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Paul Krugman was a notable Obama critic. Now he's calling the president a historic success. Our full cover story:
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Anything to do with the pending Obama-Krugman Foundation for the Proliferation of Cerebral Ideas?
This guy can do no wrong.  Middle class has gotten absolutely raped during his tenure.  Can't hope for change quick enough.
Paul Krugman is a democrat criticising from the left. Of course he's happy.
I thought The Rolling Stone was a magazine about music not politics. Is the music industry that bad that there are no stories to write?
+Joshua Weaver Man you are a fool and have obviouslyhave never read Rolling Stone has always included politics and music....idiot
Yeah this as the cover is questionable. Doesn't scream open-minded. But....Krugman is the man. And hopefully the article isn't overly edited by RS. Gonna wait and see
Viky M.
No creo en la politica
bill k
The polls support this as yiu can see.. Oh wait.. Oops 
Rolling Stone Magazine has ALWAYS had political and cultural stories, some go into way more depth than so-called news magazines. 
Excellent article and I actually read
Oboma? Successful? Are you kidding me. He has hardly done anything worth even reading about as far as I am concerned. It seems Mrs. Oboma does not see much success in Oboma either if you have seen some magazines on their relationship.
Bwahaha Krugman has been sucking him off for a long time
How much did the Obama administration pay off Krugman?
We have so few talented journalists left. The truth is difficult to find these days thanks to the media turning the news into a circus. The news has become entertainment rather than accurate and honest. Blonde bimbos with cleavage and long bare legs tell the right what they want to hear while leftists attack the right for their ignorance. The populace is lazy, illiterate and wants its information quickly. Instead of researching the facts they tune to the channel that agrees with their opinions. Paul Krugman is a Nobel Prize winner for economics. He knows his stuff. Thank you Mr. Krugman for trying, but I am afraid Americans are less intelligent than they used to be. They react to the hype and media without doing their research. I am 57 years old and I am ashamed of the way Americans disrespect each other all the while supporting a Congress that is destroying the middle class. It is not our President who is destroying the middle class, it is the GOP. They are greedy and selfish, plain and simple. 
+Kimberley Stagg Thank you for "disrespecting " me. I am neither greedy or selfish as I have NEVER expected anyone else to take their hard earned money to help me make up for the mistakes or unresponsible behavior. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY RULES if we expect to get passed generations of an entitlement culture .
+bill k Yes Bill, the truth is best determined by popular opinion.
Great read!!!  Paul Krugman is the best!
He is the worst nightmare that ever happen to the U.S. he betrayed all Americans who believed in him. God save America! :(

I vote only in the magazin
Obama has his faults, but overall he has done a pretty good job all things considered. It's just too bad the right wingers have chosen political warfare, sabotage, and obstruction over working together to get through this Great Recession, end the wars, and put people back to work. 
All man-made big disasters started with a mad man's obsession with money and power and his ability to corrupt others.
Give money to a psycho and he will buy power!
Give money and power to a psycho and he will deliver Hell!
Marin Pitu
+Kimberley Stagg then why does not the present do something about it Infact why do not you write him a letter expressing what needs help to help him make America better faster or help America by furthering education here in the Usa. So we know who to thank cause I do not want to see anymore eagles, hawks, falcons, or any of those national birds hurt. Better yet help oboma in creating America better for all instead of commenting on our unfortunate comments on this subject. In short way to say this do something so there is no more complaints. Plus it is not that we have few talented unless you are speaking for yourself, it is that the talented are not helped to seek their talent and those who know their talent ends up not getting help showing their talent. Sometimes the people who seem to have no talent have not been given time and the ability to show the world their talent be it transportation, money, time, etc. Plus lets not forget the animal with breeds who are dying out or the homeless who really need a home.
How bout we feed those who are truely hungry or better yet the further you educate us maybe we the USA will have a better chance in the world. Where the USA has no help you can join.
Thank you
I'm not a problem with the latest version of the most 
Since I first starting reading Rolling Stone in June of 1969, I've developed a healthy cynicism for all party politics; a cynicism that failed me when I subscribed to the packaged hype surrounding Obama and voted for him.  Paul Krugman's article defending Obama was intelligent and thoughtful, but the inclusion of statements like "it's a lot better than nothing" regarding finance reform, and "things could have been worse" regarding the economy, only demonstrate the difficulty in defending Obama's actions and inactions.  Krugman is ignoring our primary source of disappointment in this president; he wasn't supposed to NEED defending!
No matter now how obama was , what is important we know now obama in love with queen elezeberth ,,,,, its so cute when we saw miss grandma of the world smile forever
love you so much  ..........................
I think Obama's greatest contribution is far more subtle. In refraining from bashing the Republicans upon taking office, he sacrificed significant political ammunition to hasten the healing of our country. He is now paying the price in terms of popularity, but I believe we are far better because of his restraint. 
+Raymond Nagashima You make laugh Raymond, you need to listen the news, never ever one Commander in Chief has been so careless about the safety of the American people internally an externally from the South of the border,Benghazi, Fast and furious, Americans decapitated, Isis concentration training camps in specific areas in the USA, his love for the Muslim brotherhood Community (some rumors that he is hard core Muslim) and agree with the sharia law, his deaf ear for the persecution of Christian people, Obama's care health insurance big rippo, now there is fraud in the polls and Chicago in the news again, the food in the schools is very stingy, kids they know who do that. Sure cheating votes make you win, I know he have charisma and beautiful teeth and a great smile, but what America needs is a trusted man he swear over the bible to defend his Country.So the poll say what... Another rumor - after the election he wants give, to the undocumented aliens amnesty and "free" college. See I'm Citizen by naturalization and I see the reality the big drastically big metamorphosis America is suffering big change and there is more no privacy there is NSA. America is bleeding. I love America, The ten Amendment's, and The Bills of Right. God save America!! Amen! Amen! With regard - Me.
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