David Cameron faces backbench revolt over European arrest warrant

Up to 90 Tories are set to oppose the UK rejoining the measure, arguing it makes it too easy for Britons to face trial abroad
Prime Minister's Questions
David Cameron faces a backbench revolt over the European arrest warrant. Photograph: PA

David Cameron will face a backbench rebellion over the European arrest warrant 10 days before the Rochester byelection, after it was confirmed a debate on the controversial measure will happen on Monday.

William Hague, the leader of the Commons, said MPs will have a full day to debate whether the UK should rejoin the arrest warrant and 34 other EU crime and security measures just before they break up for an autumn recess.

Between 60 and 90 Tory backbenchers are expected to argue against the warrant, which they claim means British citizens are too easily sent to other European countries to face trial.

Cameron had been expected to delay the vote until after the 20 November byelection, in which the Conservatives are fighting to hold Rochester against Ukip, as the prime minister has until 1 December to decide whether to opt back into the measures.

However, Cameron last week signalled the vote would take place before. One theory as to why is that Downing Street believes there could be a more substantial rebellion and backbench unrest if the Conservatives lost the byelection and held the vote afterwards.

Setting out future business in the Commons, Hague said: “The business for next week will be: Monday 10 November, consideration of a business of the house motion, followed by a motion to consider the draft Criminal Justice and Data Protection (Protocol No 36) Regulations.” Protocol 36 is the part of the Lisbon treaty that grants the right to opt out.

Angela Eagle, the shadow leader of the Commons, said: “Can I thank you for heeding my call last week and announcing we will vote on opting back into the EAW on Monday, just 10 days before the prime minister’s self-imposed deadline?

“Can I ask you to confirm troubling reports the joint committee on statutory instruments [the body in charge of scrutinising such regulations] have, in fact, refused to approve the draft because it is riddled with errors?

“Lords rules dictate that a statutory instrument will not be taken unless it’s been approved by the joint committee, but they are now so desperate to get this vote out of the way the government appear to have scheduled a vote in the Commons before they are sure if they can get this consent.

“Will you explain what you will do if the joint committee rejects the proposals after the house has voted on them on Monday? Will you admit ministers should have been spending less time worrying about the revolt on the backbenches and more time ensuring the Home Office actually got their drafting right?”

Downing Street and Theresa May, the home secretary, as well as the Liberal Democrats and Labour, all argue that the European arrest warrant is a crucial measure to help bring criminals to justice across the EU. May has said opting-out of the EAW could make the UK a “honeypot” for European criminals.

The government opted out of a package of more than 100 justice and home affairs measures, but has indicated it wants to opt back into 35 of them, including the EAW.

Supporters argue that it has played a vital role in securing the return to the UK of suspects in significant crimes, including 21/7 bomber Hussain Osman, who fled to Italy, or teacher Jeremy Forrest, who was returned from France to face trial over the alleged abduction of a 15-year-old girl.

But some Tories oppose the measure because of concerns that it is too easy for UK citizens to be extradited on relatively minor charges to countries where they may have no guarantee of a fair trial.