No Dirty Gold

No Dirty Gold logoThe No Dirty Gold campaign aims to change the way gold is mined, bought and sold.The way it happens now, drinking water is contaminated, traditional livelihoods are destroyed, and indigenous communities are displaced.

Consumer awareness of dirty gold

Although government reform has its place in this fight, the No Dirty Gold campaign works to change metal mining practices for the better by targeting the consumers of gold.

Jewelry retailers and the Golden Rules

Costo sign on building
Only two of the top 10 U.S. jewelry retailers
haven't signed the Golden Rules. Costco is one.

Annual jewelry manufacturing demand represents the equivalent of 80 percent of newly mined gold. Which means that mining companies are very interested in what jewelers want.

That's where No Dirty Gold's Golden Rules of responsible sourcing come in: a call by signatory jewelry retailers on mining companies to meet basic environmental and human rights standards in their operations.

As of 2011, more than 80 jewelers have signed the Golden Rules, representing a quarter of the U.S. jewelry market.

Sign the No Dirty Gold pledge The No Dirty Gold consumer pledge

Jewelers are willing to sign the Golden Rules because they know jewelry is a luxury item. It's purpose is to please.

And for most people, jewelery can't do that if a potential buyer knows it exists at the expense of a community's health, clean water or environment.

That's why we ask people to sign the No Dirty Gold pledge -- at more than 100,000 signers and counting -- it reminds jewelers that gold consumers do care about dirty gold.

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@noahbrenner @Patrick_Madden I realize that's a joke, but #oilandgas industry PR so framed in false choices that it's not funny. #fracking
"If #Denton in the heart of the #oilandgas industry can't live with #fracking, then who can?" | @ldattaro @vicenews

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