Republicans Won the Senate, But the Country’s Politics Are Headed Toward the Left

Who's winning, who's losing, and why.
Nov. 4 2014 11:25 PM

A Victory for the Left

Chin up, Democrats. Republicans may have won the Senate, but the country is headed your way.

Democratic Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes speaks to supporters following her defeat by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Nov. 4, 2014, in Lexington, Kentucky. It’s not all bad news for liberals, though.

Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images

Republicans won big in the 2014 elections. They captured the Senate and gained seats in the House. But they didn’t do it by running to the right. They did it, to a surprising extent, by embracing ideas and standards that came from the left. I’m not talking about gay marriage, on which Republicans have caved, or birth control, on which they’ve made over-the-counter access a national talking point. I’m talking about the core of the liberal agenda: economic equality.

William Saletan William Saletan

Will Saletan writes about politics, science, technology, and other stuff for Slate. He’s the author of Bearing Right.

Here are some of the themes Republicans ran on in this year’s Senate and gubernatorial campaigns:

1. Poverty. Democratic incumbents spent a lot of time talking about new jobs, economic growth, and other aggregate numbers that have been going in the right direction. Republican challengers undercut that message by focusing on people at the bottom. From California to Georgia to Virginia, Republicans called attention to high or rising poverty rates.


2. Minorities. Republicans also zeroed in on blacks and other underserved populations. In Louisiana right-wing candidate Rob Maness pointed out, “Unemployment for young black men in this state is three times the rate of unemployment for anybody else.” In Georgia, Republican Gov. Nathan Deal emphasized the state’s progress toward reducing the number of black men in jail.

3. Equal pay. Republicans researched how much money Democratic officeholders paid their male and female staffers. Any Democrat who paid women less was called out for it, regardless of circumstances. Republicans used this tactic in at least five states: Colorado, Illinois, Louisiana, New Hampshire, and Oregon.

4. Median income. One of the best ways to illuminate inequality is to measure the economy not by aggregate or average income, but by median income. Republicans hammered this figure in state after state, from Oregon to Arkansas to Georgia to Connecticut. “Over the last several years, median household income in this state has declined by over $4,000,” said Rep. Cory Gardner, the Republican Senate candidate in Colorado. “In fact, it’s been since 1999 that middle-class wages have stayed the same.”

5. Real unemployment. While Democratic incumbents bragged about declining unemployment, Republicans pointed out that this number omits people who are so discouraged they’ve stopped looking for work. This was a GOP talking point in Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Kentucky, Oregon, and Virginia. Dan Sullivan, the party’s nominee for the Senate in Alaska, put the argument this way:

We see these lower unemployment rates, but what that is masking is that that’s not because of significant job growth. That is because Americans are actually leaving the workforce. The unemployment rate comes down when people quit looking for jobs. We’re at the highest level of Americans who are out of the workforce since the late 1970s.

6. Underemployment. Several Republicans and libertarians raised this issue, from Montana to Georgia to Virginia. “Half the people in this state who are working are actually overqualified and probably underpaid,” observed Jeff Johnson, the Republican nominee for governor of Minnesota.

7. Part-time America. Kevin Wade, the GOP’s senatorial nominee in Delaware, decried the “separation of America into two Americas: a full-time America and a part-time America.” He pointed out that nearly all of the new jobs created in June were part-time. Other Republicans made the same point, from Louisiana to South Carolina to Maine.