
The San Antonio riverwalk uses treated waste water to keep things flowing. In this photo, torchbearer Frederico Ng carries the Olympic Flame along the Riverwalk during the 2002 Salt Lake Olympic Torch Relay in San Antonio, Texas.

All About The San Antonio Water System (SAWS)


The San Antonio Water System (SAWS) is a public utility owned by the City of San Antonio. SAWS was created in 1992 through the consolidation of the City Water Board, City Wastewater Department, and Alamo Water Conservation and Reuse District.

The San Antonio Water System now serves over 1.6 million people and has spear-headed water conservation efforts in the region to offset the sixty-seven percent increase in population growth. As a result, San Antonio has witnessed a forty-two percent reduction in per-capita water usage.

In addition to its conservation programs, SAWS has expanded its water resource portfolio by pursuing water recycling, water storage services, and brackish water desalination.

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