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Button Battery Ingestion Statistics


Figure 1. National Poison Data System (NPDS) Button Battery Ingestion Frequency and Severity
(for moderate, major, and fatal outcomes)

Adapted and updated from: Litovitz T, Whitaker N, Clark L, White NC, Marsolek M. Emerging battery ingestion hazard: Clinical implications. Pediatrics 2010; 125(6):1168-1177. Epub 2010 May 24.

Figure 2. National Poison Data System (NPDS) Button Battery Ingestion Frequency and Severity
(for major and fatal outcomes)

Adapted and updated from: Litovitz T, Whitaker N, Clark L, White NC, Marsolek M. Emerging battery ingestion hazard: Clinical implications. Pediatrics 2010; 125(6):1168-1177. Epub 2010 May 24.                                         

Table 1.  Button Battery Ingestions Reported to the National Poison Data System, 1985-2013          
Year Population Served by Participating Poison Centers (millions) No. of Ingestions Ingestions per million population < 6 years 6 to 19 years > 19 years Treated in HCF Outcome % Major or Death % Moderate, Major, or Death
No Effect Minor Moderate Major Death
1985 113.6 745 6.56 540 134 41 475 492 52 3 0 0 0.0000 0.4027
1986 132.1 1,101 8.33 849 144 87 702 764 60 6 2 0 0.1817 0.7266
1987 137.5 1,172 8.52 859 187 98 759 864 91 7 0 0 0.0000 0.5973
1988 155.7 1,371 8.81 1,009 210 125 987 972 85 8 2 0 0.1459 0.7294
1989 182.4 1,817 9.96 1,302 327 141 1,220 1,232 104 5 0 0 0.0000 0.2752
1990 191.7 1,909 9.96 1,433 293 146 1,322 1,195 101 5 1 0 0.0524 0.3143
1991 200.7 2,627 13.09 2,032 356 178 1,876 1,535 139 6 3 0 0.1142 0.3426
1992 196.7 2,969 15.09 2,416 342 146 2,091 1,726 146 9 4 0 0.1347 0.4379
1993 181.3 1,991 10.98 1,515 299 158 1,426 1,165 74 16 4 0 0.2009 1.0045
1994 215.9 1,829 8.47 1,301 330 186 1,234 1,034 68 12 2 0 0.1093 0.7654
1995 218.5 1,786 8.17 1,225 358 191 1,272 1,049 81 13 2 0 0.1120 0.8399
1996 232.3 1,859 8.00 1,224 409 216 1,227 1,017 99 17 2 0 0.1076 1.0221
1997 250.1 1,747 6.99 1,130 393 216 1,150 916 63 15 2 0 0.1145 0.9731
1998 257.5 1,946 7.56 1,226 472 240 1,300 1,074 63 12 6 1 0.3597 0.9764
1999 260.9 1,821 6.98 1,105 464 243 1,210 1,003 62 11 3 0 0.1647 0.7688
2000 270.6 1,711 6.32 1,057 389 259 1,150 854 53 16 4 0 0.2338 1.1689
2001 281.3 1,923 6.84 1,200 424 288 1,256 993 75 21 2 0 0.1040 1.1960
2002 291.6 2,478 8.50 1,463 709 292 1,609 1,196 99 29 2 0 0.0807 1.2510
2003 294.7 2,848 9.66 1,735 800 297 1,860 1,426 115 20 2 0 0.0702 0.7725
2004 293.7 3,331 11.34 2,082 910 315 2,152 1,647 126 31 4 0 0.1201 1.0507
2005 296.4 3,119 10.52 2,090 699 308 2,123 1,494 101 34 4 1 0.1603 1.2504
2006 299.4 3,594 12.00 2,411 748 413 2,488 1,668 160 71 13 1 0.3895 2.3651
2007 305.6 3,758 12.30 2,449 785 494 2,730 1,840 167 84 14 0 0.3725 2.6078
2008 308.3 3,622 11.75 2,442 663 477 2,599 1,670 188 80 12 0 0.3313 2.5400
2009 311.0 3,461 11.13 2,410 607 428 2,599 1,677 201 75 18 4 0.6357 2.8027
2010 312.5 3,549 11.36 2,405 642 486 2,666 1,813 207 91 19 2 0.5917 3.1558
2011 315.4 3,471 11.01 2,310 584 556 2,603 1,745 221 74 19 1 0.5762 2.7082
2012 317.6 3,457 10.88 2,269 587 577 2,681 1,786 249 70 17 2 0.5496 2.5745
2013 319.7 3,366 10.53 2,227 532 588 2,627 1,659 235 71 13 4 0.5051 2.6144
TOTAL   70,378 10.82 47,716 13,797 8,190 49,394 37,506 3,485 912 176 16 0.2728 1.5687
Adapted and updated from: Litovitz T, Whitaker N, Clark L, White NC, Marsolek M. Emerging battery ingestion hazard: Clinical implications. 
Pediatrics 2010; 125(6):1168-1177. Epub 2010 May 24.

Table 2. Button Battery Ingestions in Children Younger than 6 Years Reported to the National Poison Data System, 1985-2013
Year Population Served by Participating PCs (millions) No. of Ingestions < 6 years Treated in HCF Outcome
No Effect Minor Moderate Major Death % Moderate, Major, or Death
1985 113.6 540 354 381 34 0 0 0 0.0000
1986 132.1 849 535 610 43 5 2 0 0.8245
1987 137.5 859 558 649 69 5 0 0 0.5821
1988 155.7 1,009 737 738 60 6 2 0 0.7929
1989 182.4 1,302 882 917 71 1 0 0 0.0768
1990 191.7 1,433 1,003 926 71 3 0 0 0.2094
1991 200.7 2,032 1,466 1,222 93 4 3 0 0.3445
1992 196.7 2,416 1,725 1,461 115 9 3 0 0.4967
1993 181.3 1,515 1,120 899 57 11 3 0 0.9241
1994 215.9 1,301 881 734 52 6 2 0 0.6149
1995 218.5 1,225 899 746 56 8 1 0 0.7347
1996 232.3 1,224 823 677 56 11 1 0 0.9804
1997 250.1 1,130 743 608 35 10 2 0 1.0619
1998 257.5 1,226 838 690 37 5 5 0 0.8157
1999 260.9 1,105 758 624 45 6 1 0 0.6335
2000 270.6 1,057 734 560 32 7 3 0 0.9461
2001 281.3 1,200 811 636 55 15 1 0 1.3333
2002 291.6 1,463 978 731 58 20 2 0 1.5038
2003 294.7 1,735 1,149 897 64 11 1 0 0.6916
2004 293.7 2,082 1,365 1,060 74 23 4 0 1.2968
2005 296.4 2,090 1,435 1,039 57 19 3 1 1.1005
2006 299.4 2,411 1,706 1,145 86 31 7 1 1.6176
2007 305.6 2,449 1,825 1,269 89 37 8 0 1.8375
2008 308.3 2,442 1,825 1,215 97 35 8 0 1.7609
2009 311.0 2,410 1,864 1,233 121 35 13 4 2.1577
2010 312.5 2,405 1,896 1,291 127 40 13 2 2.2869
2011 315.4 2,310 1,821 1,217 112 32 12 1 1.9481
2012 317.6 2,269 1,867 1,225 147 41 11 2 2.3799
2013 319.7 2,227 1,824 1,148 135 31 10 3 1.9758
TOTAL   47,716 34,422 26,548 2,148 467 121 14 1.2616
Adapted and updated from: Litovitz T, Whitaker N, Clark L, White NC, Marsolek M. Emerging battery ingestion hazard: Clinical implications.  Pediatrics 2010; 125(6):1168-1177. Epub 2010 May 24.

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