
Hannibal Buress Gives Us His Opinion On 12 Random Things

A classic round of word association with the hilariously blunt comedian.

Illustration by Mike Hinson for BuzzFeed


If you’re already a fan of Hannibal Buress you know that the man has some strong opinions on pretty much everything. If you know him only as Ilana’s on-again, off-again boyfriend on Broad City, prepare to have a dose of knowledge dropped on your sorry self.

We asked Hannibal to play a round of word association in which we shouted words at him and he wrote down his answers. Guess what? Contrary to what you might assume from watching The Eric Andre Show — he HATES Fuynons. (He doesn’t mind feeding them to Mel B of the Spice Girls, though.) For more of Hannibal’s candid thoughts on the most random of topics, read on!

Word: Glasses

Illustration by Mike Hinson for BuzzFeed

Hannibal Buress: I had Lasik surgery. I used to wear glasses and now I had Lasik.

Was it scary?

HB: No.

Are you just saying that?

HB: No, it wasn’t scary for me, but I’m more courageous than you, so…

Word: Facebook

Illustration by Mike Hinson for BuzzFeed

HB: Facebook is where my old lady fans write weird shit to me and try to critique [me]. They say, “Oh, you should do this” or “You should talk about Jesus” or “You should post more jokes!” So that’s what they do.

Do you ever write them back?

HB: Yeah, I do. I engage them. I engage them a lot. I don’t engage with the people that write me and say I’m not funny — and that’s fine, cause if you’re not funny to somebody, you’re not funny [to them] — but if people engage me where they’re like, “I think you said this and I think it’s wrong!” I’ll say, “No, it’s not wrong, that’s what I think.” So yeah, I do write them back. And I shouldn’t. Sometimes I can’t get away from a debate.

Word: Broad City

Illustration by Mike Hinson for BuzzFeed

HB: Would it be obnoxious to write a lot of dollar signs? [Laughs]

Word: The moon

Illustration by Mike Hinson for BuzzFeed

Word: The Police

Illustration by Mike Hinson for BuzzFeed

HB: Can I have a footnote saying I don’t know if BuzzFeed word association is the proper form to speak [on this]? Because it’s not funny.

Word: The ‘90s

Illustration by Mike Hinson for BuzzFeed

Word: Chipotle

Illustration by Mike Hinson for BuzzFeed

Word: Zac Efron

Illustration by Mike Hinson for BuzzFeed

HB: He did sit-ups, too. Hey, you wanna be ripped, you gotta live the ripped lifestyle. Great uses of his downtime on set while I was on Twitter.

Word: Miller High Life

Illustration by Mike Hinson for BuzzFeed

Word: Apple Juice

Illustration by Mike Hinson for BuzzFeed

Word: Funyuns

Illustration by Mike Hinson for BuzzFeed

HB: Disgusting. I don’t like ‘em. I don’t eat Funyuns in real life. I did get to feed Mel B Funyuns, though…

Word: Ketchup

Illustration by Mike Hinson for BuzzFeed

Watch Hannibal on The Eric Andre Show, Thursdays at 12:15 a.m. on Adult Swim.

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