Tag: refineries

Moody’s: Refineries face flat demand, new competition

Shale oil will continue to give U.S. refineries a cost advantage over their European peers, but a few big refinery expansions in Saudi Arabia could steal market share.  More »

Prices at the pump head below $3 in much of U.S.

While gas prices usually dip this time of year, they’re dropping even faster now due to plummeting global oil prices.  More »

Guest commentary: Partnerships needed to tackle global energy challenges

The global energy industry must seek new avenues to meet growing demand.  More »

Gulf Coast to benefit from refinery retrofits

Refiners are scrambling for ways to process newly abundant light crude from U.S. shale, and much of their construction and retrofitting investment will be on the Gulf Coast.  More »

Venezuela says Citgo assets worth more than $10 billion

PDVSA is seeking to sell Citgo assets, the U.S. unit said in a July 29 bond prospectus document.  More »

Valero earnings up on increased volumes

The crude oil that Valero made into fuels averaged 2.7 million barrels a day, an increase of 115,000 barrels a day compared with the second quarter of 2013.  More »

New congressional caucus aims to boost refiners

Refiners fighting against biofuel mandates, environmental regulations and changes in U.S. export policy may have new allies on Capitol Hill, with the launch Wednesday of a congressional caucus dedicated to the sector.  More »

Rail terminal could bring more Canadian oil to Gulf

The oil industry isn’t waiting on the Keystone Pipeline to build a link between Canadian heavy crude and the Gulf Coast.  More »

EPA claims victory in Supreme Court decision on pollution rules

The Supreme Court upholds the EPA’s efforts to limit greenhouse gases from power plants, refineries and factories — a key affirmation of the Obama administration’s climate agenda.  More »

US oil exports soar to new milestone

U.S. oil exports hit a 15 year high in April, despite broad limitations on foreign sales, according to a report released Monday by the federal Energy Information Administration.  More »

Trains full of crude boost US share in refiners’ mix

East Coast refiners are using less imported oil, as trains deliver crude from the prolific Bakken Shale in North Dakota.  More »

Tesoro’s crude rail plans hit delay in Washington state

Tesoro Corp. CEO Greg Goff said Thursday that the company’s plan to rail crude oil to the Port of Vancouver USA has been delayed as the state of Washington completes an environmental impact statement.  More »
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