, reports WKMG . They did manage to get 45-year-old Howard Hendrix out of the house, but then ran into... More »

Man Faked Quadriplegia in Effort to Duck Court

Alan Knight admitting to stealing $65K from neighbor

(Newser) - Some people work so hard to not have to work: Such is the case of Alan Knight, a 47-year-old Welsh man who conned $65,000 out of his neighbor, an 85-year-old pensioner with dementia. He then went to great lengths to avoid prosecution—claiming to be a quadriplegic and even... More »

Woman's Entire Cabin Gets Stolen

She was building it in the Yukon

(Newser) - It's not too often that your house isn't where you left it. But that was the case for Josie-Anne Pilotte, who spent three weeks building a cabin in the Yukon. Earlier this month, Pilotte headed to the building site to transfer the 200-square-foot cabin to her friends' property,... More »

Drunk Driver Thought This Jail Was a Bar

Cops are now holding her in that very jail

(Newser) - A woman in Van Buren County, Mich., didn't have far to go after she was arrested for drunk driving. The 39-year-old is being held in the very jail whose parking lot she pulled into early yesterday, Michigan Live reports; she told police she thought the lot belonged to a... More »

Cops: Woman Tries to Break Into Ex's House, Gets Stuck

Firefighters rescue Genoveva Nunez-Figueroa from chimney

(Newser) - Here's a tip for would-be home invaders: You might want to consider attempting to break in via a window or a door ... instead of, say, the chimney. Authorities say that's the route Genoveva Nunez-Figueroa decided to take early yesterday in Thousand Oaks, Calif., and things went very wrong,... More »

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