If Hillary runs in 2016, some tough choices await the world’s news editors

Hillary Clinton may be smiling now, but what about 2016?

My in-box hints at what awaits us if Hillary Clinton runs for President in 2016. Her opponents are already flooding the media with press releases and story pitches that rehash ancient events from the tumultuous Bill Clinton presidency.

The Whitewater Scandal: What did Hillary Know?

Monica Lewinsky: Where is she now?

The Death of Vince Foster: Murder or Suicide?

Hillary’s role in the Siege at Waco

People of a certain age (40 and older) will remember snippets from those days, but the old stories will be brand new to younger people; thus more marketable.

Undoubtedly, efforts to recycle 20-year-old Clinton stories will enjoy wide popularity in the Wild West-like digital world. But the ultimate success of a smear campaign will depend on the extent to which major daily newspapers and television networks feel pressure to take the bait and revisit the 1990s.

I can hear the debates among editors and reporters in newsrooms from New York to Los Angeles to Washington D.C.

“The stuff about Hillary and Vince Foster is all over the Web. It’s out there already and trending big time.”

“Yeah, but it’s a sleazefest. I didn’t get into journalism for this. Who cares where Gennifer Flowers is now? I don’t care how good the 60 Minutes video is.”

“It’s not our fault. Hillary decided to run. She has to be vetted. It’s time for a reputable journalistic voice to write fair and balanced stories about things such as Vince Foster’s death.”

“But isn’t that just a rationalization for getting down in the mud  with Drudge, Rush and Breitbart to sell newspapers, generate clicks and hype the ratings?”

Hillary’s opponents will see the media’s reluctance to retread old Clinton stories as evidence of mainstream journalism’s liberal slant. Conversely, a mainstream newspaper that jumps on a story about Hillary’s role in the Monica-Bill affair risks getting kicked off her campaign plane and frozen out of tasty leaks from her people.

My current favorite, totally devoid of truth, is the one about Chelsea Clinton really being the child of Web Hubbell, an old Clinton crony from Arkansas. You can tell Web and Chelsea are related because they both have thick lips, according to the right-wing propaganda machine. Just look at their side-by-side photos.

Hillary’s run will drive book sales in 2016. The 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination spawned an avalanche of books last year. Most of them were pretty bad, especially those that portrayed LBJ as the mastermind of JFK’s murder. The difference is that Hillary and the Clinton machine are alive and able to defend themselves.

If there is a God in heaven, she will strike down any writer who resurrects Paula Jones’ testimony about the “distinguishing characteristics” of Bill Clinton’s private parts and the circumstances under which she saw them in that Little Rock hotel room.

And isn’t it about time to order up that Kenneth Starr profile and find out what he has to say about Hillary?  Can you fly into Waco?



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