
U.S.-Mexico Border Energy Issues

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Quarantine in South Texas as Mexican Fruit Fly Invades, Again

Recently larval Mexican fruit flies were spotted in Texas.

Don’t let its size fool you, the Mexican Fruit Fly is a serious threat to Texas’ agriculture. Authorities spotted larval Mexican Fruit Flies in South Texas and quarantined an 85 square mile area to contain the dangerous pest and its insidious larvae, according to the Texas Register. The quarantine is one of many used over [...]

As Mexico Shares Less Water With Texas, Lawmakers Watch and Worry

A footprint in the soft mud of the Rio Grande in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.

State lawmakers and agency heads discussed Mexico’s lack of water contribution to the Rio Grande River, the state of the State Water Plan and invasive species at the House Natural Resources committee meeting at the Capitol yesterday. Carlos Rubinstein, Commissioner of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), said Mexico hasn’t been allowing its fair [...]

SXSW Eco: The Promises and Challenges of Energy Along the Border

A family passes by one of the stands promoting green energy at the Climate Village in Cancun, Mexico, on December 4, 2010.

Scott Storment has a story he likes to tell about doing green business in Mexico. “My first wind project [in Mexico] was outside of Monterrey,” Storment recalled Thursday at a panel on U.S.-Mexico border issues at the SXSW Eco conference. He has worked on energy projects along the U.S.-Mexico border for 20 years. His latest venture, [...]

Hungry for Electricity, Mexico Considers Border Fracking

The Eagle Ford Shale formation in South Texas has made headlines for its abundance of natural gas, but the formation doesn’t end at the Rio Grande. That fact is not lost on the Mexican government. Last week, the Mexican Minister of Energy proposed ramping up hydraulic fracturing operations in Northern Mexico. The announcement wasn’t especially [...]

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