

California is the first state to ban single-use plastic bags. When this law goes into effect in July 2015, we’ll take billions of plastic bags out of our environment. That means cleaner rivers and a safer future for sea turtles and other ocean wildlife.

News Release | Environment California

U.S.-China climate agreement critical step on path to Paris

"The path to Paris should be paved with concrete actions to cut emissions and invest in clean energy, and last night the world's two largest global warming polluters pledged just that." - Margie Alt, Environment America

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News Release | Environment California Research & Policy Center

Claremont Colleges Charged Up about Electric Vehicles

Today, college students, faculty and members of the greater Claremont community participated in the first ever Claremont Colleges Electric Vehicle Day, test driving ten different electric cars available on the market today and learning about how electric vehicles can reduce air pollution, improve health and save working Californians money.

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Report | Environment California Research & Policy Center

Waterways Restored

n the early 1970s, many American rivers and streams were environmental basket cases – lined with industrial facilities dumping toxic pollution virtually unchecked, choked with untreated sewage and trash, and, in many cases, devoid of aquatic life.

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News Release | Environment California Research & Policy Center

Clean water groups highlight progress for Monterey Bay, call for more success stories

Santa Cruz, CA-On the heels of the 42nd anniversary of the Clean Water Act, a new report tells the story of how the bedrock environmental law has helped to restore and protect Monterey Bay, funding conservation for a key tract of land upstream.

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