113th Congress Senate Democrat Louisiana
Last Updated on: 09/25/14  

Sen. Mary Landrieu

(D) LA    

Sen. Mary Landrieu
3 %

  How scores are calculated

Sen. Landrieu Lifetime Average: 7%

VOTES (1 of 49)

Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013 The Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013 (H.R.152) would provide $50.507 billion in “emergency” funding intended for disaster assistance for Hurricane Sandy relief.
Shorten the Duration of All Senate Debates Together, the rule changes would weaken the rights of the Senate minority and limit the opportunity of individual senators to represent their constituents.
No on Senate Rule Changes Together, the rule changes would weaken the rights of the Senate minority and limit the opportunity of individual senators to represent their constituents.
Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 The bill would reauthorize and expand the 1994 law that made domestic violence – typically handled by state and local governments – a federal crime.
The Nomination of Chuck Hagel to be Secretary of Defense The motion ended debate to ultimately confirm former Senator Chuck Hagel to be the United States Secretary of Defense.
Nomination of Caitlin Halligan to the US Court of Appeals for DC The motion ended debate to ultimately confirm Caitlin Joan Halligan, of New York, to be U.S. Circuit Judge.
Cruz Amendment to Defund Obamacare and Delay its Implementation The “Restore Growth First” amendment, to be introduced by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), would delay the implementation of Obamacare by prohibiting funding for the law.
Internet Sales Tax The Marketplace Fairness Act of 2013 (S.336), while often referred to as an “Internet sales tax” bill, the legislation has far broader and more complex implications.
Prohibit Further Greenhouse Gas Regulations The amendment would have prevented drastic energy price increases by prohibiting further greenhouse gas regulations for the purposes of addressing climate change.
Prevent Union Dues from Being Automatically Deducted from Federal Employees' Paychecks The amendment would have prevented union dues from being automatically deducted from the pay of Federal employees.
Prevent Taxpayer Funding of the United Nations While Any Member Nation Forces Involuntary Abortions The amendment would have prevented any taxpayer funds to the United Nations while any member nation forces citizens or residents of that nation to undergo involuntary abortions.
Require the Congressional Budget Office to Include Macroeconomic Feedback in its Scoring of Tax Legislation The amendment required the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to include macroeconomic feedback scoring of tax legislation.
The Senate Democrat's Budget, with Higher Spending and a $1-trillion Tax Increase The Senate Budget (S.CON.RES.8), which would have increased spending, increased taxes and slowed economic growth.
Marketplace Fairness Act of 2013 While often referred to as an “Internet sales tax” bill, the legislation has far broader and more complex implications, especially with regard to states’ rights.There is no Internet exemption from sales taxes; in fact, sales taxes are already collected for the vast majority of online sales. Instead, the proposal concerns the power of states over businesses outside of their borders. Specifically, the proposal would overturn a Supreme Court decision setting limits on a state’s ability to require out-of-state retailers to collect sales taxes for them, turning every out-of-state retailer into a sales tax collector for nearly 10,000 separate state, local and municipal tax jurisdictions. The bill will likely face Due Process challenges should it become law.
Water Resources Development Act of 2013 The Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2013 (S.601) would authorize federal spending on an array of water resource projects, including for ports, harbors, inland waterways, beaches, and wetlands, most of which are run by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that S.601 outlays will be $12.2 billion over the fiscal year 2014-2023 period, though the substitute amendment will drive that cost significantly higher.
Schumer-Toomey-Manchin Amendment to Require Universal Background Checks Much like the underlying bill, the Schumer-Toomey-Manchin Amendment is highly flawed. It would infringe on Americans’ constitutional rights and do little to prevent horrific crimes such as the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut.
Motion to Proceed to the Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013 The Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013 (S.649) would undermine Americans’ constitutional rights and do little to prevent horrific crimes such as the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut.
Farm and Food Stamp Bill Motion to Invoke Cloture which led to passage of the $1 trillion farm bill. Despite claims of reform, the farm bill continues to spend nearly $1 trillion on a variety of programs, including crop subsidies, conservation programs and food stamps.
Repeal Sugar Price Support Program According to a Congressional Budget Office estimate, the Toomey-Shaheen amendment would have saved $82 million over the next ten years by making changes to America’s dysfunctional sugar policy. Specifically, the Toomey-Shaheen Amendment would have repealed the Feedstock Flexibility Program that requires the government to buy up surplus sugar if the price of sugar falls below a certain target price and then requires the government to sell that surplus sugar to ethanol companies at a loss. The amendment would also have lowered the price support levels for sugar and removed the guarantee for domestic sugar producers that they get at least 85% of domestic sugar demand and provided the Secretary of Agriculture with discretion to modify or suspend this guarantee.
End Debate on the Schumer-Corker-Hoeven Border Security Amendment to the Amnesty Bill Schumer-Corker-Hoeven fails to solve the enforcement problems in the underlying bill because Registered Provisional Immigrant (RPI) status (i.e., amnesty) is not made conditional on enforcement and security.
Vote to Bring Up the Gang of 8 Amnesty Bill for Debate and Eventual Passage This vote enabled the Senate to consider the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act (S.744).
Pass the Gang of 8 Amnesty Bill The Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act (S.744) act would put 11 million illegal immigrants on a path to citizenship.
Cloture on the Nomination of Thomas Perez to Serve as Secretary of Labor This vote enabled the Senate to consider the nomination of Thomas Perez to serve as Secretary of Labor.
Cloture on the Renomination of Fred Hochberg as President of the Export-Import Bank This vote enabled the Senate to consider the nomination of Fred Hochberg to serve another term as president of the Export-Import Bank of the United States.
Cloture on the Nomination of Richard Cordray as Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau This vote enabled the Senate to consider Richard Cordray to be the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Reid Amendment to Strike Defunding Obamacare from CR After the Senate invoked cloture, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid added amendment #1974. This amendment would remove the defunding of Obamacare from the House-passed CR.
Cloture That Led to Striking Defunding Obamacare from CR Invoking Cloture on the House-passed Continuing Appropriations Resolution (H.J. 59) would allow Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to use a simple majority to amend the CR and remove the language defunding Obamacare.
Senate Negotiated Spending and Debt Deal The proposed deal compiled by the Senate to reopen the government, raise the debt ceiling, and will do nothing to stop Obamacare from harming the American people.
On the Nomination of Mel Watt for Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) Vote to end debate and eventually confirm Mel Watt as the new director for the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA).
Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (S. 815), or ENDA, severely undermines civil liberties, increases government interference in the labor market, and tramples on religious liberty.
Preventing Nuclear Option on Filibuster Voting YES to sustain the ruling of the chair would have kept the 60-vote threshold to end debate – commonly referred to as the filibuster – intact for executive branch and judicial nominees.
Cloture on The Ryan-Murray Spending Increase Budget Voting for cloture would allow the passage of the budget agreement crafted by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA). The deal would lift the discretionary spending caps to $1.012 trillion in 2014 and $1.014 trillion in 2015 and increase revenues through an assortment of tax increases (which are labeled fees) in exchange for promises of future spending reductions.
On the Nomination of Janet Yellen for Federal Reserve Under Janet Yellen’s leadership, the Fed would likely become more politicized. A more politicized Fed threatens to place partisan concerns above sound monetary policy. Yellen will be a continuation of the trends set by Bernanke.
$1.1 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014 (H.R.3547), better known as the omnibus appropriations package, increases base discretionary spending by $24 billion in FY 2014. The omnibus takes the country in the wrong direction, both in terms of policy and overall spending levels.
The Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2014 The innocuously named Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act would delay the start of the much needed reform in the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 for four years, setting a terrible precedent that this promising reform may never be allowed to go into effect and taxpayers would be left holding the bag.
Cloture on the “Farm” Bill Conference Report Despite claims of reform, this bill continues to spend nearly $1 trillion on a variety of programs, including significant taxpayers subsidies to agribusiness, green energy handouts, conservation programs and of course the massive food stamp program.
Cloture on Unemployment Insurance Extension The Emergency Unemployment Compensation Extension Act extends the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program for three months. The EUC program provides for an additional 47 weeks of federally funded unemployment compensation, bringing the total length to 73 weeks.
Cloture on Clean Debt Limit Suspension The Temporary Debt Limit Extension Act (S. 540), which would suspend the nation’s debt ceiling until March 15, 2015. During that time, President Obama and Congress will have a blank check to spend and borrow.
The Comprehensive Veterans Health and Benefits and Military Retirement Pay Restoration Act of 2014 Allegedly designed to extend and expand health care programs for veterans as well as job-assistance and education benefits, this multibillion dollar bill fails to make necessary reforms to the Veterans Affairs system that is already overburdened and flawed, harming both veterans truly in need of assistance and taxpayers in the process. The Congressional Budget Office score of the bill shows it would cost roughly $24 billion over ten years.
The Homeowner Flood Insurance Act This bill, passed in the House, would cancel reforms made in the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 meant to bring stability to the national flood insurance program.
Cloture on the Ukraine Package and IMF Reforms The Support for the Sovereignty, Integrity, Democracy, and Economic Stability of Ukraine Act of 2014 (S.2124), contains reforms to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that are unrelated to Russia\'s aggression toward Ukraine and takeover of Crimea. The changes to the IMF would increase Russia’s power at the IMF and reduce the voice of the U.S.
On Cloture on the Substitute Amendment for Retroactive Extension of Emergency Unemployment Benefits The bill would extend emergency unemployment insurance benefits for five months and would provide retroactive payments to those who would have received benefits after the program expired in December.
Cloture on the Federal Minimum Wage Increase The Minimum Wage Fairness Act (S. 2223) would increase the federally mandated minimum wage to an unprecedented $10.10 per hour from the current $7.25 per hour by early 2016 and subsequently index it to inflation, which would force employers to curtail hiring.
On Cloture on the Shaheen-Portman Energy Efficiency Bill The Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act of 2013 claims to promote energy savings in industrial and commercial buildings. The bill provides taxpayer-funded federal incentives to make building and manufacturing processes more efficient, but these “incentives” would burden taxpayers and consumers alike while producing no tangible benefits. They are also duplicative of federal and state efforts.
Elizabeth Warren’s Student Loan Bill The Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act (S. 2432) would allow borrowers with older student loans — nearly 40 million individuals with more than $1 trillion in student loan debt — to refinance at the rates established in 2013 for new, taxpayer-backed student loans. The bill would be paid for by raising taxes for families and small businesses making more than $1 million, the so-called Buffett Rule.
On the Motion to Waive Budget Point of Order Re: Veterans Bill The motion to waive all applicable budget points of order on the Veterans’ Access to Care through Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act of 2014 (H.R. 3230) allows spending to occur outside existing federal budget caps.
Cloture on the Protect Women’s Health from Corporate Interference Act The Protect Women’s Health from Corporate Interference Act (S. 2578) would force employers like the Greens of Hobby Lobby and the Hahns of Conestoga Wood Specialties to provide coverage for abortion-inducing drugs and devices and “would also prohibit employers from seeking relief from any federal health care mandate — no matter how coercive the rule or controversial the procedure.”
The Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2014 The Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2014 (S. 2244) would extend the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) — a temporary program passed in the aftermath the September 11th terrorist attacks — for seven years while making only minor changes to the program.
On the Lee Transportation Amendment (Transportation Empowerment Act) The Transportation Empowerment Act (S. 1702) would empower states by allowing them to keep and control their gasoline tax revenues, set their infrastructure priorities, control their transportation decisions, and partner with the private sector to meet local needs.
The Highway and Transportation Funding Act of 2014 (H.R. 5021) The House-passed Highway and Transportation Funding Act of 2014 (H.R. 5021) would inject $10.8 billion into the federal Highway Trust Fund (HTF), marking the fifth bailout of the HTF since 2008. The bill would offset the additional spending over the next decade through a series of revenue raisers, budget gimmicks and budget transfers. It would also extend existing surface transportation programs until May 30, 2015.
Senate Miller-Sanders Veterans Bill The Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014 (H.R. 3230) would increase direct spending by $15 billion over 10 years. Of that cost, $10 billion in emergency mandatory funding would go towards an external care option for vets who face wait times of longer than 30 days or live more than 40 miles from a VA facility. The remaining $5 billion would expand existing VA operations and other miscellaneous veterans-related programs. This $5 billion would be offset over 10 years from reforms within the VA, though the merits of those offsets are highly questionable.
Continuing Resolution with Export-Import Extension The Continuing Appropriations Resolution (H.J. Res. 124) would fund the federal government through December 11, reauthorize the Export-Import Bank until June 30, 2015 and served as a vehicle for a key component of President Obama’s Syria strategy.
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Defund Obamacare Act of 2013 The Defund Obamacare Act of 2013 (S.1292), introduced by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), would defund Obamacare to prevent taxpayer dollars from being used to implement the law. Specifically, the Defund Obamacare Act of 2013 deauthorizes any Obamacare appropriations and rescinds prior appropriations that would implement any provision under Obamacare, while also halting any entitlements created by the law.
Senate Transportation Empowerment Act The Transportation Empowerment Act (S.1702) would turn back control of the federal highway program (including transit) to the states by incrementally decreasing the federal gas tax and the size of the federal program, and in turn empower the states to fund and manage their transportation programs and priorities.
Employee Rights Act The Employee Rights Act (S.1712) would protect workers from union pressure by putting power in the hands of employees and making union leaders more accountable to their members.
Higher Education Reform and Opportunity Act of 2013 The Higher Education Reform and Opportunity (HERO) Act of 2014 would empower states to develop their own accreditation systems to accredit colleges, individual courses within colleges, apprenticeship programs, and curricula.
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