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Why the Texas Grid May Need a Coal Plant to Keep Running This Winter

A coal plant may have to stay running this winter.

Update: On October 30, ERCOT announced that they will not need to keep the coal power units running this winter for transmission and system reliability.  After a coal power plant said they’ll be shutting down some of their units over the winter, the group behind the Texas grid announced last week that it may pay [...]

Reax Roundup: Texas Crows Over Victory on EPA Air Pollution Rule

A coal power plant in Fayette, Texas.

Earlier today, a federal appeals court overturned a new EPA rule, the Cross State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR), that would have affected coal power plants in several states, including Texas. The rule was defended in a suit from the American Lung Association, several cities and states, and several environmental groups, including the Environmental Defense Fund, [...]

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