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Texas A&M University
Room 1210F, O&M Bldg
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
MS 3150
College Station, Texas 77843
Link to ResearcherID Profile

Dr. John Nielsen-Gammon

Regents Professor and Texas State Climatologist

Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1990

S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1987

S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1984

Research Interests

Dr. Nielsen-Gammon’s weather-related work involves jet streams, extreme rainfall events, and land and sea breezes.  His air quality research includes field forecasting support, numerical simulation, and diagnostic analysis of ozone events in Houston and Dallas for the Texas Air Quality Studies in 2000 and 2005-6.  Dr. Nielsen-Gammon has also worked on drought monitoring and forecasting, air pollution climatology, and improvements to the climate data record.  He teaches courses in weather analysis, weather forecasting, climatology, and atmospheric dynamics.

Dr. Nielsen-Gammon received a Presidential Faculty Fellow award (now known as PECASE) from the National Science Foundation and the White House in 1996, a Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching at Texas A&M University from the Association of Former Students in 1996, and was named a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) in 2011.  He is Past President of the International Commission for Dynamical Meteorology and is past chair of the AMS Board on Higher Education.

Selected Publications

College of Geosciences Atmospheric Science Geography Oceanography Geology & Geophysics Environmental Programs Water Degree Program GERG IODP Texas Sea Grant