
Thursday 06 November 2014

Stephen Fry quits Twitter as it is 'unsafe' for him to tweet

Actor posts cryptic farewell message to more than 7.8million Twitter followers, explaining why he will not post updates for month

Stephen Fry was voted number one in the RNIB's Bedtime Story Voice poll
Stephen Fry has more than 7.8million followers on Twitter 

Stephen Fry, the actor and TV presenter who is one of Britain's most popular Twitter users, has quit the social network because it is "unsafe" for him to tweet.

He posted a cryptic farewell message to his more than 7.8million followers, explaining why he will not be posting updates for a month.

The 57-year-old, who hosts the popular quiz show QI on BBC1, said he is filming "in a place whence I've been advised it is safest not to tweet".

Fry's tweet sparked speculation from some fans that he is filming for Star Wars Episode VII, which is scheduled for release on December 18.

Another Twitter user said: "You're either filming in Parliament or a football club dressing room then. Good luck, see you in December."

Fry has built a huge following on Twitter, despite having previously “retired” from tweeting - only to come back again with a vengeance.

His previous tweet on Wednesday night praised author Mari Hannah, who has been shortlisted for an award for her series of books about detective Kate Daniels.

Fry, who revealed in his new book in September that he once took cocaine at Buckingham Palace at the height of his addiction, left Twitter hours later.

Fry famously threatened to quit the social network in 2009 because he thought there was "too much aggression and unkindness around".

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