Stories By

Eliza Barclay

Homeless advocate Arnold Abbott, 90, director of the nonprofit group Love Thy Neighbor Inc., prepares a salad Wednesday in the kitchen of The Sanctuary Church in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Abbott was recently arrested, along with two pastors, for feeding the homeless in a Fort Lauderdale park. Lynne Sladky/AP hide caption

itoggle caption Lynne Sladky/AP

One of Huddle House's signature dishes is the Philly Cheese Steak Tots: steak covered with cheddar cheese sauce and shredded cheese, on an open-faced omelet with Tater Tots. Huddle House hide caption

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At left, a woman holds the saffron crocus during the saffron harvest in Herat, Afghanistan. At right, saffron flowers are collected in Saint Hippolyte, eastern France. Since the stigmas need to be picked from the flowers by hand, saffron is the world's most expensive spice. Majid Saeedi/Getty Images; Maxppp /Landov hide caption

itoggle caption Majid Saeedi/Getty Images; Maxppp /Landov

Nestle, the world's biggest food company, manufactures and markets a wide range of food products including dairy, meat, poultry and eggs. Susana Gonzalez/Bloomberg via Getty Images hide caption

itoggle caption Susana Gonzalez/Bloomberg via Getty Images

More than 170 volunteers in the Brattleboro, Vt., area have contributed urine to the Rich Earth Institute field trials. Mike Earley/Courtesy of Rich Earth Institute hide caption

itoggle caption Mike Earley/Courtesy of Rich Earth Institute

The BACTrack Vio keychain breathalyzer and app on the iPhone at NPR headquarters in Washington, D.C. A public health researcher says tools like this could help people make better decisions about alcohol use. Meredith Rizzo/NPR hide caption

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The whirling, 3,200-pound puffing gun was used to produce cereals like Cheerios and Kix in the early 20th century. The Museum of Food and Drink plans to feature it in its first exhibition, on breakfast cereal. Courtesy of MOFAD hide caption

itoggle caption Courtesy of MOFAD