Sens. Patrick and Carona face off over rumors about Patrick’s marriage

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Sens. Dan Patrick of Houston and John Carona of Dallas had an angry exchange over the weekend concerning alleged rumors that Patrick and his wife are separating – rumors that were forcefully denied by Patrick. The verbal fracas came to light in an e-mail sent by Patrick (right) to his 30 senate colleagues accusing Carona of spreading a lie about Patrick and his wife, Jan. “I was in Dallas last week and learned that Sen. Carona has told people outside the Senate that Jan and I are separated and may get divorced,” Patrick said in the letter, first reported by Quorum Report. “For John to do this to her is a despicable and low thing to do. There is no excuse or justification for his actions.”

In response, Carona sent a letter to Patrick calling his charges false and saying Patrick should have called him regarding the allegations before contacting their colleagues. “Though I have heard rumors regarding your marital status and sexual preferences for a while now, at no time have I told anyone that you are either separated, divorced or gay,” the Dallas Republican said. “As you know, if you truly believed I had said something unflattering, you could have simply asked. I’ve never been shy about sharing my dislike and distrust of you. Put bluntly, I believe you are a snake oil salesman, a narcissist that would say anything to draw attention to himself.”

The two Republicans, who have been at odds in the past, have both been considered possible replacements for Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst if he wins his bid for a U.S. Senate seat this year. The Senate would chose a new lieutenant governor from within its ranks should Dewhurst give up the office. Sen. Patrick had the last word in the exchange, criticizing Carona for launching “another attack, another lie, about me” – a reference to the comment about Patrick’s sexual preferences. “I find Sen. Carona’s response repulsive and unbecoming of a senator. I stand by my statement. I have first-hand knowledge that he has been spreading this lie.” Patrick also demanded that Carona apolologize to him and his wife for actions.