John Wiley Price's Meeting with U.S. Attorneys Postponed

Categories: Schutze

JusticeforJohnWileyPrice Handout.jpg

The big show-and-tell meeting between the U.S. Attorney's Office and Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price, scheduled for today, has been postponed, according to reliable sources. We have a call in to Price's attorney, Billy Ravkind, for word on why.

Ravkind had predicted previously that the feds would show Price the best evidence against him they have gathered in a three-year criminal probe, that they would offer him a deal and that Price would refuse the offer. Apparently things didn't get even that far.


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I never liked JWP since I came back down here in the late 80's. Why blacks use the idiotic word 'constituent' ceases to amaze me. It pretty much makes me wanna puke. JWP is a pure arrogant racist, always whipping out the race card when in trouble. The problem with Dallas is...a history of too many minorities in office. A very close second to Atlanta, Ga, and that says a lot. It pretty much sums up the IQ of minorities as compared to the whiteys in office. S**t hits the fan when one continuously fulfills one's bank account on the taxpayers' dollar. JWP deserves to serve a minimum of 50 years in the federal pen for all of his wrongdoings. And for all of you democratic (of course) black racist bastards who support JWP, go f*** yourselves.


To everyone on here that want to see JWP get locked up and thrown in jail before his day in court (if there is one), I feel sorry for all of you. You don't know the facts but you are willing to listen to the media put their spin on it. 

The white man have used this man to get what they want through out his entire 30 plus years downtown. I am amazed at how quick the white people that do the same thing want to see JWP fall.

Watch how it plays out, he will get an all white jury,,,,, and that will be how they get him. If they get him that way........... It's really funny and sad......

Well at least wait to see how they f him around... I hope he gets off then all of you secret in the closet racists can here the famous words from JWP......

ALL YOU WHITE PEOPLE----- GO TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



When are we going to get an update on JWP?  I've been waiting with baited breath!  Hasn't "the meeting" taken place by now?


This JWP dude, is the weirdest politician I have ever seen!.... He talks a lot of shit to the small people, you got dum as voters  in Dallas county that think he is the man downtown, Yep ...he is going to be the man downtown, in a downtown court house ,that the feds are going to take down! I have heard and seen this jack off, tell white people to go to hell, and you still got white people  that like him!... Every time a election come around, you got these white elected officials that go to him for his endorsement ...Now why would you ask someone  to help you when they don't even like your race!  He is not the only one that's going down RW, EBJ they are next! Let's see what show JWP put on this time for Dallas County! JWP our Black Clown Downtown!  


So is JWP going to bet the farm on jury nullification?  Is the government worried enough about jury nullification to give JWP a sweet heart deal to avoid a trial?


At the conclusion of an investigation after all the ducks are lined up,  i's dotted, t's crossed and prior to indictment, it's standard operating procedure for the US Attorney's Office to send a "Target Letter" and have a "Target Meeting" with the defendant and his attorney for the purpose of trying to impress upon on the target that he is in really deep $#it and giving him the chance to cooperate and take a plea.

Cooperation and a plea deal's only work when the defendant is somewhat rational and has enough sense to take an opportunity to cut the losses........that aint gonna happen with JWP, he'll play every last race card in the deck, call on his low information supporters to riot, pillage, and burn their own neighborhoods, and go down in a blaze of victim mentality glory kicking and screaming like a bitch when they finally drag his sorry hide out of the courtroom after the guilty verdict.


As long as this ensnares perot, jr, ac Gonzalez, royce west, ragsdale, davis, atkins, hill; and releases the Davenports.


He shoulda been indicted for the Fit at 50 calendar. That was a crime against humanity.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

I thought we were finally going to know where the satellite communications vans we bought from Waywize are being hidden.  How can we have solar powered water taxis without satellite comms to direct them?

holmantx topcommenter

Well shoot.

I was hoping to hear a little Swahili from Price as he came stumbling out of that meeting.


Everyone is looking at the fellow who might have been selling influence and favors . And not giving so much as a second thought as to who was buying what might have been sold .


Is it any coincidence that Royce West decided join Clay Jenkins on his trip to McAllen in order to place himself close to the US/Mexico border in case today's meeting went south?


KRLD predicted this this morning about 8:30


Saving the fireworks for the 4th?

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

Maybe whitey found out that he can't put his boot on the black man's neck?

I have a feeling that a plea agreement is in the works.


I always thought the purpose of this meeting was allow JWP to go out the back door of the US Attorney's office in cuffs.  Therefore, avoiding a perp walk.

Have it your way JWP.  However, maybe he wants to do the walk and be a martyr.  Now Ravkind can have more control of the schedule to make sure the camera are there and JWP can declare the whole thing is based on racism.


We can speculate endlessly, but I wonder if given JWP's lawyer's adamant pre-emption of a deal, the Justice Dept. is lining up even more evidence.

Either that, or I wonder if JWP has asked for a few meetings with others, himself, that will start with his question: "If I don't deliver you to Justice, are you prepared to pay and do these things?"

everlastingphelps topcommenter

In response your presentation, Mr. US Attorney, I would like to sing for you the song of my people:





Thank you.


On WFAA website, he states that there was too much publicity about the meeting.  We found out that there was a meeting from him.  He created the publicity.  I think he is just as bat shit as JWP.  Maybe more.


Postponing the inevitable, might as well get on with it! 



Wow, I totally forgot all about that debacle.  Too bad Maureen Dickey isn't on the board anymore to needle him. We may never know what happened to those vans.


@RTGolden1 I can't believe we still don't know that.  He punched one reporter in the throat, and they all just backed off.


@oakclifftownie  Speaking for myself, I am interested in both of those things.  However, getting JWP to trial is necessary to find out who those other people are. We do have a good idea who the players are from the FBI affidavit 3 years ago.


@ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul The sad thing is that blackie is also not putting a boot on THIS (JWP) black man's neck! He is hurting the entire black community far more than he ever helped it, but they appear to be too stupid to realize it.



Check Schutze's linked story from 6/27 -- the purpose of this meeting was apparently shock-n-awe, and asking "Who are you going to deliver for us?" Based on those answers, I think that's when JWP got a chance to avoid the perp walk, maybe even pick a country club in which to serve time.


Or a third wonder: perhaps someones in Austin office are trying to quiet the noise for now. I don't think any local politicians/power brokers have that clout, especially since they may be targets themselves.


@everlastingphelps It is infrequent that I agree with you, but in this case I think you are correct! That will surely be JWP's aria.


@Rumpunch1  Mr. Ravkind does not seem to be much of lawyer.  Why tell everyone Mr. Price won't deal.  You stay quiet and listen.  Now the Feds can say screw it.  If he and his client do not want to hear the case, they can wait until we appear in court and they can then see our evidence and witness lists.  Many of his comments seem irrational, not a good combination with a client who natural inclinations are many times not the wisest.


@secretburrito @RTGolden1

If they're stashed in a warehouse somewhere (and I wonder how much the county is paying some insider for simple storage), they're probably overdue for both vehicle maintenance and credentialing, as well as software updates for the comms gear.

If they've been sold, it would have to be to another municipality of some sort, so there would be a paper trail, I think.


@wcvemail @Rumpunch1 If you truly believe there is any such thing as a "country club prison", then you are woefully (and probably willfully) ignorant.


@wcvemail @Rumpunch1  I think we are saying the same thing.  Regardless, handcuffs are in his very near future.  The only remaining question is when?  I honestly suspect he will be watching fireworks through bars.


@MikeWestEast @Rumpunch1  I have thought the same many times.  JWP is probably just trying to build an ineffective defense case once he is convicted. 

My other thought is, we have heard that JWP has not been very good about paying his legal bills as a result of the seizure of some of his funds.  Maybe this his how Ravkind pushes his clients to pay.  "Every week your account is past due, I will say some stupid shit"


@oakclifftownie @Rumpunch1  I think Don Hill has a lot to do with it.  In fact, due to the detail in the FBI report, he might be the source of the information.  Those walls are starting close in. 


@scottie1620 @wcvemail @Rumpunch1

Yes, of course, Scottie (or should I call you "peckerwood"?) It's a figure of speech, especially since the only such facility closed several years ago at Eglin AFB. That short/medium-term penal facility, with recreation including tennis courts, housed some politicians, foreign spies waiting to be traded for U.S. prisoners, mafiosi expected to be turned as witnesses, etc.

Although no prosecutor can guarantee where time will be served in the federal prison system, some plea bargains do include recommendations for incarceration at facilities nearer convicts' families, with specialized medical care, or other considerations.

It's interesting and telling that of all the issues at play in this story and the comments, you would contend with that phrase to the point of parenthetical rebuke.


@Rumpunch1 @wcvemail

Oooh, what's that I smell?! I smell...a bet! Yep, I'll bet you a virtual ten-spot that they go to trial, and I'll add another virtual ten that the trial won't be scheduled until summer 2015 (at least.)

I'm basing that on JWP's adamance (at least, as expressed through his attorney), and the opportunity for several "Help John" fundraisers.

Are you virtually in? Bragging rights on Unfair Park are the real pay-off. (Yes, I may need a life.)


@Rumpunch1  I think you can get disbarred for that kind of bargaining.  Even the Lincoln lawyer did not try that path in bargaining with the bikers.


@wcvemail @Rumpunch1  Since I agree with you, I don't see anything to bet.  I think he will probably never plea, because that will admit that whitey was right.  Therefore, a trial is almost guaranteed.  Ravkind's financial future is counting on it.


@MikeWestEast @Rumpunch1  I agree.  I would think that the legal community is currently taking a close look at Ravkind's actions/words right now.  We can all agree it is very weird, the speculation is why he is doing it.


(horse whinnies as it's beaten beyond death) I guess you meant that he will be arrested and taken into pre-trial custody in the "very near future"? If that's your contention, I agree that's a real possibility, to get his attention.


@Rumpunch1 @MikeWestEast  I recall the motions regarding the Feds trying to seize Mr. Price's funds.  He prevented outright seizure, but the judge let Feds put funds in escrow for disposition AFTER the trial.  Mr. Ravkind claimed a big victory.  C'mon man!


@wcvemail  Yes, that was my intent.  He should refrain from buying any green bananas this afternoon.

Also, due to his history of hiding money as outlined in the affidavit, I think that if he even gets bail, it will be very high.

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