Meet the Arlington Libertarians Who Spend Their Nights Chasing and Filming Cops (Video)

This week, the Observer's Sky Chadde has a cover story about a group of Arlington "cop watchers" who spend their nights following the suburb's patrol cars, filming police's interactions with the citizenry and lobbing the occasional "oink," all in the name of liberty.

As part of that story, videographer Sarah Passon recently hit the streets with the group. Her video is above.


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Libertarians? I am absolutely Positive there are a few Republican Delegates from the State Convention in this Group and one party Chair Person! You might want to do your research next time a little better.  

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

You want to film, then film.  But what's the need for taunting and talking shit to the cops?  Just some more punk asses making fools of themselves and doing more harm for the movement than good.  


I used to support these guys, until I saw all of taunting and confrontations with police that they initiate.

They should just be recording the cops. If they see a problem, report it and submit the video as evidence.


This will get interesting when they up their game to open-carry taunting.


I would like to see their voting history before you go calling them Libertarians.

mavdog topcommenter

Citizens should, and do,have the right to film police officers as long as they don't interfere with the police performing their job.

the taunting of the police that you can hear these citizens do is over the line. it's not illegal mind you, it just says a lot about the photographers.


First! and perhaps last to post without froth on mouth or keyboard, on this topic.


And you sound like you are I'll informed. Libertarians are for personal liberties. Usually democrats want their people to have less liberties (ie Bloomberg with stop and frisk, soft drink ban, gun restrictions). Republicans are no angels either, but at least they try to preserve personal freedoms. I'm agree with some people on these comments that one shouldn't taunt the police. However, the police often get away with abuses of power so I understand the anger they might have towards the police. I am armed to the teeth and don't need a police officer to protect me, let alone impede on my rights. Not all cops are bad, but they, like even the president, require over-sight. They are PUBLIC SERVANTS; they serve us, NOT the other way around. I happen to KNOW one of the members and he is libertarian. He votes in primaries to try and get libertarians on the Republican ballot. Democrats/liberals/neo-conservatives are eroding away at our constitution by infringing on our rights. I would try a non-violent, tactical approach. Like maybe use night vision, take turns to avoid any one person being asked twice to step back, and remained unidentifiable (normal clothes). I admire what these guys are attempting to do but I think they are still figuring out how to go about it. Hopefully, they drop the insults and taunting and remain non-violent

holmantx topcommenter


And it's very UN-Libertarian (taunting).


And you sound like you are I'll informed. Libertarians are for personal liberties. Usually democrats want their people to have less liberties (ie Bloomberg with stop and frisk, soft drink ban, gun restrictions). Republicans are no angels either, but at least they try to preserve personal freedoms. I'm agree with some people on these comments that one shouldn't taunt the police. However, the police often get away with abuses of power so I understand the anger they might have towards the police. I am armed to the teeth and don't need a police officer to protect me, let alone impede on my rights. Not all cops are bad, but they, like even the president, require over-sight. They are PUBLIC SERVANTS; they serve us, NOT the other way around. I happen to KNOW one of the members and he is libertarian. He votes in primaries to try and get libertarians on the Republican ballot. Democrats/liberals/neo-conservatives are eroding away at our constitution by infringing on our rights. I would try a non-violent, tactical approach. Like maybe use night vision, take turns to avoid any one person being asked twice to step back, and remained unidentifiable (normal clothes). I admire what these guys are attempting to do but I think they are still figuring out how to go about it. Hopefully, they drop the insults and taunting and remain non-violent.


You're prob not capable of intelligently arguing, using either logic or reason. You were not my target audience then.

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