Gov. Cuomo puts New Yorkers’ health above politics

As recommended by the New York State Department of Health, Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s decision on whether or not to ban fracking for gas in New York has been further delayed. We are pleased the Governor’s administration recognizes the need for in-depth analysis of the risks that fracking poses to our health. We are confident that such analysis will demonstrate the need for a continued moratorium on fracking.

Countless phone calls, petitions, tweets, emails and peaceful demonstrations highlighting the dangers of fracking did not go unnoticed by the Governor, and we are thankful that he has rightfully honored majority public opinion in New York. In addition to the 204,000 public comments submitted to the Department of Environmental Conservation, our petition on Causes to ban fracking has rallied more than 50,000 signatures. We thank the Governor for listening to his constituents’ concerns about fracking, and we hope he will continue to carefully review the issue, ignore the propaganda of the oil and gas industry, listen to the science and act further to protect the well-being of New Yorkers.

This fight is not over yet, but we commend Gov. Cuomo for this decision! Stay tuned for further updates.

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