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January New Energy Capacity All Renewable in US

70%, 80%, 99.9%, 100% Renewables — Study Central

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Solar panel, wind turbine & globe via Shutterstock

A number of research teams have tackled the whole “how much could (or should) renewable energy power our grid?” question. Of course, the regions studied, goals of the studies, technology assumptions, and other parameters have varied, so the studies come to various conclusions. Here are some of the most notable studies I’ve seen:

Country-, region-, city-, county-, and mode-specific studies can also be found here.

Of course, there are already countries getting high penetration levels of wind and solar power:

“Comparing finite and renewable planetary energy reserves (Terawatt‐years). Total recoverable reserves are shown for the finite resources. Yearly potential is shown for the renewables.”

Finite energy reserves and annual renewable planetary energy reserves (Terawatt‐years). In other words, total known and recoverable reserves are shown for the finite resources (coal, uranium, petroleum, and natural gas), while yearly potential is shown for the renewables.

And for some studies on the theoretical potential of renewable energy, you can also check out:

Image Credit: Solar panel, wind turbine & globe via Shutterstock

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