
Latvian Foreign Minister Tweets "I Proudly Announce I Am Gay"

The announcement will make waves in the former Soviet republic and across its border with Russia.

Latvia’s Current Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkēvičs greats NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and his wife during a 2006 visit. Anda Kukemilka "Tevijas Sargs" / Via

This could cause a furor within the former Soviet republic and in the region. Latvia shares a border with Russia and has a large Russian-speaking population that gets much of its information from media across the border. A group of social conservatives led by the controversial pro-Russian activist Vladimir Linderman, is currently gathering signatures in an effort to place a referendum on enacting a Russian-style “homosexual propaganda” ban on the ballot.

“Our country has created a legal framework for all types of partnerships, will fight for it, I know that will immediately megahistērja, but # Proudtobegay,” said the tweet as translated by Google translate. Neighboring Estonia passed a civil union law last month.

Neither the Latvian Foreign Ministry nor Latvia’s embassy in Washington could immediately be reached for comment.

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