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U2 are the biggest band on Earth, but that's not enough. Go inside our cover story and see an exclusive performance:
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biggest assholes on earth
the edge usa a mesma touca fazem uns 15 anos, não??
If they are the biggest band on Earth, we're in trouble.
Biggest band since 1987! Love the new album 👍
+J.D. Benavidez by far the best, just performed two tracks on late late show and they were absolutely fantastic, I have seen many bands live.none as good and thats a fact.
What bands have the panache of
a Bono? The guitar bravado of the Edge? There is only one U2!
liker dem ,respekter og elsker,hva de står for .som mennesker, og budskapet i proslekter og musikk
The greatest noisemakers ever, to come out of Ireland.We produced better music than this.
Please Give us a "for example"Michael Dineen. 
They used to be AMAZING, but sadley have gone for thebig$$$$$$$. $45.00 (aus) for Tix , I don't think so!
Pj Mack
I cant stand u2..
Good to know, that there is someone else who can't stand them.
Roy Lay
+Gerard Hagerty
Van Morrison.  Sineed O'Conner.  U2 used to be really good, 25 years ago.
Love Van, not a fan of Sinead. U2 is still the best "band" to come out of Ireland though.
I thought the Rolling Stones are the biggest band
Biggest whenever The Stones aren't touring.

U2. Great band not measuring up to the hype.
They should star in the revival series of sister fun time, And star in the Kwanzaa Special of Sister Fun Time
yu grupa leb i sol smak bregovic i jos puno roling stonesa iz ove regije s milionima ploca a tako mala zemlja ex yu pop rock ast la vista!!!
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