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Today's Focus:

Crude Oil

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Trending Topics for November 7

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Thursday, November 6, 2014 - 20:00

Crude prices have been at three-year lows this week as the world appears to be awash with supplies. With OPEC apparently not willing to defend higher prices by reducing their output, attention has turned to the likely impact on U.S. shale production of a lower price regime. Today we explore why shale production is unlikely to slow down rapidly and may even increase as producers move rigs to plays with higher returns.

RBN Consulting Services

We are a fundamentals analytics company that provides consulting and advisory services to the energy industry.  We focus on the markets for natural gas, natural gas liquids and crude oil.   Most of our consulting work deals with acquisitions/divestitures and strategy development.

RBN Energy Consulting ServicesOver the past year, RBN Energy has prepared and delivered a broad range of consulting engagements working primarily with companies engaged in trading, marketing or purchasing of energy commodities and the purchase/sale of energy related assets.

Descriptions of a relevant set from our more recent engagements can be found here.