You Won't Believe The Weather In Fort Worth This Weekend (NSFW)

Categories: Weather

Justin Terveen
The Fort Worth skyline taking a battering

We step away from our usual prediction of the weather in Dallas to say hello to everyone in Fort Worth! Hello Fort Worth! We haven't forgotten about you. In fact we have a very special NSFW FW post ready for you. NSFW, of course, stands for No Shit, Fort Worth! Are you ready for how the weather will be in Fort Worth? Are you totally ready? Are you sure? Because here it is. Over the page.


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"The Fort Worth skyline taking a battering" 

If only the Dallas Observer could recognize the Dallas skyline, then maybe we'd get somewhere...

scottindallas topcommenter

We are in what metorolgists call a flash-drought.  That's because it's short lived and not nearly as severe as what we suffered in the 30s and 50's.  Way to fall for and perpetuate the hyperbole. 

RTGolden1 topcommenter

I've got no problem blaming climate change on Louisiana or  Michael Bubley.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

Things the Dallas Observer Thinks Prove Climate Change:

School shootings

Rick Perry shooting coyotes

The Koch Brothers are rich

School segregation

Pig blood in the Trinity

Jim ranting incoherently about something and not pooping his pants this time


I feel sorry for Ft. Worth and its identity crisis. I wish it would just come out tell everyone that its metroplexual.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

Such gorgeous-ass weather!  But, lo.  Big Kitty is in a snit after unsuccessfully trying to recruit the other five cats to form an attack squadron, having been inspired by the heroic cat, Tara, and her brave takedown of a vicious dog.  Miss U immediately broke into tears; the two Siamese males played "Deef 'n Dum"; and Katniss and Spot bolted under the bed.  Big Kitty's been waddling around all day muttering something that sounds like "sissies".

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

lil merkin has a 2nd birthday coming up next week and tomorrow is his party.  The theme is Cars.  We are having a water slide, a kiddie pool, a slip n slide and trampoline set up.  Also there will be food units, including smoking our own brisket which hits the smoker about 11 pm tonight, and a smoked pork shoulder, homemade coleslaw, jalapeno deviled eggs, baked beans and vinegared cucumbers.  Beverages include Capri Sun and Apple Juice for the kids and a keg of Doz XX, bottles of Presidente, Macallen, Patron, Goose, Reserve and various mixers.  In other words, to tie back into the topic, Perfect Party with Perfect weather,

Thanks Pete and Gavin for the weather update


'Tis a cruel fate for such a swell little city.

holmantx topcommenter

Fort Worthers worship pagan Gods and the golden cow.  They do not drink with cupped hands.

They get the weather they deserve.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The Ft Worth skyline is in the picture, just from a Dallas perspective.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I blame climate change on the climate.



It's an incorrect extrapolation of one week's lack of precipitation forecast in order to associate a severe drought region with climate change. 

Incorrect, as in:

"This week’s 6-10 day (May 20-24) day outlook from the Climate Prediction Center is showing.....

....Above-normal precipitation is looking favorable across the northern Great Lakes and Plains regions along with the Great Basin, central Rockies and western reaches of the southern Plains."

Mark Svoboda, National Drought Mitigation Center


I've got 13 feral cats. Feel free to take any 5.


@ScottsMerkin It isn't an outdoor all ages party in Texas until a kid stomps out an inflated capri-sun or juice box and at least one uncle hears it and draws.


@holmantx LOL but I don't get the cupped hands part.  Is that a Fort Worth or a Texas thing?


@TheRuddSki  Nope, try again. Reunion Tower is about an inch in from the left border of the picture, the green-trimmed skyscraper is about an inch to the right of that with the Mercantile Bank building in front of ol' Green Trim from the vantage point of the photographer. the Keyhole building is about an inch and a half from the right border of the picture, with the pyramid-topped skyscraper immediately to the left of it. The newish building with the big red square on it is in the far right of the photo. The huge red and white communication tower near Exposition Park is clearly visible (I believe it is obscuring the Red Horse from the photographer's perspective). Fort Worth doesn't have anything like that near its downtown area. These are all distinct DALLAS landmarks. It appears the photographer took the picture of downtown Dallas from some high point in or around Fair Park.

Sotiredofitall topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz @ScottsMerkin  

MMMMMM Deviled Eggs - raising that child right 

Recommend some pickled okra   Daughter loved the stuff at that age and has since

holmantx topcommenter

@Kimmel @holmantx  The non-believer mongrel hordes jam their mugs into the water like a horse.

Men of bearing cup their hands to slake their thirst, signifying one who stands in the ranks of the Army of God.

You know.  Like the difference between Dallasites and Fort Worthers.


@TheRuddSki  "The Ft Worth skyline can be not seen from several angles in Dallas, but that doesn't mean you're not looking at it, you just may not realize you're not looking at it, because you can't see it."

Clearly, you're directionally challenged. You can't see something that is not in your field of vision or simply not there at all. If you took the Dallas skyline out of that picture and even flew the camera about 30 miles in the direction that it was facing when it snapped that photograph, you still wouldn't see Fort Worth, because Fort Worth (city center) is slightly southwest of Dallas while that camera angle is facing northwest. You'd pass several miles north of Fort Worth in the path of that photo. You'd be far more likely to see Texas Motor Speedway from that angle.

"I've not seen the Ft Worth skyline from uptown, downtown, mid-town and other areas, I've even not seen it from the Trinity River basin, even though I was looking due East, but that doesn't mean I couldn't not see it."

Well considering Fort Worth is WEST of Dallas, there's little wonder why you couldn't see it when you were looking east. And, again, if you can't see something, it does in fact mean you can't see it BECAUSE YOU SAID YOU COULDN'T SEE IT.

"What have you got against Ft Worth, anyway? It's got a great skyline, even when you're trying real hard to not see it, especially at night."

I don't have anything against Fort Worth, I currently live in downtown Fort Worth, I just know my ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to geography and what cities look like.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Humor is often lost on dull people and dishwashers.



"The Ft Worth skyline can be not seen from several angles in Dallas, but that doesn't mean you're not looking at it, you just may not realize you're not looking at it, because you can't see it."

Grandpa fell and hit his head on the curb again.......oh darn......looks like she shit his pants again too.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The Ft Worth skyline can be not seen from several angles in Dallas, but that doesn't mean you're not looking at it, you just may not realize you're not looking at it, because you can't see it.

I've not seen the Ft Worth skyline from uptown, downtown, mid-town and other areas, I've even not seen it from the Trinity River basin, even though I was looking due East, but that doesn't mean I couldn't not see it.

What have you got against Ft Worth, anyway? It's got a great skyline, even when you're trying real hard to not see it, especially at night.


@TheRuddSki  No, you said "the Ft Worth skyline is in the picture", which it is not. The photo was not even taken at the correct angle to say that the Fort Worth skyline is being obscured by Dallas. I think it was a mistake, plain and simple. Maybe some intern that's new to these parts and therefore has no idea what the differences are between the two cities just grabbed the first thing they found on Google Image? The world may never know....

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Yes, this is obviously Dallas, taken in Dallas. As I said, it is a view of Ft Worth taken from a Dallas perspective. Obviously, the Dallas skyline blocks the view.

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