Congressman Steve Stockman Loves the Earth: "If You Poke Holes in It, Oil and Gas Come Out"

Congressman Steve Stockman represents what the evidence tells us is an especially crazy swath of Texas in the suburbs of Houston. There's really no other way to explain why voting-age Americans could choose to send such an individual to Washington as their duly elected representative.

Last month, it was the Ted Nugent invite to the State of the Union. Now, via Gawker, it's this:

In case you don't read Twitter, he broke it down in visual form:


Clearly, this man is trolling us. And he's really, really good at it.


My Voice Nation Help

The best thing about it... so clearly more important than water, air, wildlife, and so on.


If he had said that he loved the Sun, we can soak up it's radiation and turn it into energy, would the Observer make fun of him for that?

Russ Coffman
Russ Coffman

Nineteenth century solutions for 21st century problems. Typical backwards teabagger.


I'm catching trails off his jacket.

Shannon Adolph
Shannon Adolph

You don't even have to poke holes in him for the $h!t to come out.

Adam Silva
Adam Silva

"Congressman Steve Stockman represents what the evidence tells us is an especially crazy swath of Texas in the suburbs of Houston. There's really no other way to explain why voting-age Americans could choose to send such an individual to Washington as their duly elected representative. Last month, it was the Ted Nugent invite to the State of the Union. Now, via Gawker, it's this..."

Terrence Wilsön
Terrence Wilsön

WOW! both oil AND gas? even Gohmert has to be shaking his head at this one.....

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

All sorts of things come out of the earth.

Given what it takes for oil and gas to form, migrate and accumulate, it is pretty amazing stuff.

Take the East Texas Basin, it is estimated that less than 5% of the petroleum generated from the source rocks actually accumulated.  The rest just went into the atmosphere over time and was slowly oxidized.

Montemalone topcommenter

What happens if we poke holes in Nutboy? Do cash donations from Exxon fall out?

scottindallas topcommenter

@Russ Coffman that would be 20th century.  But, even today, we use a 100 million barrels of oil a week as a planet.  Without that our population would be half of that.  I'm all for solar power and wind in some applications (but certainly not in TX as we're doing it) But, without that petro the Earth's population would immediately be about 1/2 what it is today.  Your adolescent snark is misplaced and shows a fundamental failure to understand the vital elements of life. 

scottindallas topcommenter

@Jon Jackson Funny, we did and are, but it's not lowering the cost of fuel.  That's because of "GOP" refusal to regulate financial speculation.  I support developing our petro sources, but adolescent idiocy, from whichever side is a waste of time and a distraction from addressing the root problems. 

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