Sign the Keystone XL Pledge of Resistance

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signed the pledge

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"I pledge, if necessary, to join others in my community, and engage in acts of dignified, peaceful civil disobedience that could result in my arrest in order to send the message to President Obama and his administration that they must reject the Keystone XL pipeline."

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    Sign the Keystone XL Pledge of Resistance - EXTERNAL SITE

    UPDATE: President Obama’s final decision on the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline could come at any time after the first week in May, when the State Department is expected to conclude its National Interest Determination recommendation to the President.

    As the president prepares to make his final decision, urge him to reject Keystone XL by signing the Pledge of Resistance. Now is the time to show that you are prepared to stand with tens of thousands of others in a massive wave of peaceful and dignified civil disobedience if the State Department recommends approval.

    President Obama has pledged strong action that we need on climate. The pipeline clearly fails the climate test he set. But the fossil fuel industry and oil-state politicians are pushing President Obama hard for approval. Keystone XL is the president’s test for his resolve on climate - but he won’t reject it without our pressure.

    Over the past year, more than 95,000 people have signed the pledge, and we’ve trained more than 450 local Pledge of Resistance leaders to deploy these tens of thousands of people in peaceful, dignified civil disobedience if necessary. Read the original call to action below, and sign the pledge to let the President know you’re standing with us, and against Keystone XL.

    Original call to action: March 6, 2013:

    The State Department's release of its Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement in March was one of those days that remind us of just how steep a hill to climb this fight against climate change is.

    Even with a president who recently professed a lofty goal of getting all cars off of oil, even with one of our stronger climate hawk senators as the new secretary of state, the State Department still released a joke of an environmental assessment of the Keystone XL pipeline, taking us one big step closer to approval of this project that should be a no-brainer of a rejection.1

    Obliviously ignoring the consensus among oil executives, bankers, and environmentalists, who all agree that Keystone XL is central to speeding the extraction of tar sands,2 the State Department found the project is "unlikely to have a significant impact" on tar sands development. This is coward's logic.

    This assessment was a vehicle for the White House to test the waters and see if the public will stand by, and buy this false and cynical argument that the tar sands will just get burned anyway. That while NASA's chief climate scientist's assertion that Keystone XL will spell 'game over' for the climate may be true,3 it is essentially irrelevant. That we should let the bankers and the oil companies profit while the planet inevitably burns.

    Well, we won't. And so, that day reminded us of something else, too: Those two weeks in August of 2011, when the peaceful and dignified arrest of 1,253 people over two weeks at President Obama's front door effectively stopped what was considered a virtually guaranteed presidential approval of Keystone XL.

    There is still time to convince President Obama to change his mind and reject Keystone XL. But with the president ignoring every possible sign Mother Nature can send, it is once again incumbent upon us to send a message he can't ignore.

    That's why CREDO is joining with Bold Nebraska, The Other 98%, Hip Hop Caucus, Rainforest Action Network, and Oil Change International to launch the Keystone XL Pledge of Resistance.

    It is time for us to pledge to resist. That is, we are asking you to commit - should it be necessary to stop Keystone XL -- to engage in serious, dignified, peaceful civil disobedience that could get you arrested.

    Will you join us in pledging resistance to the Keystone XL pipeline, including - if necessary - pledging to participate in peaceful, dignified civil disobedience?

    If tens of thousands of people stand up as President Obama mulls his final decision, and commit to participate in civil disobedience if necessary, we can convince the White House that it will be politically unfeasible to go forward. That is, our goal is not to get arrested. Our goal is to stop the Keystone XL pipeline -- by showing enough opposition to Keystone XL that President Obama will reject it. But if he shows clear signs he that he is preparing to approve it, we will be ready.

    It goes without saying, this isn't a usual ask. It is not for everyone. So we want you to carefully consider if this is something you can commit to be a part of.

    Here's exactly what we have in mind: The State Department is now considering the more than one million comments on its sham assessment opposing Keystone XL - including a very critical comment from the EPA. While we wait for the Administration to finalize its environmental assessment we will petition, rally, make phone calls, and comment through official channels. But that may not be enough.

    The release of the final SEIS will start a 90 day National Interest Determination, which we expect to finish sometime in the fall. That is the moment of truth. If the Obama administration issues a Draft National Interest Determination finding that Keystone XL is in our national interest, that will trigger action on our pledge to resist.

    So we are asking you to pledge, if necessary after the release of the draft National Interest Determination, to join with others in your community and risk arrest in acts of dignified, peaceful civil disobedience, all over the country.

    Will you join us in pledging resistance to the Keystone XL pipeline, including - if necessary - pledging to participate in peaceful, dignified civil disobedience?

    Most events will be outside Washington, D.C., because this decision will affect all of us, where we live. So we want to see the beautiful sight of actions across the nation -- including a wide variety of symbolic targets like State Department offices, TransCanada corporate lobbies, Obama Organizing for Action meetings, banks that are financing tar sands oil development, areas ravaged by Superstorm Sandy, and along the pipeline route. Some brave souls have started this work already. We need to support their efforts and make them much, much bigger.

    You can pledge to participate or you can pledge to help organize an action in your community. We'll need tons of volunteers. And soon, we'll announce organizer trainings so local leaders and activists who want to can get the tools they need to organize an action near them.

    You shouldn't make this pledge lightly. We certainly don't ask lightly. We ask in the belief that there are tens of thousands of people out there who feel as strongly about this as we do; who believe that these circumstances call for extraordinary action, and want to be part of that action in their community. And we ask with the faith that those who commit to participate and organize actions will participate only in the most dignified manner. After all, we are the conservatives, standing up for a safe and secure future for our families. It is those we protest, those who profit from radically altering the chemical composition of our atmosphere -- and the prospects for survival of humanity - that are the radicals.

    But what is more frightening than asking you to join us in committing to acts of civil disobedience across the nation, is the prospect of coming up short in the fight against Keystone XL.

    Our time is short to convince President Obama to change his mind. We do not know how many people's pledges, and how many pledged actions, it will take to convince President Obama to resist the big money, dirty energy, inside-the-beltway pressure and take a stand to protect our nation from the greatest threat of all.

    So we need you. Literally, you might tip the balance.

    We hope you can join us. If you are so moved, make the pledge. And share this pledge with friends and family so that those who are ready and willing to be arrested can be counted in the pledge to resist. We'll send you more information soon.

    Becky Bond, Michael Kieschnick & Elijah Zarlin, CREDO Action
    Amanda Starbuck, Rainforest Action Network
    John Sellers, The Other 98%
    Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., Hip Hop Caucus
    Jane Kleeb, Bold Nebraska
    May Boeve & Bill McKibben,
    Steve Kretzmann, Oil Change International

    1. "Keystone XL pipeline would have little impact on climate change, State Department analysis says" Washington Post, 3/01/13
    2. "Keystone XL: In their own words"
    3. "Game over for the climate," James Hansen, the New York Times, 5/9/12