Sociology Quote of the Week: If Wealth Was The Inevitable Result Of Hard Work And Enterprise Every Woman In Africa Would Be A Millionaire. - George Monbiot. (Source. Full quote posted on my Tumblr)

Sociology for Women

I had always planned to use this website to collate my various writing and social media, to have them all in one place. I’ll now bring  you a weekly update on my current writing as well as a look at past posts from my different blogs and communities. I’ll organise the articles based on themes. This week is…

Figure 1: Visual representation of the conceptual framework: Violence as the outcome of social structure

The Currency of Violence: Applying Sociological Knowledge to the Modelling of Political Violence

Co-authored: Z. Zevallos and N. Kontoleon This article was first published in 2008 as part of the refereed proceedings of The Australian Sociological Association Conference. Abstract This paper explores the process of how sociological knowledge can be usefully applied in the development of a mathematical model of social phenomena. Specifically, it explores issues of translating sociological theory…

Photo by tv. Via Flickr. CC

The Lofty Symbolism Of The Philosopher’s Stone: Working Outside Academia As A Sociologist Of Migration, Ethnicity And Multiculturalism

This article was first published in 2007 by Nexus. It makes reference to a previous job to which I am no longer affiliated.* Postgraduates are often reminded that ‘Nobody ever reads your PhD, except for your examiners’. My PhD examined the identities of second-generation migrant-Australian women living in Melbourne. I chose to investigate this area…

Visual Sociology - “Translating” Sociology into Visual Outputs.

Sociology as “Other” Representing Sociological Knowledge within a National Security Context

This paper was first published in 2007 as part of the refereed proceedings of The Australian Sociological Association Conference. It reflects experiences from a previous job to which I am no longer affiliated. Abstract This paper evolves from my experiences of working within an applied defence and national security research environment and the gradual, often challenging…

Emile Durkheim

What Would Durkheim Say? Altruistic Suicide in Analyses of Suicide Terrorism

This article was first published in 2006 by The Australian Sociological Association.   ABSTRACT To highlight some of the methodological limitations, this paper presents a critical analysis of empirical studies on suicide terrorism which apply Durkheim’s typology of altruistic suicide. The paper will then sketch an onging study of suicide terrorism that aims to go beyond…

Photo by DIAC Images on Flickr. CC.

“Because We Live in a Multicultural World”: Multiculturalism as a Lived Ideology

This article was first published in 2006 as part of the Everyday Multiculturalism Conference Proceedings.  Introduction This paper argues that Australian multiculturalism represents an ideology that migrants can draw upon in order to make sense of their everyday social experiences, their identities and their relationship to the nation.  Ideology is a widely contested concept and it…

Multiculttural Crowd at the Johnston Street Fiesta 2013

“It’s Like We’re Their Culture”: Second-Generation Migrant Women Discuss Australian Culture

This article was first published in 2005 by People and Place. Abstract Young women of Latin and Turkish origin living in Melbourne find it hard to see any Australian culture. Some see a vacuum; others see a bland milieu populated with ‘average-looking’ people. In contrast, they feel that their own migrant cultures are strong. They ‘get through more’.…

Photo: Zuleyka Zevallos

“Todos Somos Latinos”: Ethnic Identity Constructions of Second Generation Latin-Australian Women

This paper was first published in 2005 by the Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research. Abstract The concept of a ‘pan-ethnic’ Latin identity is theoretically problematic, but its social significance is worthy of empirical attention. This paper presents a sociological analysis of the social construction of a pan-ethnic Latin identity using data from qualitative…

Multicultural faces (4)

Where Are “Wogs” From? Exploring Subjective Understandings of Racism

This article was first published in 2004 as part of the refereed proceedings of The Australian Sociological Association Conference. Abstract   This paper examines subjective understandings of racism expressed by fifty second generation migrant-Australian women. Twenty-five participants came from Turkish backgrounds and 25 participants came from Latin American backgrounds.  The paper focuses on three examples of everyday…