Cronulla Sharks coach Shane Flanagan cleared to return after suspension

Flanagan has undergone education courses after being stood down in 2013 over the club’s controversial supplement program

shane flanagan
Cronulla coach Shane Flanagan: ‘I now have a better understanding of the duties of a coach.’ Photograph: AAP

Cronulla coach Shane Flanagan has been cleared to return to the club from suspension by the NRL.

Flanagan was stood down for a year on December 17 in relation to Cronulla’s 2011 supplement program but he was eligible to return after nine months if he satisfactorily completed education and training courses.

NRL integrity unit chief Nick Weeks said on Friday that Flanagan had satisfied all the conditions required for his return which comes in time for the start of the club’s pre-season training on Monday.

“The NRL has been impressed with Mr Flanagan’s commitment to meeting the conditions set down for his return,” Weeks said.

“Consequently his suspension is lifted and he can return to coaching duties at any time.”

Flanagan was quoted in the NRL statement as saying that he was now better equipped and more capable of fulfilling his duties as head coach.

“I have a clearer understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a head coach,” he said. “That role goes beyond player skills, tactics and game plans – I have a proactive duty to protect the welfare of players and staff and ensure we meet our governance and compliance obligations.

“I now intend to focus on the future and demonstrate that I am the right person to lead the cultural change at the Sharks.

“I am committed to restoring the reputation of the Sharks as a club that everybody in the game can be proud of.”