Is There Room for Agreement on the Merits and Limits of Efficient Lighting

A schoolboy in Zambia's Chadiza district  does his homework with the help of a solar lantern that can provide up to eight hours of light on a single day's charge. Crowdfunding helped finance a project to distribute lights to people living off the grid there.Credit SunnyMoney

There was quite a bit of pushback after The Times ran “The Problem with Energy Efficiency,” an Op-Ed article by Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger arguing that LED lighting, while deservedly resulting in a Nobel Prize for inventors of the underlying technology, was not an energy panacea.

Below I’m posting some more criticism, from four researchers focused on energy innovation and climate policy: Inês Azevedo, an associate professor and public policy analyst at Carnegie Mellon University, Kenneth Gillingham, an economist at Yale, David Rapson, an economist at the University of California, Davis, and Gernot Wagner, lead senior economist at the Environmental Defense Fund.

[Inserts | Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger have replied to the critique from Azevedo and colleagues. | Steve Sorrell, the co-director of the Sussex Energy Group at the University of Sussex, offered some support for the prime point made by Shellenberger and Nordhaus here: "Will improved energy efficiency lead to increased energy consumption in the developing world? Quite possibly".]

My goal is to find “room for agreement” on ways to make sure the world gets the most value out of this kind of bright idea with the fewest regrets.

One issue, for me, is that an environment-focused debate centered on kilowatt-hours and greenhouse gas emissions misses the priceless societal value of wider access to cleaner, brighter lighting. My favorite part of the “sustainable energy for all” speech given periodically by United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is his recollection of his youth studying by lamp or candle light:

I studied at night by a dim and smoky oil lamp.

 Only when I prepared for examinations was I allowed to use a candle. Candles were considered too expensive to use for ordinary homework.

Imagine how many future leaders now have their books illuminated by LED lights.

Clarifying how much energy “rebound” (expanded energy demand) results from access to more efficient technologies is important, of course. David Owen, the New Yorker writer, dug in on this helpfully in “The Conundrum.” I see the Breakthrough Institute, founded by Shellenberger and Nordhaus after they wrote “The Death of Environmentalism,” as a helpful prod to conventional wisdom on many issues related to technology and the environment. But like many players in this fraught arena, they sometimes frame their positions in ways that create more heat than light (sorry).

I’d be surprised if Azevedo, Gillingham, Rapson and Wagner completely disagreed with what I see as the most important point in the Op-Ed, which is that the world will need more clean energy in coming decades with or without more efficiency:

Most people in the world, still struggling to achieve modern living standards, need to consume more energy, not less. Cheap LED and other more efficient energy technologies will be overwhelmingly positive for people and economies all over the world.

But LED and other ultraefficient lighting technologies are unlikely to reduce global energy consumption or reduce carbon emissions. If we are to make a serious dent in carbon emissions, there is no escaping the need to shift to cleaner sources of energy.

Read on for their fresh critique or click here for the piece as a downloadable pdf file with a graphic and references. I encourage the authors and Shellenberger and Nordhaus to engage with each other and circle back with a set of points of agreement.

Is energy efficiency a good thing even with rebound?

By Inês Azevedo, Kenneth Gillingham, David Rapson, and Gernot Wagner

Lighting is critical to our livelihoods. Humans have used lighting technology since long before industrialization. For many centuries, this lighting was extremely inefficient, with over 95% of the energy consumed wasted as heat. Recently, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura for their remarkable contributions towards highly efficient light emitting diode (LED) technology. A day later, Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus reignited a long standing debate with an Op-Ed in The New York Times claiming that these developments are not likely to save energy and instead may backfire. (The Times has since corrected a crucial point of the article, and it has published three letters to the editor, including one by a subset of co-authors here.)

As evidence for these claims, Shellenberger and Nordhaus cite research that observes the vast improvements in the efficiency of lighting over the past two centuries having resulted in “more and more of the planet [being] dotted with clusters of lights.” They take this as evidence of how newer and ever more efficient lighting technologies have led to demand increases and, thus, have “led to more overall energy consumption.” Further, they refer to “recent estimates and case studies” that suggest “energy-saving technologies may backfire, meaning that increased energy consumption associated with lower energy costs because of higher efficiency may in fact result in higher energy consumption than there would have been without those technologies.”

First off, yes, it is likely that many efficiency improvements are associated with some rebound effect. It’s been with us forever, and it’s been known for over a century. More efficient lighting leads to people using more light. Key here is “leads to.” Causality matters. More on that in a minute.

For now, a quick look at the actual technology in question. It turns out the technology developments for LED lighting are, in fact, much greater than previous advances in lighting. Figure 1 [see the pdf] shows the dramatic pace of technology change in LED efficacy. The Nobel Prize was well-deserved: LEDs provide a major energy-saving innovation.

But what about the claim that this efficiency improvement will only lead to more energy use? This claim is simply not justified. Noting that lighting dots the globe at night today when it did not in the 19th century may be confounding correlation with causation. The world is also much wealthier today and the service provided by light from electricity is very different than candlelight. Perhaps earlier lighting would have dotted the globe at night in 1850 too had we been as wealthy as today and had consistent lighting. We cannot say without looking at the evidence.

The evidence we have is quite clear. Shellenberger and Nordhaus say “The I.E.A. and I.P.C.C. estimate that the rebound could be over 50 percent globally,” and they then proceed to talk about “backfire,” a rebound effect of over 100 percent. That’s quite a jump from 50 to 100. What’s missing here is that most studies, including the IEA’s and their own(!), take 60% as an upper bound. The IPCC summarizes the evidence as thus:

“A comprehensive review of 500 studies suggests that direct rebounds are likely to be over 10% and could be considerably higher (i.e., 10% less savings than the projected saving from engineering principles). Other reviews have shown larger ranges with Thomas and Azevedo (Thomas and Azevedo, 2013) suggesting between 0 and 60%. For household‐efficiency measures, the majority of studies show rebounds in developed countries in the region of 20-45% (the sum of direct and indirect rebound effects), meaning that efficiency measures achieve 65-80% of their original purposes.”

We have each performed our own detailed surveys of the literature (Azevedo 2014; Thomas & Azevedo, 2013; Gillingham et al. 2013; Gillingham et al. 2014) and largely agree with these statements from the I.P.C.C. The bottom-line: the evidence for a “backfire” is weak. The rebound effect is clearly there, but first it’s generally relatively small—especially in developed countries. Perhaps most importantly, where it does exist—and it does—it’s good.

Energy inefficiency can’t be good. That doesn’t yet mean that efficiency alone is sufficient. Every economist worth his or her degree would conclude that we need a price on carbon or a similar instrument. Bonus fact: there’s no direct rebound effect with pricing mechanisms.

As the Nobel Committee notes in its press release: “The LED lamp holds great promise for increasing the quality of life for over 1.5 billion people around the world who lack access to electricity grids.” In short, and as two of us say in a shorter letter to the editor, LEDs alone clearly won’t solve global warming, nor will they solve global poverty. But they are a step in the right direction for both. Thank you, Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano, and Shuji Nakamura, and to the Nobel Committee for recognizing their work.

Click these links for more on the Breakthrough view and that of three of these authors — Gillingham, Rapson and Wagner.

Addendum, 1:10 p.m. | A concluding line from Steve Sorrell’s post (cited above) is worth including here:

[I]t seems reasonable to conclude that rebound effects within most sectors of the industrializing world will be significantly larger than those currently seen within developed countries. Since this fact continues to escape the attention of most analysts and policymakers, it also seems reasonable to conclude that meeting global climate targets could be considerably more difficult than we currently assume.

For analysts, there is an urgent need to move away from the ‘well-lit areas’ and to gain a better understanding of where and why rebound effects could be large. For policymakers and energy-efficiency advocates, there is an urgent need to face up to the challenge of rebound effects, and to stop denying or downplaying their importance. This could be an uncomfortable journey for many, as it has been for me. But it has to be pursued.