Tag: Climate Change

Fossil fuel caps urged as scientists warn of climate woes

The world can only consume a fraction of the known deposits of fossil fuels if it’s to avoid the most dangerous impacts from climate change.  More »

Methane pollution from federal lands rising, oil boom to blame

Data from the Interior Department shows a huge uptick in methane being vented or burned as waste from wells on public lands.  More »

U.S. could press for international Arctic drilling standards

The United States may use its role heading the Arctic Council to push for standards governing oil drilling and development throughout the region, the Obama administration’s top Arctic envoy said Tuesday.  More »

Coal mogul Murray says more bankruptcies possible

The CEO of Murray Energy Corp. targeted environmental regulation for the coal industry’s woes in his stump speech at an industry conference in Pittsburgh on Monday.  More »

Oil-rich Rockefellers plan to divest from fossil fuels

After building their fortune on oil, the Rockefeller family is joining growing chorus of philanthropies, foundations, religious groups and pension funds pledging to sell assets tied to fossil fuels, the New York Times reported Sunday.  More »

Environmental groups crank up heat on methane mandates

Environmental groups on Thursday pressured the Obama administration to clamp down on methane leaking from the oil and gas sector by imposing new regulations targeting wells, valves and other infrastructure.  More »

Electric vehicles are getting cleaner, group says

Most Americans now live in regions where electric vehicles produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions than the most efficient hybrid cars, according to a new analysis.  More »

EPA looking at new mandates on methane

EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy signaled that the agency may turn to voluntary programs and regulatory mandates in its bid to clamp down on methane emissions tied to oil and gas drilling.  More »

Guest commentary: Partnerships needed to tackle global energy challenges

The global energy industry must seek new avenues to meet growing demand.  More »

Supreme Court limits existing EPA climate rules on power plants

The Supreme Court on Monday placed limits on the sole Obama administration program already in place to deal with power plant and factory emissions of gases blamed for global warming.  More »

California city pursues gas-pump warning labels

The San Francisco Bay Area city of Berkeley is moving forward with plans to put climate-change warning labels on gas pumps in what could be the first such requirement of its kind in the nation.  More »

Poll: Majority supports Obama’s climate change rules on power plants

More than two-thirds of U.S. adults support the Obama administration’s proposed restrictions on power plant emissions, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey released Wednesday.  More »
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