Patrick names transition team

Lt. Gov.-elect Dan Patrick, during his victory speech in Houston Tuesday (AP Photo/Pat Sullivan)

Lt. Gov.-elect Dan Patrick has named his long-time aide Logan Spence as head of his transition team, which will include Dallas insurance executive Roy Bailey.

“After 15 months of arduous campaigning, the hard work has only begun,” Patrick said in a statement.

He said Bailey, who signed on last fall as one of his top campaign money men, “will bring his business acumen and perspective to the transition team.”

Dallas businessman Roy Bailey (2002 photo by Richard Michael Pruitt/Staff photographer)

The team “will help me carry our conservative vision to the lieutenant governor’s office in January,” Patrick said.

Patrick, now a state senator from Houston, quickly ticked off his priorities of border security, property tax cuts and “making our schools the best in the country.”

Houston GOP campaign guru Allen Blakemore, who was chief strategist for Patrick’s first statewide race, will assist the effort, along with San Francisco GOP media consultant Bob Wickers and Texans for Lawsuit Reform publicist Sherry Sylvester, Patrick said.

He said people interested in working for him in the lieutenant governor’s office can apply here for jobs. That’s part of Patrick’s new website,

Switching hats, Staples says leave fracking to state regulators

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples, who resigned Friday, played his last ceremonial role as a politician Thursday, presiding over a Family Land Heritage event in the House chamber. (Robert T. Garrett)

The new top lobbyist for the Texas oil and gas industry, just-resigned state Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples, says local referendums such as Denton’s ban on hydraulic fracturing this week are not the answer.

“That’s not the way to craft public policy,” Staples said in an interview Thursday, his fourth day on the job as president of the Texas Oil and Gas Association. The association has sued to block the ordinance from taking effect in 30 days.

“Our thought is that the Railroad Commission has the authority to govern oil and gas activities,” Staples said. He said the commission, whose Chairwoman Christi Craddick said Thursday should keep giving permits to companies that seek to drill in Denton, must balance local community concerns with the need for uniform policies, “where we can grow and have capital attracted to Texas.”

Staples, who resigned as agriculture commissioner on Friday, said he would register as a legislative lobbyist next year but play a mostly behind-the-scenes role as a strategist for the trade group’s existing lobbyists.

“I’ll obviously help coordinate those activities,” he said. Staples ran unsuccessfully for lieutenant governor in this year’s GOP primary.

So who’s minding the store at the Texas Department of Agriculture? The answer is Drew DeBerry, Staples’ long-time deputy.

While Republican former state Rep. Sid Miller has been elected to the post, state law puts the deputy agriculture commissioner in charge if the commissioner has “a necessary and unavoidable absence” or an “inability to act.”

Miller will be sworn in a few minutes after midnight on Dec. 31, said Todd M. Smith, his campaign consultant. At a second event later on New Year’s Day, Miller will have a purely ceremonial oath-taking, Smith said.

Administering the oath will be Gov. Rick Perry, a former agriculture commissioner, he said.

Texas sales tax posts biggest single-month jump in two years

Comptroller Susan Combs, explaining her biennial revenue estimate in January 2013 (AP Photo/Eric Gay)

Texas has logged the biggest single-month percentage increase in sales tax receipts in nearly two years — 12.9 percent.

Last month’s sales tax revenue was $2.41 billion, up from $2.14 billion in October 2013, Comptroller Susan Combs announced Wednesday.

The last time monthly growth pressed into double-digit territory was November 2012, when collections grew by 13.1 percent.

“Strong growth in sales tax receipts was apparent across all major economic sectors,” said Combs, who leaves office in January.

She said “notable increases from retail trade and the oil and natural gas-related sectors led the growth,” signaling “increased spending by both consumers and businesses.”

For the fiscal year that began Sept. 1, Combs has forecast just 3.3 percent growth in revenue from Texas’ 6-1/4-cent sales tax. (Click here, see Table A-13.) September’s receipts were 7.9 percent higher than a year earlier. So as has frequently happened, her projection is looking very conservative.

The news probably will do little to cool the ardor for tax cuts among incoming GOP lawmakers and leaders such as Lt. Gov.-elect Dan Patrick and Gov.-elect Greg Abbott.

In election day interviews, Patrick pledged “serious property tax relief.” Abbott said more vaguely in his Tuesday night victory speech that he would keep Texas No. 1 in job creation by, among other things, “lowering the tax burden.”

But a host of considerations will complicate their effort, including a low-balling of entitlements such as Medicaid by about $1 billion in the current two-year budget cycle; lawmakers’ continued reliance on budget-balancing tricks, such as hoarding $4.2 billion in fees levied for specific purposes; road needs; and the looming threat of a court decision ordering a costly overhaul of school finance.

Poll: Patrick entered Tuesday losing Hispanic vote by 39 points — so he won landslide among non-Hispanics?

Texas GOP lieutenant governor candidate Dan Patrick speaks to the media before his watch party in Houston Tuesday. (AP Photo/Pat Sullivan)

An election eve poll sponsored by national Hispanic groups suggests — at least, by inference — that Republican Dan Patrick captured a towering percentage of Tuesday’s non-Hispanic vote in the race for lieutenant governor. And that Hispanics probably didn’t vote in increased numbers, as Democratic diehards hoped.

The Latino Decisions pollshowed Hispanics in Texas broke decisively in favor of Patrick’s Democratic rival, fellow state Sen. Leticia Van de Putte. She had 68 percent to his 29 percent, in the poll sponsored by the Latino Victory Project, National Council of La Raza and America’s Voice.

The poll was conducted Thursday through Monday among Hispanics who had already voted or were certain to vote. Texas was among 10 states in which pollsters interviewed a larger number of Hispanic voters, to obtain a statistically reliable sample. The margin of error was plus or minus 4.9 percentage points.

So Van de Putte’s 39-point margin among Hispanics theoretically could have been as small as 29 percent.

Meanwhile, with three quarters of precincts reporting Tuesday, Patrick was beating Van de Putte by 21 points — 59 percent to 38 percent.

Updated: Lieutenant governor-elect Patrick says liberals “picked wrong battleground”

Dan Patrick and Leticia Van de Putte, Texas Senate colleagues and rivals for lieutenant governor (AP pool photo, Sept. 29 KLRU debate)

Update at 9:45 p.m.: Dan Patrick said his election reaffirms the state’s conservative tilt.

“Texas voters sent a powerful message to the rest of the country – the liberal, Washington-style agenda my opponent so proudly boasted simply has no place in Texas,” he said in a written statement. “Tonight’s decisive victory proves they picked the wrong battleground.”

Van de Putte told supporters that she called Patrick and offered “sincere congratulations on a well-disciplined campaign.” Van de Putte, who didn’t have to give up her Senate seat to run statewide, added that she assured Patrick “I would continue in my public service.”

Update at 8:28 p.m.: Van de Putte has conceded, congratulating Patrick for “running a disciplined campaign.”

In a statement, she thanked supporters and said she looks “forward to continuing to serve my community and this great state.” See note below about how she retains her Texas Senate seat.

“This campaign and my service have always been about securing the future for the next generation, para mis hijos y nietos,” Van de Putte concluded.

Update at 8:16 p.m.: AP has called the race for Patrick.

Original item at 8:08 p.m.: Republican and tea party darling Dan Patrick established a solid lead over Democrat Leticia Van de Putte in Tuesday’s tally of the early vote for lieutenant governor.

With more than 2.1 million early votes counted, Patrick is leading Van de Putte with 56 percent to her 41 percent.

Playing rope-a-dope in the fall contest, Patrick avoided gaffes and lowered his public profile. This was after he ran a highly combative campaign to capture the GOP nomination earlier this year.

But while Patrick coasted through the general election, he didn’t tone down his staunchly conservative views.

Au contraire.

Seizing full advantage of the summer’s influx of unaccompanied children from Central America, the rise of the Islamic State in the Middle East and the arrival of Ebola in Dallas, Patrick hewed to his hard line on immigration and border security.

He raised the prospect of Islamic terrorists crossing the Texas-Mexico border in his fall TV ads.

In other ads and his single televised debate with Van de Putte, he also stood firm against abortion, under any circumstance; and for school voucher-like proposals to shake up public schools.

Van de Putte, not well-known beyond her San Antonio base, didn’t raise the big money that fellow state Sen. Wendy Davis did in the governor’s race.

But as Patrick’s senior colleague in the Texas Senate, Van de Putte soon could be in an interesting position: Last year, she drew a four-year Senate term and thus did not have to give up her seat to run for lieutenant governor. If she loses to Patrick, she can sit back and watch him preside — and offer critiques, if she chooses.

Simmons’ widow, daughter split picks for lieutenant governor

Serena Simmons Connelly, center, is a major Democratic donor, despite being the daughter of the late GOP uber donor Harold Simmons. (2008 photo by Lara Solt/Staff photographer)

The late Dallas billionaire Harold Simmons may have been a Republican mega donor but his family is splitting its political bets this fall.

In checks written on the eve of the election, Simmons’ widow, Annette, gave Republican lieutenant governor hopeful Dan Patrick $25,000, while his daughter, Serena Simmons Connelly, gave Democrat Leticia Van de Putte $10,000. For the year, that brought Serena’s financial backing of Van de Putte to $17,500, according to Texas Ethics Commission records.

In this election cycle, Annette Simons has given Republican candidates $120,000, the commission’s records show. Half went to unsuccessful attorney general candidate Dan Branch of Dallas.

Since January 2013, Serena Connelly has given more than $358,000 to state Democratic causes, according to commission records. Of that, more than $120,000 went to gubernatorial nominee Wendy Davis and the Texas Victory Committee, the Davis campaign’s joint project with voter-organizing Battleground Texas; more than $90,000 to ActBlue, the Democratic internet fundraising tool; and $25,000 each to the Planned Parenthood Texas Votes PAC and the Texas Organizing Project.

Annette Simmons, shown with her late husband Harold at a Dallas ball in 2013. (Kelly Alexander)

Her sister, Lisa Simmons, also has supported Democrats, though without as many zeroes on her checks.

Lisa Simmons, president of the Harold Simmons Foundation, has given Davis and Battleground Texas $4,000 since May. Serena Connelly is the foundation’s executive vice president.

The sometimes surprising “left turns” of the foundation and Simmons’ daughters were chronicled last year in this piece by the Center for Public Integrity. Among them was its donation of $600,000 to Planned Parenthood and its North Texas affiliate.

Serena Connelly and Lisa Simmons together control nearly 94 percent of Dallas-based Contran Corp., a closely held company with subsidiaries producing a chemical used in house paint and rayon clothing as well as manufacturing security products and recreational marine components, according to this February story by Bloomberg BusinessWeek.

Since Oct. 25, when candidates filed their last detailed reports on contributions and expenditures, Patrick has raised about $330,000 in late money, to Van de Putte’s $211,000. That’s not out of line with their overall financial effort. Though Patrick has outraised and outspent her, Van de Putte has kept it relatively close. And while Patrick aides complain she’s received major in-kind donations from Planned Parenthood, TOP and Battleground Texas, it was a major gift from one conservative PAC, $125,000 from Texans for Lawsuit Reform, that kept Patrick ahead in the “telegram” reports on last-minute contributions.

Hillary Rodham Clinton endorses Davis, Van de Putte

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton campaigns for Maryland Democratic gubernatorial candidate, Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown, during a rally Thursday at the University of Maryland. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Thursday endorsed the Democratic women running for Texas’ top two offices, gubernatorial aspirant Wendy Davis and lieutenant governor candidate Leticia Van de Putte.

Clinton, who is weighing a bid for the Democrats’ presidential nomination in 2016, applauded Davis for running a “tough, strong campaign” against Republican Greg Abbott.

“That’s no surprise, because Wendy has shown us time and time again that she never backs down, whether she’s fighting for Texas school children or working to create an economy that works for all Texans,” Clinton is quoted as saying in a Davis campaign graphic.

Clinton said Van de Putte, who is locked in a tough race with fellow state Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, advocates for society’s most vulnerable.

“Leticia Van de Putte always demonstrates the courage to speak up for those who do not have a voice,” Clinton is quoted as saying in a Van de Putte campaign graphic. “She has bold ideas and initiatives that honor veterans, respect women, and value education. She leads with a sense of family and community.”

Carona makes peace with Patrick, Van de Putte pulls more Planned Parenthood help

Sen. John Carona talks with a supporter in Dallas on primary night in March. (Kye R. Lee/Staff photographer)

Update at 3:25 p.m.: Have corrected date of Paul Reyes’ and Helen Carona’s contributions to Patrick: They gave on the same day in 2013, not this year.

Original item at 12:43 p.m.: Dallas state Sen. John Carona has continued to make peace with fellow Republican and lieutenant governor candidate Dan Patrick.

The political action committee at Carona’s business Associa Inc., which manages homeowners’ assocations across the country, gave Patrick $5,000 earlier this week, according to telegram reports to the Texas Ethics Commission.

As my colleague Terrence Stutz reported here nearly 2 1/2 years ago, Carona called Patrick a “snake oil salesman” and a “narcissist that would say anything to draw attention to himself.”

Patrick, R-Houston, said in an email to all senators that Carona had spread a false rumor that Patrick and his wife, Jan, were divorcing. Carona, R-Dallas, replied that Patrick should have first checked with him regarding the allegations before contacting their colleagues. Carona also raised the ante, mentioning rumors about Patrick’s sexual orientation as well. Patrick dismissed as “a lie” suggestions he is gay and demanded Carona apologize.

At the time, Carona didn’t. Late last year, though, the Associa PAC gave $30,000 to Patrick, even as Carona didn’t personally endorse him in the GOP lieutenant governor primary.

In March, Carona lost his Senate seat to tea party-backed Republican Don Huffines in a GOP primary. Since then, he has endorsed Patrick.

Dan Patrick and Leticia Van de Putte shake hands at their televised debate last month. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)

As I reported in a story in Wednesday’s newspaper, Associa executive Paul Reyes, a former Carona Senate staff aide, contributed $20,000 to Patrick. That was on top of $5,000 Reyes gave to Patrick in August 2013 — the same day Carona’s wife, Helen, chipped in $2,500 to the Patrick cause.

It appears that Associa may have some legislative irons in the fire.

Meanwhile, Sen. Leticia Van de Putte, Patrick’s Democratic colleague and opponent for lieutenant governor, reported more than three times as many late contributions as did Patrick.

This week, she took in more than $82,000, to about $23,500 for Patrick.

Just more than half of the contributions on Van de Putte’s telegram reports came from groups supporting abortion rights. Planned Parenthood’s PACs in New York City and Austin donated nearly $30,000 of staff time, phone calls and postage. Annie’s List gave the San Antonio lawmaker a $13,000 check.

As I noted in Wednesday’s story, Patrick strategist Allen Blakemore belittled Van de Putte’s matching Patrick’s fundraising haul of $2 million between Sept. 26 and Saturday. Blakemore noted that one-third of her money was in-kind donations from Planned Parenthood, the liberal group Texas Organizing Project and voter-organizing Battleground Texas.

On Thursday morning, Logan Spence, a long-time Patrick aide, seized on the late assists from Planned Parenthood PACs as a sign Van de Putte would try to lead the Senate in a very different direction on abortion than Patrick would. But then we knew that, didn’t we?

Here’s Spence’s tweet on the subject:

The great two-thirds rule debate has begun

Sen. John Whitmire, the dean of the Texas Senate (2008 AP Photo/Harry Cabluck)

Update at 4:00 p.m.: Checked tape, made minor changes to Whitmire’s and Nelson’s quotes.

Original item at 11:29 a.m.: The Texas Senate has begun its expected debate over whether to abandon a rule that for many decades has protected partisan, geographic and racial-ethnic minorities.

At a briefing on taxes for new Senate budget writers Wednesday, the chamber’s longest-serving member, Houston Democrat John Whitmire, launched a wry if somewhat backhanded defense of the “two-thirds rule.”

It can protect from attack things highly valued by rural senators, such as an exemption of agricultural equipment from the sales tax, Whitmire said at a hearing of the Senate Finance Committee.

The rule requires two-thirds of senators to agree before a bill can be taken up on the Senate floor.

Earlier this year, GOP lieutenant governor candidate Dan Patrick promised to reduce the influence of Democratic senators by weakening the rule and reducing the number of committees they chair. Patrick is a Houston senator.

On Wednesday, Whitmire interrupted a presentation by the comptroller’s office to discuss the sales-tax agricultural exemption.

He called it the “largest, broadest exemption we have.” Whitmire said urban tradesmen could view it as unfair, given they pay tax when they buy vehicles and equipment needed in their work. But the ag exemption has worked well, he said.

Then came the caveat.

“To preserve it, we need to make sure our rural members have a place at the table,” Whitmire said.

Senate Finance Committee Chairwoman Jane Nelson (2009 AP Photo/Harry Cabluck)

Sen. Robert Nichols, R-Jacksonville, said the Legislature tightened administration of the ag exemption in recent years. Beneficiaries have to attest they are engaged in food and fiber production, he said.

Whitmire, though, said that in the next revenue crunch, it and all other exemptions could be reviewed. The state may again face “challenges to find sufficient revenue,” putting the ag exemption at risk, he warned.

“The rural members should be mindful that the Senate rules currently allow them to block any consideration of repealing that,” he said.

Sen. Royce West, D-Dallas, interjected, “You talking about the two-thirds rule?”

Whitmire replied, “That would probably be the No. 1 thing that would come to my mind.”

A few minutes later, members of the panel began raising questions about the regressive effects of higher sales tax. Democrats mentioned Patrick’s proposal to decrease local school property taxes, perhaps by adding a penny or two to the state’s 6-1/4-cent sales tax.

Finance Committee Chairwoman Jane Nelson, R-Flower Mound, quickly cut them off, though.

She noted that higher sales tax is just one way to pay for property tax relief.

“Many of us would like to reduce property taxes,” Nelson said. “We’re going to look at a lot of different possibilities.”

Van de Putte edges Patrick, barely, in recent fundraising

Lieutenant governor rivals Dan Patrick, left, and Leticia Van de Putte shake hands last month at their only televised debate (AP Photo/Eric Gay)

Update at 12:48 p.m.: I have inserted the two campaigns’ reactions.

Original item at 11:27 a.m.: Democrat Leticia Van de Putte raised more money — barely — than her GOP rival for lieutenant governor, Dan Patrick, in the latest reporting period, according to reports posted Tuesday on the Texas Ethics Commission website.

Van de Putte banked $2.086 million in contributions, compared with $2.052 million pocketed by Patrick, the reports showed. So her edge was about $34,000.

“This is what an upset looks like,” Van de Putte campaign finance director Nikki Bizzarri said in a statement. More than 5,200 different donors gave to Van de Putte during the reporting period, which was Sept. 26 through Saturday.

Patrick, though, outspent her by nearly $1 million and enjoyed a better than $1.3 million cash advantage at the period’s close.

“We’re running hard, all the way to the finish line,” Patrick said in a statement. It said nearly 1,000 individuals gave money to him during the period.

Patrick entered the period with nearly $4.3 million, to Van de Putte’s $2.2 million. He spent $3.1 million and had just over $2.8 million in the bank as of Saturday.

She spent $2.2 million during the period and wound up with just less than $1.5 million in cash.

Patrick’s campaign still owes him more than $2 million. Van de Putte hasn’t borrowed for her campaign.

Both candidates are state senators — Van de Putte, from San Antonio; and Patrick, from Houston. They are competing to succeed Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, whom Patrick ousted in a hard-fought Republican primary.