Order Synopses for Cause Number 1V  (11/06/2014)

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      CAUSE 1V
1V - 1
Requires that the Adkins Oil Company, Bel Air Oil Company, and Cardinal Petroleum Company desist from discharging oil field waste liquids into unlined earthen pits and that they shall be contained in suitable pits lined with an impermeable material or disposed of by subsurface methods. It further requires that a plan of the method of containing or disposing of said liquids be submitted by each operator to the Director for approval within thirty days (30) days upon receipt of this order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 2
Orders operator of well on the Friend Lease SW4 NE4 Section 20 T3S R50W Dorado Field, to shut in well until such time as first retaining pit next to the skimming pit is covered in such a manner that will prevent wildlife from entering.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 3
There is no Order 1V-3. This misnumbering happened when renumbering the Orders way back when.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 4
Assesses a penalty of $250.00 to Tom Fenno, payable within thirty (30) days upon receipt of this order, for violation of Rules 316, 324 and 325.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 5
Dismisses charges against Dennis Weber for violation of Rule Nos. 324 (a) and 325.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 6
Reprimands Black Gold Energy resources for dumpling of oil field wastes into a pit.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 7
Orders the wells listed in the Order to be plugged and abandoned by the Commission under the terms of the plugging bond on file by Jerry Dickinson.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 8
Orders Paramount Petroleum Corporation to appear at hearing on October 20, 1986 to show cause why penalties should not be imposed concerning delinquent levy due.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 9
Assesses a penalty of $1000.00 to Derek C. McWhinney, payable within thirty (30) days upon receipt of this order, for violation of the rules and regulations of the Commission.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 10
Assesses a penalty of $250.00 to Edwin and Berry Cox, payable within thirty (30) days upon receipt of this order, for violation of the rules and regulations of the Commission.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 11
Illinois Basin Exploration given 45 days to either file security for the 27 wells they have acquired or transfer the ownership to an operator covered by a bond. Further action to be taken if not resolved.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 12
Assesses a penalty of $2500.00 to Amoco Production Company, payable within thirty (30) days upon receipt of this order, for failure to obtain prior approval for a disposal well in Las Animas County, Colorado.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 13
Assesses a penalty of $250.00 to J.J. Well Services, payable within thirty (30) days upon receipt of this order, for failure to submit reports. Reprimanded by the Commission for failure to appear at the hearing included in the order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 14
Cavanaugh and Cavanaugh to commence injection of produced waters from its operations of contain such waters in properly lined pits by November 28, 1987, otherwise operation to be shut down.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 15
Assesses a penalty of $500 to Mustang Well Service, payable within thirty (30) days upon receipt of this Order, for failure to properly dispose of drilling mud, and to clean up the dumping area in conjunction with Washington County authorities.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 16
Assesses a penalty of $3,500 for Murfin Drilling Company, payable within thirty (30) days upon receipt of this order, for unauthorized injection in a disposal well in Adams County, Colorado.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 17
Assesses a penalty of $250 to Gils Hot Oil Service, payable within thirty (30) days upon receipt of this order, for failure to post plugging security in a timely manner, and to furnish all delinquent production reports.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 18
That RWL furnish a Designation of Agent, delinquent production reports for the Achinger lease, and the matter be continued until the April hearing.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 19
Assesses a penalty of $250 to Cowan Oil Company, payable within thirty (30) days upon receipt of this order, of failure to post plugging security in a timely manner. Also, to file a Designation of Agent Form, and continue the matter pending receipt of the security.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 20
Assesses a penalty of $250 to Brown Investment, payable within thirty (30) days upon receipt of this order, for failure to post plugging security in a timely manner, and to furnish all delinquent production reports.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 21
Assesses a penalty of $250 to Go Pumping, payable within thirty (30) days upon receipt of this order, for failure to post plugging security in a timely manner.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 22
Assesses a penalty of $250 to Whitco Petroleum, payable within thirty (30) days upon receipt of this order, for failure to post plugging security in a timely manner.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 23
Directs MECO Operating Company to file a Designation of Agent Form, and cancels any further hearings in the matter.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 24
Assesses a penalty of $250 to Winelinger Davis Ranch, payable within thirty (30) days upon receipt of this order, for failure to post plugging security in a timely manner, and continues the matter pending OGCC acceptance and inspection of the plugged and abandoned well site.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 25
Cancels any further hearings in the matter of Blackstone Energy.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 26
American Penn Energy was assessed a penalty of $1,000 for violation of Rule 327, unauthorized injection of water.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 27
Clark Energy was assessed a penalty of $250 for failure to replace Allied bond.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 28
CEC of Colorado was assessed a penalty of $250 for failure to replace Allied bond and given thirty (30) days to comply.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 29
Frontier Oil and Gas was assessed a penalty of $250 for failure to replace Allied bond, and allowed sixty (60) days to post new security.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 30
Hasz Energy and Development was assessed a penalty of $250 for failure to replace Allies bond and allowed thirty (30) days to post a new security.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 31
Reider Oil was assessed a penalty of $250 for failure to replace Allied bond.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 32
Timka Resources was assessed a penalty of $250 for failure to replace Allied bond.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 33
RWL's request for a second continuance was denied. A penalty of $250 was assessed, and the proper security shall be posted within thirty (30) days of the hearing.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 34
Allows Pioneer Exploration thirty (30) days to complete sale or post proper security, and assesses penalty of $250.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 35
Assesses a penalty of $250 for failure to post proper security in a timely manner.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 36
Requires Gracechurch to post the proper security within thirty (30) days of receipt of this Order and assesses a $250 penalty.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 37
Assess penalties for failure to post bond and furnish change of operator and production reports, and allows thirty (30) days for compliance.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 38
Orders Cavanaugh and Cavanaugh, Inc. to backfill five drilling pits in Kiowa County, Colorado.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 39
Orders Cavanaugh and Cavanaugh, Inc. to plug and abandon, under Commission observation, eight wells in several fields in Kiowa County within ninety (90) days of receipt of Order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 40
Penalties assessed Lou Poma, dba Apple Drilling, Inc. associated to Order 1V-33 (formerly 1-75), are reduced to a total penalty of $5,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 41
Found C.J. Frank in violation of Commission Rule 303 and a penalty of $250 was assessed. McCormick Oil and Gas, Inc. is to submit $75 for processing of Application to Re enter.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 42
Directs Wayne N. Allison to attend a hearing on March 20 & 21, 1989, which resulted in Order 1V-43 (formerly 1-89).   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 43
Directs Wayne N. Allison to properly abandon various boreholes located in Delta and Montrose Counties, Colorado. (See Order 1V-42 hearing files for associated/shared documents)   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 44
Found Walsh Production Company in violation of Commission Rule 327 for unauthorized injection at two wells, and assessed a penalty of $5,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 45
Found to be in violation of Order 1 82, assessed a penalty of $8,000, and further orders the wells to be properly plugged or transferred to a properly bonded operator.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 46
Requires the compliance with the Rules and Regulations for five wells by May 1, 1989.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 47
Found there were five violations of Rule 319 1.(8), and assessed a penalty of $2,000 per violation with one $2,000 penalty for the Petroleum, Inc. well, suspended, pending satisfactory reclamation of drilling pits by May 1, 1989.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 48
Found there were numerous failures to file required reports and assessed a penalty of $250 for each of nineteen violations of Rule 319; a penalty of $250 for each of four violations of Rule 307; a penalty of $500 for each of eight violations of Rules 305 and 306, for a total penalty of $9,750; and requires all reports to be submitted by May 1, 1989. Found that production reports and conservation levy reports for the #1 T Wear well had not been submitted, in violation of Rules 307 and 308, and assessed a penalty of $1.00 per day, suspended, providing all reports are submitted by June 1, 1989, and any unpaid conservation levy amounts are submitted to the Commission.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 49
Found to be in violation of Rules 326 and 327, and assessed a penalty in the amount of $5,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 50
Accepts settlement on behalf of Benson Mineral Group acknowledging violations of orders in Cause 451, and levies a penalty in the amount of $3,500 to be paid to the Commission.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 51
Accepts settlement on behalf of Berenergy acknowledging violations of orders in Cause No. 451, and levies a penalty in the amount of $4,500 to be paid to the Commission.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 52
Accepts settlement on behalf of Fina Oil and Chemical Company acknowledging violations of orders in Cause No. 451, and levies a penalty in the amount o $6,000 to be paid to the Commission.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 53
Accepts settlement on behalf of Diversified Operating Company acknowledging violations of orders in Cause No. 451, and levies a penalty in the amount of $18,300 to be paid to the Commission.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 54
The Technical Secretary is ordered to write a letter to Rex Monahan expressing the concern of the Commission regarding the operations of Class II injection facilities in various fields operated by Mr. Monahan.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 55
Fines Mustang Service Company $1500 of services in kind in violation of Commission rules and regulations by dumping waste water from the Lindsey No. 33-13 Well operated by Gerrity Oil and Gas Corporation, located in the SW1/4 SW1/4 of Section 33, Township 3 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 56
Fines The Meyer Oil Company $1500 in violation of Commission rules and regulations from an oil spill at the North Park Coal No. 1 Well, located in the NW1/4 SW1/4 of Section 18, Township 9 North, Range 78 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 57
Finds Gear Drilling Company in violation of the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Rules 317.a., 324A.a., and 303.a. for allowing drilling mud to flow from a wellsite in Section 16, Township 11 North, Range 53 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 58
Finds Gear Drilling Company in violation of the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Rule Nos. 305 and 319.a.(2) and assessed a penalty of one thousand dollars per violation.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 59
Finds MarkWest Energy Partners, Inc. in violation of the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Rules 324.a. and 325, and assessed a penalty of two thousand dollars for violation of Rule No. 325.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 60
Finds Gerrity Oil and Gas Company in violation of Rule 303.a. and assessed a total penalty of four thousand five hundred ($4500) dollars for said violation.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 61
Finds Mustang Services Company in violation of Order No. 1-129 and converts the previous payment of one thousand five hundred ($1500) payable as service-in-kind to the Environmental Response Fund to a cash payment, due within thirty (30) days of the issuance of the order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 62
Finds Richmond Petroleum Inc. in violation of Rule 902.g.1., 908.b., and Order No. 112-85 and assesses a fine of forty-seven thousand six hundred and eight ($47,608) dollars, due within thirty (30) days of the issuance of the order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 63
Finds Gerrity Oil and Gas Corporation in violation of Rule 303.f., 315.e., and 315.h. and assesses a fine of fifty-five thousand ($54,000) dollars, due within thirty (30) days of the issuance of the order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 64
Finds Gerrity Oil & Gas Corporation in violation of Rule 305 and 315.h. and assesses a fine of nineteen thousand five hundred ($19,500) dollars, due within thirty (30) days of the issuance of the order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 65
Finds Gerrity Oil & Gas Corporation in violation of Rule 322.A.a. for the Weideman No. J23-11 and the Weideman J23-14 Wells located in the NE1/4 SW1/4 and SE1/4 SW1/4 of Section 23, Township 5 North, Range 66 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of one thousand ($1,000) dollars, due within thirty (30) days of the issuance of the order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 66
Finds Lewis and Clark Exploration Company in violation of Rules 317.b.3., and 324.d. for the Champlin-Larsen No. 1 RDD Well and the Lowe No. 1 Well located in the SE1/4 SW1/4 of Section 23, and the NW1/4 NW1/4 of Section 26, both in Township 15 South, Range 46 West, and assesses a fine of ten thousand ($10,000) dollars, due within thirty (30) days of the issuance of the order. In addition, the wells shall be plugged and abandoned within 60 days. Further, Lewis and Clark Exploration Company is found in violation of Rule 317.b.1 for the Lowe No. 2 Well located in the SE1/4 NW1/4 of said Section 26 and must be tested and either repaired or plugged within 60 days from the date the order is entered.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 67
Finds Lewis and Clark Exploration Company in violation of Rule 317.b.5. for the Sindt No. 7 Well located in the SE1/4 NE1/4 of Section 7, Township 9 North, Range 52 West, and assesses a fine of five thousand ($5,000) dollars, due within thirty (30) days of the issuance of the order. In addition, the well must be tested and either repaired or plugged within 60 days from the date the order is entered.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 68
Finds Sandlin Oil Corporation in violation of Rule 305. for the Neira No. 1 Well located in the SE1/4 SW1/4 of Section 32, Township 5 South, Range 52 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of four thousand ($4,000) dollars, due within thirty (30) days of the issuance of the order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 69
Denies the request for an order to require the plugging, reclamation, and environmental remediation of the McKenzie No. 1-21 Well located in the NW1/4 NW1/4 of Section 21, Township 1 North, Range 70 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 70
Finds Elk Exploration, Inc. in violation of Rule 305. for various wells located in Townships 3 and 4 North, Ranges 65 through 67 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of twelve thousand ($12,000) dollars, due within thirty (30) days of the issuance of the order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 71
Finds Nova Energy Inc. in violation of Rule 317.a.8. for the Morris No. 14-8 Well located in the SE1/4 NE1/4 of Section 14, Township 6 South, Range 63 West, 6th P.M., requires site restoration by September 30, 1994, and assesses a fine of five thousand ($5,000) dollars, due within thirty (30) days of the issuance of the order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 72
Finds Edward Mike Davis d/b/a Tiger Oil Company in violation of Rule 208. for the UPRR-Price No. 3-3 Well located in the SE1/4 NW1/4 of Section 3, Township 4 South, Range 59 West, 6th P.M., and Cronk No. 2-4 Well located in the SW1/4 SE1/4 of Section 4, Township 4 South, Range 59 West, 6th P.M., and suspends a fine of ninety-four thousand ($94,000) dollars, due within thirty (30) days of October 15, 1994, should the reentry, plugging, and site restoration not be completed by said date.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 73
Finds Western Oil Company in violation of Rule 317.a.8., failure to complete surface reclamation within six months on the McEndree No. 1 Well located in the NW1/4 of Section 27, Township 28 South, Range 48 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a penalty of $2,500.00, with reclamation required to be completed no later than September 21, 1994.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 74
Finds Trojan Oil and Gas Company in violation of Rule 304 and 310, failure to post a plugging bond and to submit Change of Operator, Form 10, on eleven wells in Walsh Field, and assesses a suspended penalty of $15,000.00, payable if a plugging bond is not posted by September 15, 1994. Further, requires all wells to be tested, plugged, or producing no later than November 15, 1994.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 75
Finds The Meyer Oil Company in violation of Rule 317.a.8., failure to restore sites at six wells, Rule 305, failure to submit Form 4 and cement verification on six wells, Rule 308, failure to pay conservation levy, Order No. 1-132, failure to pay $1,500.00 fine assessed 7/92, and Order No. 1-178, failure to properly fence disposal pit at a well, and assesses a penalty of $21,250.00, with scheduled payments to be determined, with a ban on the issuance of permits to drill, and a ban on the approval to operate any additional wells.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 76
Finds Snyder Oil Corporation in violation of Order A-1-3 and Rules 303.e. and 315.h. for the UPV No. 5-13J3 Well located in the SW¼ SW¼ of Section 5, Township 3 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M., Weld County, and assesses a penalty of $3,114.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 77
Finds Misahar/4H Operating Company in violation of Rules 305, 307, 308 and 703, for several leases throughout Colorado, assesses a penalty of $1,203.00 and requires $487.82 to be submitted for delinquent levy and ERF payments plus interest.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 78
Dismisses the amended application of the Lyster Family Estate to find Gerrity Oil and Gas Corporation in violation of Rules 604.a. (4) and 604.c.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 79
Finds Gerrity Oil & Gas Corporation in violation of Rules 1004.a.(1) and (2). A Notice of Violation shall be issued within thirty (30) days of the hearing date.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 80
Finds Industrial Gas Associates, Inc. in violation of Rules 317.b.(1) failure to file Form 4 stating intent to shut-in or temporarily abandon well, 317.b.(3) failure to plug and abandon a well within the prescribed time limit, and Rule 603.g failure to maintain wellsite, for the Buffalo No. 1 Well located in Section 13, Township 2 North, Range 68 West, 6th P.M., Weld County and requires the well to be plugged and abandoned within thirty (30) days of the date the order is issued. A fine of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) will be assessed if said work is not performed.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 81
Finds Industrial Gas Associates, Inc. in violation of Rules 317.b.(1) failure to file Form 4 stating intent to shut-in or temporarily abandon well, 317.b.(3) failure to plug and abandon a well within the prescribed time limit, and Rule 324.b.(1) failure to perform a mechanical integrity test on a shut-in well, for the South Colorado Blvd. No. 2 Well located in Section 13, Township 1 South, Range 68 West, 6th P.M., Adams County, and requires the well should within sixty (60) days be 1) tested and produced; 2) have a mechanical integrity test performed; or 3) be plugged and abandoned. A fine of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) will be assessed if said work is not performed.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 82
Finds Joseph V. Dodge in violation of Rules No. 210.b., 305, 307, 310, 317.b.(3), and 604.a.(4). A fine of fourteen thousand dollars ($14,000) for several wells located in the Florence Field, Fremont County, will be assessed and requires all wells to be brought into compliance by August 19, 1995. The fine will be reduced to seven thousand dollars ($7,000) if work is completed by that date. Approves the Commission motion to revoke bond and use for plugging wells if not in compliance by August 19, 1995.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 83
Finds Alex Beltramo in violation of Rule 304 and imposes a fine of $1,000. Mr. Beltramo is also directed to provide survey plats of all well locations, provide a tour to staff engineers to identify the locations of all Beltramo wells and any other information, including technical data and logs, where available.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 84
Finds Snyder Oil Corporation in violation of §34-60-102 and §34-60-105 of the Oil and Gas Conservation Act and Order No. 407-1 and assesses a fine of $20,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 85
Denies the application of Nova Energy, Inc. to reduce the original fine of $5,000 assessed in Order No. 1-182 and approves a payment plan for the fine remittance.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 86
Finds Juniper Resources, Inc. in violation of Rule 304, failure to have sufficient bond and allows the Director to require a maximum of $55,070 to be posted for the bond.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 87
Directs CMO Resources, Inc. to appear before the Commission and show cause why an order revoking the CMO Resources, Inc. plugging bond should not be issued or collected.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 88
Finds Snyder Oil Corporation in violation of Order Nos. 493-2 and 407-67, Rules 6 and 7, for the Gurtler No. 24-11J, NE¼ SW¼ Section 24, Township 3 North, Range 65 West; Gurtler No. 24-12J, NW¼ SW¼ Section 24, Township 3 North, Range 65 West; Gurtler No. 24-13J, SW¼ SW¼ Section 24, Township 3 North, Range 65 West. A fine of four thousand dollars ($4,000) per well, for a total of twelve thousand dollars ($12,000) is assessed.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 89
Finds Martin Exploration Management Company in violation of Rule 317.b.(3) for the Rocky Mountain Fuels No. 1 Well, NE¼ SW¼ of Section 24, Township 1 South, Range 70 West, orders the well site to be reclaimed, and assesses a fine of ten thousand dollars ($10,000). Should the required reclamation work be completed within thirty (30) days of the date of issuance of the order, the fine shall be reduced to one thousand dollars ($1,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 90
Finds R.L. Hrbek in violation of Rule 317.a.(8) for the Nelson No. 1 Well, located in the SE¼ SE¼ of Section 9, Township 10 North, Range 54 West; the Elwood No. 2 Well, located in the NE¼ NW¼ of Section 15, Township 10 North, Range 54 West; and the Propst SWD No. 2 Well located in the SE¼ SE¼ of Section 15, Township 10 North, Range 54 West, 6th P.M. A fine of five thousand dollars ($5,000) is assessed, payable within thirty (30) days of the date the order is issued.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 91
Finds CMO Resources, Inc. has not shown cause as to why their bond should not be forfeited, and orders the bond to be forfeited.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 92
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent which finds Snyder Oil Corporation in violation of Rule Nos. 305, 315.j. and the conditions of Permit Approval for the Schwab No. 26-4F Well located in the NW¼ NW¼ of Section 26, Township 4 North, Range 66 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of $5,000 payable within 30 days after issuance of the Order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 93
Finds Tipps Oil Company in violation of Rule Nos. 604.a.4. and 902.e. & f. for six (6) wells and orders Tipps Oil Company to post a one hundred sixty three thousand dollar ($163,000) bond unless they can show that a lower bond is warranted by information presented to Commission staff within two (2) weeks of the hearing, and orders the pits to be closed or brought into and maintained in compliance with COGCC rules. A fine of sixty thousand dollars ($60,000) was assessed with the stipulation that thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) of the assessed fine would be suspended if the wells were brought into compliance with COGCC rules no later than May 15, 1996.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 94
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent which finds Snyder Oil Corporation in violation of Rule No. 315, Order No. A-1-3, and the conditions of Permit Approval for the Mayer et al No. 33-9P Well located in the NE¼ SE¼ of Section 33, Township 2 North, Range 65 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of $10,000 payable within 30 days after issuance of the Order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 95
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent which finds Snyder Oil Corporation in violation of Rule Nos. 209, 305, 315.j., and the conditions of Permit Approval for the Lower Latham 35-15B Well located in the SW¼ SE¼ of Section 35, Township 5 North, Range 65 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of $5,000 payable within 30 days after issuance of the Order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 96
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent which finds Snyder Oil Corporation in violation of Rule No. 315 and the conditions of Permit Approval for the Hanscome 11-4I5 Well located in the NW¼ NW¼ of Section 11, Township 4 North, Range 65 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of $7,500 payable within 30 days after issuance of the Order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 97
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent which finds Snyder Oil Corporation in violation of Rule Nos. 209, 305, 315.j. and the conditions of Permit Approval for the UPRC 17-9J Well located in the NE¼ SE¼ of Section 17, Township 3 North, Range 65 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of $5,000 payable within 30 days after issuance of the Order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 98
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent which finds Pease Oil & Gas Company in violation of Rule No. 902.e., for the Vortex Tank Battery located in the NW¼ NE¼ of Section 8, Township 2 South, Range 55 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of $750 payable within 30 days after issuance of the Order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 99
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent which finds Pease Oil & Gas Company in violation of Rule No. 902.e., for the Schwartz 1-X Well located in the NE¼ NE¼ of Section 28, Township 3 South, Range 50 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of $750 payable within 30 days after issuance of the Order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 100
Denies the application of Mr. Alex Beltramo, Jr. to waive the fine assessed in Commission Order No. 1-204.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 101
Denies the application of R.L. Hrbek to reconsider the penalty assessed in Commission Order No. 1-214.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 102
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent which finds Snyder Oil Corporation in violation of Order No. 304-5, Rule No. 1 & 2, Rule Nos. 303.b., and 320 for the Mercure No. 8-6I5 Well located in the SE¼ NW¼ of Section 8, Township 4 North, Range 65 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of $50,000 payable within 30 days after issuance of the Order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 103
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent which finds R.E. Hibbert Properties in violation of Rule 902.e. for the Hibbert No. 1-16 State Well located in the SW¼ SE¼ of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 52 West, 6th P.M., and the Hibbert No. 1 Wright Well located in the SE¼ SW¼ of Section 22, Township 2 South, Range 53 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of $5,250.00 payable within 30 days after issuance of the Order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 104
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent which finds Berenergy Corporation in violation of Rule 902.e. for the MacNeil No. 2R Well located in the SE¼ NE¼ of Section 2, Township 3 South, Range 56 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of $750.00 payable within 30 days after issuance of the Order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 105
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent which finds Tandem Oil Company in violation of Rule 902.e. for the Marick State No. 1 Well located in the NW¼ SE¼ of Section 3, Township 3 South, Range 52 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of $2,000.00 payable within 30 days after issuance of the Order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 106
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent which finds Markus Production, Inc. in violation of Rule 902.c. for the Jolly No. 41X-6 Well located in the NE¼ NE¼ of Section 6, Township 3 South, Range 55 West, 6th P.M., and requires corrective action to be performed and if such corrective action is not performed within six (6) months assesses a fine of $750.00, payable within 30 days after issuance of the Order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 107
Finds Samotlor Petroleum Investments LLC in violation of Rule No. 323.a, 323.b., and 324.a.4 for the Golden Hammer No. 2 Well located in the SE¼ NW¼ of Section 18, Township 16 South, Range 44 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) payable on or before May 15, 1996.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 108
Finds Powerline Energy Corporation in violation of Rule No. 324.b. for the Baumgartner No. 1 Well, located in the SE¼ NW¼ of Section 2, Township 1 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) payable with thirty (30) days of the issuance of the Order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 109
Finds CIS Oil & Gas, Inc. in violation of Rule Nos. 303.a. (1 well), 304.b. (4 wells), 603.a.(2) (1 well), and 802.c. (4 wells), for wells located in Las Animas County, orders C.I.S. Oil & Gas, Inc. to post the proper surface bond and bring all violations into compliance. A fine of Twenty Two Thousand Dollars was assessed with the stipulation that the fine would be reduced by fifty percent (50%) if the proper surface bond was posted. The Cease and Desist Order was also lifted.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 110
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent which finds Kana Resources, Inc., in violation of Rule No. 303.a., Rule No. 306 and Rule No. 317.b(1) for the Wagon Trail No. 1-3 Well, located in the SW¼ SE¼ of Section 3, Township 9 South, Range 98 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($3,500) payable within thirty (30) days of the issuance of the order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 111
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent which finds Qualls Operating in violation of Rule Nos. 322A.a. and 904.c(1)B, for the Wailes Tank Battery located in the SE¼ of Section 4, Township 2 South, Range 63 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($3,500).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 112
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent which finds Snyder Oil Corporation in violation of Rule Nos. 303, 305, 306, 310 and Order Nos. 493-2 and 407-67 Rule 6, for the Bruntz No. 1 Well located in the NW¼ SE¼ of Section 16, Township 4 North, Range 65 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 113
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent for violations of Rule Nos. 603.g and 908.e. by Oilfield Salvage and Service Company for the JoAnn No. 1 Well and the Vince No. 1 Well located in the NE¼NE¼ and SW¼NE¼ of Section 31, Township 4 South, Range 63 West 6th P.M., and assesses a total fine of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 114
Approves an Order Finding Violation for alleged violations of Rule No. 308, Rule 317.i., and conditions of Permit Approval for the Elston No. 1 Well, located in the SW¼NW¼ of Section 27, Township 23 South, Range 50 West and the Oberlander No. 3 Well, located in the NE¼NW¼ of Section 28, Township 21 South, Range 51 West, 6th P.M., operated by Mr. Jim Snyder, and assesses a fine of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000), unless certain conditions are met, in which case, a fine of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000) is assessed.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 115
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent for violations of Rule Nos. 210.b. and 604.c(4), failure to install lease signs; Rule No. 604.c(3), failure to adequately fence the producing facilities to prevent access by unauthorized persons; and Rule No. 908.e., failure to properly treat oil waste, by McWhinney Management Company, LLC. for the Nasty No. 1 Well, located in the SE¼SE¼ of Section 9, Township 5 North, Range 68 West, the Mean No. 1 Well, located in the NE¼SE¼ of Section 9, Township 5 North, Range 68 West and the Wicked No. 1 Well located in the NW¼SW¼ of Section 10, Township 5 North, Range 68 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 116
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent for violations of Rule Nos. 301, 307 and 319.a(6) for the Long Canyon PCW No. 10-11 Well and Rule Nos. 301, 303 and 308 for the Long Canyon PCW No. 10-11R Well operated by CIS Oil & Gas, Inc. and assesses a fine of Nine Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($9,500).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 117
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent for violations of Rule Nos. 303.f, and 307 for the Apache Canyon No. 5-12, Apache Canyon No. 18-9 and Apache Canyon No. 20-6 Wells and Rule Nos. 303.f, 307 and 317.f, for the Hill Ranch No. 29-14 and the Hill Ranch No. 33-4 Wells operated by Stroud Oil Properties, Inc. and assesses a fine of Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 118
Approves the Order Finding Violation for violation of Rule Nos. 317.b. and 324.b. for the State No. 1 Well located in the SW¼SE¼ of Section 36, Township 17 South, Range 53 West, 6th P.M., operated by V.T.L., Inc., approves staff to make a claim on the bond and assesses a fine of four thousand dollars ($4,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 119
Finds Sovereign Oil Company in violation of Rule Nos. 210., 319.b.3., 603.g. and 907. and approves staff to commence bond claim.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 120
Finds McCormick Oil & Gas Company in violation of Rule No. 304.a. for six (6) wells, and requires McCormick provide sufficient financial assurance in the amount of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) in the form of a lien and a consentual lien on property owned by McCormick for Thirty Two Thousand Dollars ($32,000). The Commission continued the portion of the McCormick matter dealing with the proposed penalty assessment, aquifer protection for the Gillette No. 1 Well, cancellation of current McCormick Form 10’s and enforcement of §34-60-121.(7) to the May hearing.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 121
Approved the Administrative Order by Consent for violations of Rule No. 307., subsequent report of plugging procedures, by Denver East Machinery Company, for the Heinze No. 2 Well located in the SW¼SE¼ of Section 20, Township 1 North, Range 67 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a total fine of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00)  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 122
Finds McCormick Oil & Gas Company in violation of Rule No. 317.g. for the Gillette No. 1 Well located in the SW¼SE¼ of Section 4, Township 9 North, Range 61 West, 6th P.M., assesses a total fine of Thirty-Two Thousand Dollars ($32,000), and requires a cash bond to be posted before September 1, 1997.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 123
Finds Planet Associates, Inc. in violation of Rule No. 319.b. and 326.b. for two (2) wells located in Kiowa County, assesses a total fine of Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000) and authorizes staff to initiate a claim on the two (2) individual $5,000 plugging bonds.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 124
Finds Nerdlihc Company, Inc., in violation of Rule No. 326.b.1., 319.b., and 210.b., for the Toedtli No. 1-10 Well, located in Section 10, Township 10 North, Range 57 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of Nine Thousand Dollars ($9,000), reduced to Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($4,500) if paid by July 15, 1997.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 125
Authorizes COGCC staff to confiscate all equipment and any associated hydrocarbons from wells operated by Tipps Oil Company as previously found in violation under Order No. 1V-93.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 126
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent for violations of Rule 902.e., failure to remove oil from pits within twenty-four (24) hours and Rule 907.b., failure to report spills and releases exceeding five (5) barrels within ten (10) days, by Hibbert Oil Properties for three (3) wells in Washington County and assesses a total fine of Three Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($3,750).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 127
Finds Point Lookout Drilling in violation of Rule Nos. 210., 308., 312., 319.b.1., 326.b.1., 603.g., 902.e. and 907.a., of the Commission for thirteen (13) wells in Sierra Field, in Sections 5 and 9, Township 35 North, Range 13 West, N.M.P.M. and Section 17, Township 36 North, Range 13 West, N.M.P.M., assesses a fine of Twenty Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($28,750) and authorizes staff to commence claim on the plugging bond and confiscate equipment.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 128
Finds American Resources Management Corporation, in violation of Rule Nos. 319.b., 326.b., and 1004.a., for the Pierce-Govt. No. 20-2X Well located in the SW¼ NW¼ of Section 20, Township 2 North, Range 97 West, 6th P.M., Rio Blanco County and the Gasaway Unit No. 10-3 Well located in the SE¼ SE¼ of Section 10, Township 6 South, Range 100 West, 6th P.M., Garfield County and authorizes staff to commence claim on the Thirty Thousand Dollar ($30,000) blanket plugging bond and confiscate all equipment and hydrocarbons located at the above-described locations.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 129
Finds that a violation of Rule Nos. 209., and 706., exists for the J. Fred Hill No. 1 Well, located in the NE¼ SE¼ of Section 1, Township 32 North, Range 7 West, N.M.P.M. and authorizes staff to use the Environmental Response Fund to plug and abandon the well. The Commission also finds the Mr. Jack Squires, operator and surface owner for the well is not to be considered a responsible party in this matter.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 130
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent for violations of Rule 301., failure to file proper forms notifying of work plans; and Rule 303., failure to obtain a permit to drill prior to drilling a well, for two (2) wells in Las Animas County by Stroud Oil Properties, Inc. and assesses a total fine of Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 131
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent for violation of Rule 319.b.(3), failure to obtain Director approval for continuing shut-in status and Rule 326.b., failure to perform a mechanical integrity test within two (2) years of initial shut-in date for a well operated by Plenergy Development Ltd., and assesses a total fine of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 132
Finds Eros, Inc. in violation of Rule No. 317.b. (319.b. as of June 1, 1996), failure to abandon a well which has ceased production within six (6) months and failure to obtain Director approval for continuing shut-in status, and Rule No. 324.b. (326.b. as of June 1, 1996), failure to perform a mechanical integrity test within two (2) years of initial shut-in date, as well as consider certain aggravating factors for six (6) wells located in various section in Township 30 South, Range 44 West, 6th P.M. and requires the operator to properly plug and abandon the wells and assess a fine of Twenty-Four Thousand Dollars ($24,000) and if the work is not completed, authorizes staff to commence claim on the Thirty Thousand Dollar ($30,000) plugging bond.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 132.5
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Barrett Resources Corporation in violation of Rules 324A.b. and 327. and assesses a total fine of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) for the Bernklau Well, # RMV 108-4 located in the NW¼ NE¼ of Section 4, Township 7 South, Range 94 West, 6th P.M.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 133
Finds Joseph Doyle in violation of Rule No. 324.b. (326.b. as of June 1, 1996), failure to perform a mechanical integrity test within two (2) years of initial shut-in date, for the South Coalmont #1 Well located in the NE¼ SW¼ of Section 6, Township 6 North, Range 80 West, 6th P.M. and requires the operator to properly plug and abandon the well or return it to production, assessing a fine of Two Thousand dollars ($2,000) and if the work is not completed, authorizes staff to commence claim on the Five Thousand dollar ($5,000) plugging bond.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 134
Finds Centennial Petroleum in violation of Rules 1004. and 1103., failure to reclaim the surface after the plugging and abandonment of a well, for the Barnes No. 2-34 Well located at NW¼ NE ¼ Section 34, Township 2 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M., and requires the operator to remove the meter run and properly reclaim the location, assessing a fine of Two Thousand dollars ($2,000) and if the work is not completed, authorizes staff to commence claim on the Thirty Thousand dollar ($30,000) plugging bond to reclaim the site.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 135
Finds Jayare Exploration, Inc. in violation of Rule No. 324.b. (326.b. as of June 1, 1996), failure to perform a mechanical integrity test within two (2) years of initial shut-in date, for the Coe Trust #2 Well located in the SW¼ NW¼ of Section 18, Township 16 South, Range 45 West, 6th P.M., and requires the operator to either: 1) perform a successful mechanical integrity test; or 2) properly plug and abandon; or 3) put the Coe Trust #2 Well on production, assessing a fine of Two Thousand dollars ($2,000) and if the work is not completed, authorizes staff to commence claim on the Five Thousand dollar ($5,000) plugging bond to plug the well.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 136
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent for violations of Rule 902.a., pits must be constructed and operated as to protect the waters of the State from significant adverse environmental impacts, for an unlined earthen pit located in the NE¼ NW¼ of Section 25, Township 9 North, Range 53 West, 6th P.M. by Pease Oil and Gas Company and assessing a total fine of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 137
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent for violations of Rule 319.b.(3), wells incapable of production shall be plugged within six (6) months, for the Wyman Waters No. 1 Well in the SE¼ NE¼ of Section 21, Township 4 North, Range 89 West, 6th P.M., and Rule 326.b., failure to perform a Mechanical Integrity Test, for the Watson Securities No. 1 Well in the SW¼ NE¼ of Section 30, Township 4 North, Range 89 West, 6th P.M., by Louis M. Wyman and assesses a total fine of two thousand dollars ($2,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 138
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent for violations of Rule 1004., upon the plugging and abandonment of a well, all debris, abandoned gathering lines and flowline risers, and surface equipment shall be removed, and the location graded and recontoured within six (6) months of plugging a well, for the Carl A. Peterson #1 Well, located in the NW¼ NE¼ of Section 6, Township 1 North, Range 68 West, 6th P.M., operated by K.P. Kauffman Company, Inc., and assesses a total fine of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 139
Approves Administrative Orders by Consent for violation of Rule 911.b., failure to file a pit inventory no later than December 31, 1995, agreed to by Ampolex (USA) Inc., Bristol Resources Corporation, Coyote Exploration Company, Delta Petroleum Corporation, Dunne Equities Operating Inc., EOG (New Mexico) Incorporated, Great Northern Gas Company, Robert L. Hoss, Industrial Gas Services Inc., KCS Resources Inc., Lewis & Clark Exploration Company, Monfort of Colorado, Inc., Murfin Drilling Company, and Louis M. Wyman, and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) per company.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 140
Approves Administrative Orders by Consent for violation of Rule 911.b., failure to file a pit inventory no later than December 31, 1995, agreed to by Ampolex (USA) Inc., Bristol Resources Corporation, Coyote Exploration Company, Delta Petroleum Corporation, Dunne Equities Operating Inc., EOG (New Mexico) Incorporated, Great Northern Gas Company, Robert L. Hoss, Industrial Gas Services Inc., KCS Resources Inc., Lewis & Clark Exploration Company, Monfort of Colorado, Inc., Murfin Drilling Company, and Louis M. Wyman, and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) per company.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 141
Approves Administrative Orders by Consent for violation of Rule 911.b., failure to file a pit inventory no later than December 31, 1995, agreed to by Ampolex (USA) Inc., Bristol Resources Corporation, Coyote Exploration Company, Delta Petroleum Corporation, Dunne Equities Operating Inc., EOG (New Mexico) Incorporated, Great Northern Gas Company, Robert L. Hoss, Industrial Gas Services Inc., KCS Resources Inc., Lewis & Clark Exploration Company, Monfort of Colorado, Inc., Murfin Drilling Company, and Louis M. Wyman, and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) per company.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 142
Approves Administrative Orders by Consent for violation of Rule 911.b., failure to file a pit inventory no later than December 31, 1995, agreed to by Ampolex (USA) Inc., Bristol Resources Corporation, Coyote Exploration Company, Delta Petroleum Corporation, Dunne Equities Operating Inc., EOG (New Mexico) Incorporated, Great Northern Gas Company, Robert L. Hoss, Industrial Gas Services Inc., KCS Resources Inc., Lewis & Clark Exploration Company, Monfort of Colorado, Inc., Murfin Drilling Company, and Louis M. Wyman, and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) per company.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 143
Approves Administrative Orders by Consent for violation of Rule 911.b., failure to file a pit inventory no later than December 31, 1995, agreed to by Ampolex (USA) Inc., Bristol Resources Corporation, Coyote Exploration Company, Delta Petroleum Corporation, Dunne Equities Operating Inc., EOG (New Mexico) Incorporated, Great Northern Gas Company, Robert L. Hoss, Industrial Gas Services Inc., KCS Resources Inc., Lewis & Clark Exploration Company, Monfort of Colorado, Inc., Murfin Drilling Company, and Louis M. Wyman, and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) per company.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 144
Approves Administrative Orders by Consent for violation of Rule 911.b., failure to file a pit inventory no later than December 31, 1995, agreed to by Ampolex (USA) Inc., Bristol Resources Corporation, Coyote Exploration Company, Delta Petroleum Corporation, Dunne Equities Operating Inc., EOG (New Mexico) Incorporated, Great Northern Gas Company, Robert L. Hoss, Industrial Gas Services Inc., KCS Resources Inc., Lewis & Clark Exploration Company, Monfort of Colorado, Inc., Murfin Drilling Company, and Louis M. Wyman, and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) per company.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 145
Approves Administrative Orders by Consent for violation of Rule 911.b., failure to file a pit inventory no later than December 31, 1995, agreed to by Ampolex (USA) Inc., Bristol Resources Corporation, Coyote Exploration Company, Delta Petroleum Corporation, Dunne Equities Operating Inc., EOG (New Mexico) Incorporated, Great Northern Gas Company, Robert L. Hoss, Industrial Gas Services Inc., KCS Resources Inc., Lewis & Clark Exploration Company, Monfort of Colorado, Inc., Murfin Drilling Company, and Louis M. Wyman, and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) per company.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 146
Approves Administrative Orders by Consent for violation of Rule 911.b., failure to file a pit inventory no later than December 31, 1995, agreed to by Ampolex (USA) Inc., Bristol Resources Corporation, Coyote Exploration Company, Delta Petroleum Corporation, Dunne Equities Operating Inc., EOG (New Mexico) Incorporated, Great Northern Gas Company, Robert L. Hoss, Industrial Gas Services Inc., KCS Resources Inc., Lewis & Clark Exploration Company, Monfort of Colorado, Inc., Murfin Drilling Company, and Louis M. Wyman, and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) per company.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 147
Approves Administrative Orders by Consent for violation of Rule 911.b., failure to file a pit inventory no later than December 31, 1995, agreed to by Ampolex (USA) Inc., Bristol Resources Corporation, Coyote Exploration Company, Delta Petroleum Corporation, Dunne Equities Operating Inc., EOG (New Mexico) Incorporated, Great Northern Gas Company, Robert L. Hoss, Industrial Gas Services Inc., KCS Resources Inc., Lewis & Clark Exploration Company, Monfort of Colorado, Inc., Murfin Drilling Company, and Louis M. Wyman, and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) per company.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 148
Approves Administrative Orders by Consent for violation of Rule 911.b., failure to file a pit inventory no later than December 31, 1995, agreed to by Ampolex (USA) Inc., Bristol Resources Corporation, Coyote Exploration Company, Delta Petroleum Corporation, Dunne Equities Operating Inc., EOG (New Mexico) Incorporated, Great Northern Gas Company, Robert L. Hoss, Industrial Gas Services Inc., KCS Resources Inc., Lewis & Clark Exploration Company, Monfort of Colorado, Inc., Murfin Drilling Company, and Louis M. Wyman, and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) per company.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 149
Approves Administrative Orders by Consent for violation of Rule 911.b., failure to file a pit inventory no later than December 31, 1995, agreed to by Ampolex (USA) Inc., Bristol Resources Corporation, Coyote Exploration Company, Delta Petroleum Corporation, Dunne Equities Operating Inc., EOG (New Mexico) Incorporated, Great Northern Gas Company, Robert L. Hoss, Industrial Gas Services Inc., KCS Resources Inc., Lewis & Clark Exploration Company, Monfort of Colorado, Inc., Murfin Drilling Company, and Louis M. Wyman, and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) per company.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 150
Approves Administrative Orders by Consent for violation of Rule 911.b., failure to file a pit inventory no later than December 31, 1995, agreed to by Ampolex (USA) Inc., Bristol Resources Corporation, Coyote Exploration Company, Delta Petroleum Corporation, Dunne Equities Operating Inc., EOG (New Mexico) Incorporated, Great Northern Gas Company, Robert L. Hoss, Industrial Gas Services Inc., KCS Resources Inc., Lewis & Clark Exploration Company, Monfort of Colorado, Inc., Murfin Drilling Company, and Louis M. Wyman, and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) per company.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 151
Approves Administrative Orders by Consent for violation of Rule 911.b., failure to file a pit inventory no later than December 31, 1995, agreed to by Ampolex (USA) Inc., Bristol Resources Corporation, Coyote Exploration Company, Delta Petroleum Corporation, Dunne Equities Operating Inc., EOG (New Mexico) Incorporated, Great Northern Gas Company, Robert L. Hoss, Industrial Gas Services Inc., KCS Resources Inc., Lewis & Clark Exploration Company, Monfort of Colorado, Inc., Murfin Drilling Company, and Louis M. Wyman, and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) per company.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 152
Approves Administrative Orders by Consent for violation of Rule 911.b., failure to file a pit inventory no later than December 31, 1995, agreed to by Ampolex (USA) Inc., Bristol Resources Corporation, Coyote Exploration Company, Delta Petroleum Corporation, Dunne Equities Operating Inc., EOG (New Mexico) Incorporated, Great Northern Gas Company, Robert L. Hoss, Industrial Gas Services Inc., KCS Resources Inc., Lewis & Clark Exploration Company, Monfort of Colorado, Inc., Murfin Drilling Company, and Louis M. Wyman, and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) per company.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 153
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent for violation of Rule 911.b., failure to file a pit inventory no later than December 31, 1995, agreed to by Private Oil Industries, Inc., and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 154
Amends Order No. 1V-135, issued February 9, 1998, finding Jayare Exploration, Inc. in violation of Rule No. 324.b. for the Coe Trust #2 Well, to reduce the original assessed fine from Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) to One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) provided that the well is properly plugged and abandoned within thirty (30) days of the date the order is issued.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 155
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Petroglyph Operating Company in violation of Rule 1002.a.2., failure to fence pits at the surface owner's request for five (5) wells located in Sections 3 and 10, Township 29 South, Range 67 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a total fine of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 156
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Barrett Resources Corporation in violation of Rule 903.a.1.C., failure to obtain an approved permit for an unlined special purpose pit and Rule 906.b., failure to report spill/release of E&P waste exceeding twenty (20) barrels within twenty-four (24) hours for the GV 87-36 Well located in the NW¼ SE¼ of Section 36, Township 6 South, Range 95 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 157
Finds DJ Production Services, Inc. in violation of Rule 326.a., failure to perform a mechanical integrity test within two (2) years of initial shut-in, on the Cuykendall No. 3 Well, located in the NW¼ NE¼ of Section 24, Township 2 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000).   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 158
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Oilfield Operating Company in violation of Rule No. 324A.a., failure to prevent significant adverse environmental impact to soil or biological resources due to the unauthorized release of E&P waste and Rule No. 906.d., failure to properly remediate a spill for the Billings 1-6 battery located in the NE¼ SW¼ of Section 6, Township 4 South, Range 62 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 159
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Amoco Production Company in violation of Rule No. 602.b., failure to report accident resulting in injury within twenty-four (24) hours for the Anala Federal Gas Unit “A” #1 Well located in the NE¼ NW¼ of Section 15, Township 34 North, Range 8 West, N.M.P.M., and assesses a fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 160
Finds Western Operating Company in violation of Rule 326.b., failure to perform a mechanical integrity test within two (2) years of initial shut-in for thirteen (13) wells located in various sections, Townships 18 and 19 South, Range 45 West, 6th P.M., requires four (4) wells to be plugged and abandoned by January 1, 1999, requires one (1) well to be plugged every sixty (60) days and assesses a fine of Thirteen Thousand Dollars ($13,000) due thirty (30) days from the date the order is issued and waives an additional fine of Thirteen Thousand Dollars ($13,000) due January 16, 1999 if the four (4) wells are plugged by January 1, 1999.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 161
Finds Black Thunder Marketing, Inc. in violation of Rule 326.b., failure to perform a mechanical integrity test within two (2) years of initial shut-in for the Swan “C” #1 Well, located in the SW¼ NW¼ of Section 22, Township 2 South, Range 56 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a total fine of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 162
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Samotlor Petroleum LLC in violation of Rule 326.b.1., a mechanical integrity test shall be performed on each shut-in well within two (2) years of initial shut-in for the HMH No. 1-3 Well located in the NW¼ NE¼ of Section 3, Township 21 South, Range 43 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 163
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Western Gas Resources, Inc. in violation of Rule 1004.a., all remediation work must be completed within three (3) months on crop land and twelve (12) months on non-crop land after plugging a well for the Ellis #33-34 Well located in the NW¼ SE¼ of Section 34, Township 10 North, Range 94 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 164
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Maralex, Inc. in violation of Rule 326.b., failure to perform a mechanical integrity test within two (2) years of initial shut-in for the Knox #19-1 Well located in the NE¼ NE¼ of Section 19, Township 8 South, Range 95 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 165
Finds C.H. Fletcher Exploration, Inc. in violation of Rule 326.d., failure to perform a mechanical integrity test within two (2) years of initial shut-in for the Bamber #1 Well, located in the NW¼ SW¼ of Section 15, Township 26 South, Range 46 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a total fine of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 166
Denies the Motion to Reconsider filed by C.H. Fletcher and upholds Order No. 1V-165.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 167
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Pacific Midland Production in Violation of Rule 326.b., shut-in wells shall pass a mechanical integrity test within two (2) years of the initial shut-in date, for failure to perform a mechanical integrity test within two (2) years for the Wells 26-1 Well located in the SW¼ SW¼ of Section 26, Township 6 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M., assessing a total fine of One Thousand dollars ($1000) and claiming the Five Thousand dollar ($5000) plugging bond.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 168
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding George Dolezal Jr. in violation of Rule 326.a., mechanical integrity tests shall be performed at the rate of not less than one (1) test every five (5) years for injection wells, for failure to perform a mechanical integrity test within five (5) years for the Dolezal Federal #4-1 Well located in the NW¼ SE¼ of Section 4, Township 6 North, Range 92 West, 6th P.M. and assessing a total fine of One Thousand dollars ($1000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 169
Approves an order directed to both Plainview Operating Company, Inc and PMS Properties, Inc. to plug and abandon the Church 22-1 Well within 30 days of the issuance of the order. If the Well is not plugged and abandoned by that time, PMS Properties, Inc. will be required to submit a Change of Operator, Form 10 and adequate financial assurance. If both parties comply with the order, all alleged violations in the previously noticed matter will be dismissed. Nothing in the order shall be intended to affect any civil litigation now or in the future.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 170
Approves an order finding Allen Oil & Gas in violation of Rules 319.b, 326, 603.g., 905, 904, 902, 906, 909.b.(2) & (5), and 910 and requires six (6) wells to be plugged and abandoned, the pits closed and the sites reclaimed by July 1, 1999 and assesses a twelve thousand dollar fine ($12,000). In addition, the Commission finds that a Significant Adverse Environmental Impact has occurred. The Cease and Desist order that was issued at the February hearing will remain in effect until Allen Oil & Gas LLC is in compliance with that order.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 171
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding R.C. Qualls Operating in violation of Rule 206. and Oil and Gas Conservation Act §34-60-121.(1) and (2), failure to submit accurate and correct information on completion reports and Rule 317.g., failure to protect an aquifer with cement, for the Amoco-Wailes #4 Well located in the NE¼ SE¼ in Section 5, the Champlin-Wailes #5 Well located in the SE¼ NW¼ and the Champlin-Wailes #6 Well located in the SW¼ NW¼, both in Section 4, all in Township 2 South, Range 63 West, 6th P.M., and assessing a total fine of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000). In addition, the AOC finds R.C. Qualls Operating in violation of Rule 317.g. and Oil and Gas Conservation Act §34-60-121(1) for the Michaud-State #2 and Michaud-State #3 Wells, requiring the plugging and abandonment of these wells within six (6) months from the date the order is entered.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 172
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding Sunset Hill Oil Company Inc. in continuing violation of Rule 1004. requiring that the remaining oilfield junk be removed and the wellsite contoured and re-vegetated for the Doll Estate #1, Doll Estate # 2, Doll Estate #3, and the Copland #1 Wells located in Section 14, Township 7 North, Range 58 West, 6th P.M. Because Sunset Hill Oil Company Inc. is bankrupt, the Commission shall make a claim on Sunset Hill Oil Company Inc.’s plugging bond to complete restoration activities for the wells listed above.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 173
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding J. Magness, Incorporated in violation of Rule 207.b. for failure to perform bradenhead tests on the Echols-Ute #1-12u Well, The Sitton #1-13 Well and the Powell #1-6 Well, Rule 326.b. for failure to perform mechanical integrity tests on the Echols-Ute #1-12u Well, The Sitton #1-13 Well and the Powell #1-6 Well and assesses a fine of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) per well for a total of Nine Thousand Dollars ($9,000). J. Magness Incorporated shall perform a mechanical integrity test on the Echols-Ute #1-12u Well, The Sitton #1-13 Well and the Powell #1-6 Well no later than September 1, 1999. Further, if J. Magness, Incorporated does not comply with the provisions of this order, COGCC staff shall be authorized to commence claim on the Thirty Thousand Dollar ($30,000) plugging bond and proceed to plug and abandon the Echols-Ute #1-12u Well, The Sitton #1-13 Well and the Powell #1-6 Well. If plugging and reclamation costs exceed the bond amount, COGCC staff shall confiscate available equipment and tubulars for salvage per §34-60-124.(6).(c). C.R.S. COGCC staff shall have the authority to defer plugging and abandonment of the Sitton 1-13 Well in an attempt to secure a new operator.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 174
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Amoco Production Company in violation of Rule 206., all producers, operators, transporters, refiners, gasoline and other extraction plat operators and initial purchasers of oil and gas within the state shall from time to time file accurate and complete reports containing such information and covering such periods as the Commission shall require, and in violation of Rule 317.g., in areas were fresh water aquifers are of such depth as to make it impractical or uneconomical to set the full amount of surface casing necessary to comply fully with the requirement to cover or isolate all fresh water aquifers as required in subparagraph e. and f., the owner may at its option, comply with this requirement by stage cementing the intermediate and/or production string so as to accomplish the required result for the Donald Rosenbrook #1 Well located in the NW¼ SW¼ of Section 13, Township 1 North, Range 67 West. In addition, Amoco Production Company was assessed a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 175
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding McCormick Oil & Gas Company in continuing violation of Rules 206., 309., 319.b.(3), 1004. and the provisions of Order No. 1V-122 and assessing a total fine of Eighteen Thousand dollars ($18,000), payable within thirty (30) days of the date the order is issued.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 176
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding Marilyn Messer in continuing violation of Rules 302.a., 312.a., and 702. and allowing the Five Thousand Dollar ($5,000) financial assurance to be posted in the form of a lien on Ms. Messer’s property.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 177
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding Faith Exploration, Inc. in continuing violation of Rules 308A., 308B., and 326.b. and assessing a total fine of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($3,500) payable within thirty (30) days of the date the order is issued.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 178
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding DJ Production Services, Inc. in continuing violation of Rules 319.b. and 326.b. for the Poland #1-6 Well located in the SW¼ SW¼ of Township 3 South, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. and assessing a total fine of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000). If DJ Production Services, Inc. does not comply with the order, COGCC staff shall be authorized to commence a claim on the Thirty Thousand dollar ($30,000) plugging bond and proceed to plug, abandon and reclaim the well.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 179
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding A. R. Boucher in continuing violation of Rule 326.b. for the Geolfos-Scott #1 Well located in the SE¼ SW¼ of Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 91 West, 6th P.M. authorizing COGCC staff to commence a claim on A. R. Boucher’s Five Thousand Dollar ($5000) plugging bond.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 180
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Energy Search Company in continuing violation of Rules 319.b. and 326.b. for the Campbell #1 Well located in the SW¼ SW¼ of Section 22, Township 1 South, Range 67 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a total fine of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 181
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding K.P. Kauffman Co. Inc. in continuing violation of Rules 324A.a. and 906.d.1 for insufficient response to a leak in a 16” crude oil pipeline known as the “Consolidated Line for Facilities 5&6” located 1/8 mile south of Highway 52 on Weld County Road 19 in the east right-of-way bank and into a perennial stream in the SW¼ of Section 3, Township 1 North, Range West, 6th P.M. and assesses a total fine of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 182
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Think Oil Inc. in continuing violation or Rule 1004.a. for the reserve pit on the Kelly Young Heirs #1 Wellsight located in the NW¼ NE¼ of Section 9, Township 6 North, Range 91 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 183
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding Gopher Drilling Company in continuing violation of the provisions of Order No. 1C-3 and assesses a total fine of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 184
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding Energy Search Company in continuing violation of the provisions of Order No. 1V-180 and Rules 319.b.(3) and 326.b. and assesses a total fine of Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 185
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Nova Energy Inc. in continuing violation of Rule 902.d. and assesses a total fine of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) for the Morris #13-8 Well located in the SE¼ NE¼ of Section 13, Township 6 South, Range 63 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 186
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Nova Energy Inc. in continuing violation of Rules 901.f., 902.d. and 904.a.(2) and assesses a total fine of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) for the Morris #24-4 Well located in the NW¼ NW¼ of Section 24, Township 6 South, Range 63 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 187
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Nova Energy Inc. in continuing violation of Rules 906.a. and 906.b., and assesses a total fine of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) for the Morris #24-4 Well located in the NW¼ NW¼ of Section 24, Township 6 South, Range 63 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 188
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Nova Energy Inc. in continuing violation of Rules 901.f. and 904.a.(2), and assesses a total fine of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) for the Whitehead #12-16 Well located in the SE¼ SE¼ of Section 12, Township 6 South, Range 63 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 189
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Texaco Exploration and Production Inc. in continuing violation of Rules 324A.a., 324A.b., 906.a., 903.b.(3), 907.a.(1) and 907.a.(2), and assesses a total fine of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) for the Wilson Creek Field storage tank located in the NE¼ NE¼ of Section 27, Township 3 North, Range 94 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 190
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Voyager Exploration, Inc. in continuing violation of Rule 326.a.(5), and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) for the Knowlton #13 Well located in the NW¼ NW¼ of Section 10, Township 4 North, Range 91 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 191
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding Cascade Oil in continuing Violation of Rule No. 326.b.(1) and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) for the Hoffman #6-2 Well located in the SW¼ NW¼ of Section 6, Township 15 South, Range 5 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 192
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding Plenergy Development Ltd. in continuing violation of Rule Nos. 319.b.(3) and 326.b., and assesses a total fine of Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000) for the Ehler #7 Well located in the SE¼ SW¼ of Section 15, Township 1 South, Range 67 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 193
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding Plenergy Development Ltd. in continuing violation of Rule Nos. 319.b.(3) and 326.b., and assesses a total fine of Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000) for the Ehler #12 Well located in the NW¼ SW¼ of Section 10, Township 1 South, Range 67 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 194
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding Plenergy Development Ltd. in continuing violation of Rule Nos. 319.b.(3) and 326.b., and assesses a total fine of Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000) for the Ehler #18 Well located in the SE¼ NE¼ of Section 15, Township 1 South, Range 67 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 195
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Reed Operating Company, Inc. in continuing violation of Rule Nos. 602.b., 603.g., 317.f., and 317.g., and assesses a total fine of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) for the Shefstead-Ninker #1 Well located in the E½ SE¼ of Section 4, Township 6 North, Range 91 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 196
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Dominion Energy Corporation in continuing violation of Rule No. 326.b. and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) for the State 1-36 Well located in the SW¼ NE¼ of Section 36, Township 8 North, Range 88 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 197
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent finding Texas Tea LLC in continuing violation of Rule 324.a., failure to prevent the unauthorized discharge of E&P waste. Texas Tea LLC shall submit an explanation as to what occurred at the site and describe what measures will be taken to insure no future incidents occur. Further, a monetary penalty of Two Thousand Five Hundred dollars ($2,500) is assessed.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 198
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent finding Rex Monahan in violation of Rules 906.b.(1), 906.b.(2), 909.e.(1) and 910.b.(3).A. and in continuing violation of Rules 906.d.(1) and 909.c.(1). Rex Monahan is ordered to submit a Form 27 for COGCC approval within fifteen (15) days. The Form 27 shall include a Sampling and Analysis Plan to confirm the removal of impacted soils. Following receipt of the laboratory results, a report shall be submitted to the COGCC documenting all remedial actions taken related to the spill/release event. Further, a monetary penalty of Two Thousand dollars ($2,000) is assessed.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 199
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent finding Barrett Resources Corporation in continuing violation of Rule 907.c.(2)D, unauthorized road spreading of produced water and assesses a penalty of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 200
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent finding Nitrotec Corporation in continuing violation of Rule 709., requiring financial assurance, and assesses a penalty of Two Thousand dollars ($2,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 201
Approves an Order Finding Violation finding Texas Tea LLC in continuing violation of Rule 319.b.(3), failure to obtain Director approval for continuing shut-in status and Rule 326.b., failure to perform a mechanical integrity test within thirty (30) days of removing the surface production equipment, and assesses a penalty of Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 202
Approves an Order Finding Violation finding Robert Ziegler in continuing Violation of Rule No. 326.b., which states that shut-in wells must pass a mechanical integrity test within two (2) years of the shut-in date, and assesses a penalty of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 203
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding Reed Operating Company in continuing violation of Rules 317.f. and 317.g., requires the well to be plugged and abandoned and the surface reclaimed by June 1, 2001, and assesses a total fine of Three Thousand dollars ($3,000), with a waiver of Two Thousand dollars ($2,000) if work is completed by June 1, 2001.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 204
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding Allen Oil and Gas LLC in continuing violation of Rules 326.b., 904., 905., 324.A.a., 906.b.(1), 906.e.(1) and 907.c.(2), assesses a total fine of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000) due to aggravating factors and directs COGCC staff to plug, abandon and reclaim the wells.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 205
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Tudex Petroleums Inc. in continuing violation of Rule 319.b.(3) and 326.b. and assesses a fine of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 206
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding Amoco Production Company in violation of Rule 303.a., failure to obtain an approved drilling permit prior to construction of two well sites, and assesses a total fine of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 207
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent requiring K.P. Kauffman Company to provide the Commission with an additional one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) of financial assurance due to an excessive number of non-producing and uneconomic wells, to update Commission staff every six (6) months on the status of these wells and to either reestablish production, perform mechanical integrity tests or plug and abandon fifty (50) of the inactive wells.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 208
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Rocky Mountain Gas Supply, LLC in violation of Rule 907.d.(2)., failure to properly dispose of oil-based drilling fluids, and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 209
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Duncan Oil, Inc. in violation of Rule 301., failure to receive approval to change previously approved work plans for the Mertens 1-19 Well, and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 210
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Duncan Oil, Inc. in violation of Rule 301., failure to receive approval to change previously approved work plans for the Maddy 1-31 Well, and assesses a total fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 211
Finds Sierra Production Inc. in violation of Rule 302.a., failure to submit an accurate Registration for Oil and Gas Operations, Form 1, assesses a total fine of Five Hundred dollars ($500), and authorizes COGCC staff to commence a claim on the Five Thousand dollar ($5000) plugging bond posted by Sierra Production Inc. in order to plug, abandon, and reclaim the well.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 212
Finds Caprice Oil and Gas Company in violation of Rule 302.a., failure to submit an accurate Registration for Oil and Gas Operation, Form 1, assesses a total fine of Five Hundred dollars ($500), and authorizes COGCC staff to commence a claim on the Five Thousand dollar ($5000) Certificate of Deposit posted by Caprice Oil and Gas Company in order to plug, abandon, and reclaim the well.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 213
Finds Bataa Oil, Inc. in violation of Rule 317.A.b. (1), failure to set surface casing at a depth (1275’) sufficient to protect the Fox Hills transition zone for the Degenhart #43-5 Well, and assesses a total fine of One Thousand dollars ($1000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 214
Finds McElvain Oil and Gas Properties, Inc. in violation of Rules 324A.a., 324A.b., 902.a., 907.a.(1), 907.a.(2), and 907.c.(2) for failure to ensure that E&P waste is properly stored, handled, transported, treated, recycled or disposed and for the unauthorized and intentional discharge of produced water into adjacent surface waters at the Anderson #1 tank battery located in the NE¼ SW¼ of Section 20, Township 3 South, Range 52 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a total fine of Six Thousand dollars ($6,000.00).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 215
Finds Sandlin Oil Corporation in violation of Rule 907.c.(2), failure to dispose of produced water by an authorized method at the UPRR-Meyer #2 lease located in the SW¼ SW¼, Section 9, Township 2 South, Range 63 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a total fine of Two Thousand dollars ($2000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 216
Finds Four Star Oil and Gas Company in violation of Rule 305., failure to notify the surface owner of pending recompletion and Rule 903., failure to obtain an approved pit permit prior to construction of special use pits for the Southern Ute #27 Well located in the NW¼ NW¼, Section 27, Township 33 North, Range 9 West, N.M.P.M. and the Southern Ute #28 Well located in the NW¼ NE¼, Section 28, Township 33 North, Range 9 West, N.M.P.M. and assesses a fine of Two Thousand Dollars ($2000) per well for a total fine of Four Thousand Dollars ($4000).   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 217
Finds Elm Ridge Resources, Inc in violation of Rules 324A.a., 604.c.(3), 902.c., 906.b(1).,906.c., 907.a.(1), 907.a.(2), failure to ensure E&P waste is properly managed, failure to prevent unauthorized access; failure to maintain two feet of free board, failure to remove oil from pit, failure to report the release, failure to obtain landowner approval, failure to prevent unauthorized discharges for the Harmon A#1-A Well in the NW¼ SE¼ of Section 17, Township 33 North, Range West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of Ten Thousand dollars ($10,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 218
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding Rocky Mountain Operating Company in violation of Rule 326.b.(1), for the Nichols No. 1-14 Well, located in the SE¼ NW¼ of Section 14, Township 10 South, Range 97 West, 6th P.M. Rocky Mountain Operating Company was ordered to repair or plug and abandon the Nichols No. 1-14 Well by April 15, 2002, unless extenuating circumstances exist as to why the work cannot be performed. If Rocky Mountain Operating Company demonstrates to the Commission’s satisfaction that extenuating circumstances exist as to why the Nichols No. 1-14 Well cannot be repaired or plugged and abandoned by April 15, 2002, then Rocky Mountain Operating Company shall have until May 15, 2002 to perform the work. If the work is not completed by May 15, 2002, COGCC staff is authorized to commence a claim on the Thirty Thousand dollar ($30,000) Cashier’s Check posted by Rocky Mountain Operating Company in order to plug, abandon and reclaim the well; if Rocky Mountain Operating Company does not repair or plug and abandon the well by April 15, 2002, and no extenuating circumstances exist, a fine of Two Thousand dollars ($2,000) for violation of Rule 326.b.(1) shall be assessed, payable by May 15, 2002 and COGCC staff is authorized to commence a claim on the Thirty Thousand dollar ($30,000) Cashier’s Check posted by Rocky Mountain Operating Company in order to plug, abandon and reclaim the well.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 219
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding Rocky Mountain Operating Company in violation of Rule 326.b.(1), request to approve an Order Finding Violation finding Rocky Mountain Operating Company in violation of Rule 326.b.(1), for the Nichols 1-23 Well located in the SW¼ NE¼ of Section 23, Township 10 South, Range 97 West, 6th P.M. Rocky Mountain Operating Company was ordered to pay a fine of One Thousand dollars ($1,000) for the above violation. Rocky Mountain Operating Company shall repair or plug and abandon the Nichols No. 1-23 Well by April 17, 2002, unless extenuating circumstances exist as to why the work cannot be performed and these circumstances are documented in writing to the Commission’s satisfaction. If Rocky Mountain Operating Company demonstrates to the Commission’s satisfaction that extenuating circumstances exist as to why the Nichols No. 1-23 Well cannot be repaired or plugged and abandoned by April 17, 2002, then Rocky Mountain Operating Company shall have until May 17, 2002 to perform the work. If the work is not completed by May 15, 2002, COGCC staff is authorized to commence a claim on the Thirty Thousand dollar ($30,000) Cashier’s Check posted by Rocky Mountain Operating Company in order to plug, abandon and reclaim the well; if Rocky Mountain Operating Company does not repair or plug and abandon the well by April 17, 2002, and no extenuating circumstances exist, a fine of One Thousand dollars ($1,000) for violation of Rule 326.b.(1) shall be assessed, payable by May 17, 2002 and COGCC staff is authorized to commence a claim on the Thirty Thousand dollar ($30,000) Cashier’s Check posted by Rocky Mountain Operating Company in order to plug, abandon and reclaim the well.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 220
Finds Woosley Oil Company in violation of Rule 326.b., for the Ken Decker #1 Well located in the NE¼ NW¼, Section 9, Township 35 North, Range 13 West, N.M.P.M., the Hackathorn #1 Well located in the NE¼ NW¼, Section 8, Township 35 North, Range 13 West, N.M.P.M., and the Kent Woosley #1 Well located in the SW¼ NE¼, Section 6, Township 35 North, Range 13 West, N.M.P.M. and assesses a fine of six thousand dollars ($6000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 221
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding Domar Oil & Gas, Inc. in violation of Rule 302, 304, 319.b. and 709 for the Arthur George #1 Well located in the SE¼ NW¼ of Section 22, Township 33 South, Range 43 West, 6th P.M. and in violation of Rule 302, 319.b. and 326.b. for the Joe Ellis #1-14 Well located in the NE¼ of Section 14, Township 32 South, Range 44 West, 6th P.M. Domar Oil & Gas, Inc. was ordered to pay a fine of Six Thousand dollars ($6000) for the above violations; Domar Oil & Gas, Inc. shall provide an updated Registration for Oil and Gas Operations; provide financial assurance for the Arthur George No. 1 Well; provide a new Certificate of Deposit with an approved Colorado Approved Public Depository Bank or other acceptable financial assurance for the Joe Ellis #1-14 Well; to either perform MIT’s, return to production or plug, abandon and reclaim the Arthur George No. 1 Well; to either perform MIT’s, return to production or plug, abandon and reclaim the Joe Ellis No. 1-14 Well. If the work is not completed on the Joe Ellis No. 1-14 Well, COGCC staff is authorized to commence a claim on the Five Thousand dollar ($5,000) financial assurance and plug, abandon and reclaim the well. If the work is not completed on the Arthur George No. 1 Well, COGCC staff is authorized to utilize the Environmental Response Fund to plug, abandon and reclaim the well. All documents shall be filed and work shall be performed within thirty (30) days of the date the order is issued.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 222
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding John Bakos in violation of Rule 1003.d. and 1004.a. for the Bakos Farm #1 JBS Well located in the NW¼ NE¼ of Section 35, Township 5 North, Range 9 West, 6th P.M. and authorizes COGCC staff to commence a claim on the financial assurance and reclaim the well site.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 223
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Alfred Ward & Son Operating Company in violation of Rules 324A.a., 324A.b., 902.a., 907.a.(1), 907.a.(2), and 907.c.; failure to ensure that E&P waste is properly stored, handled, transported, treated, recycled or disposed and for the unauthorized and intentional discharge of produced water into adjacent surface waters for the State #1 and #2 tank battery in the NE¼ SE¼ of Section 36, Township 3 South, Range 54 West, 6th P.M., and assesses fine of Six Thousand dollars ($6,000.00) for the above violations.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 224
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Oneok Resources Company in violation of Rules 302., 312., and 706. for the Bauman A #1-2 Well located in the SW¼ SW¼ of Section 2, Township 33 South, Range 42 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty dollars ($1,750) for the above violation.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 225
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding BIC Petroleum, Inc. in violation of Rule 326.b.; failure to perform a mechanical integrity test within two years of the initial shut-in date for the Cottonwood State #1 Well located in the SE¼ NW¼ of Section 16, Township 9 North, Range 56 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of two thousand dollars ($2000) for the above violation.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 226
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent ChevronTexaco USA, Inc. in violation of Rules 324A.a., 324A.b., 604.a.(4), and 907.a.(1), for the Wilson Creek batter #2 Tank located in the SE¼ SE¼ of Section 27, Township 3 North, Range 94 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of eight thousand dollars ($8000) for the above violation.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 227
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding D J Production Services, Inc. in violation of Rules 309., 310A., 319.b.(1), 319.b.(3), and 326.b., for the Piland No. 4-6 Well located in the NE¼ NW¼ of Section 6, Township 3 South, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) for the above violation.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 228
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding D J Production Services, Inc. in violation of Rules 309., 310A., 319.b.(1), 319.b.(3), and 326.b., for the Danford-Champlin No. 1-24 Well located in the NW¼ NE¼ of Section 24, Township 3 South, Range 64 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) for the above violation.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 229
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding D J Production Services, Inc. in violation of Rules 309., 310A., 319.b.(1), 319.b.(3), and 326.b., for the Piland No. 1-12 Well located in the NW¼ SE¼ of Section 12, Township 3 South, Range 64 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) for the above violation.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 230
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding D J Production Services, Inc. in violation of Rules 309., 310A., 319.b.(1), 319.b.(3), and 326.b., for the Piland No. 1-6 Well located in the NE¼ SW¼ of Section 6, Township 3 South, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) for the above violation.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 231
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding D J Production Services, Inc. in violation of Rules 309., 310A., 319.b.(1), 319.b.(3), and 326.b., for the Piland No. 3-6 Well located in the SW¼ NW¼ of Section 6, Township 3 South, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) for the above violation.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 232
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding D J Production Services, Inc. in violation of Rules 309., 310A., 319.b.(1), 319.b.(3), and 326.b., for the Cuykendall “C” No. 3 Well located in the NW¼ NE¼ of Section 25, Township 2 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000) for the above violation.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 233
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding D J Production Services, Inc. in violation of Rules 309., 310A., 319.b.(1), 319.b.(3), and 326.b., for the Sargent Farms “A” No. 1-A Well located in the SE¼ SE¼ of Section 25, Township 2 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) for the above violation.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 234
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding D J Production Services, Inc. in violation of Rules 309., 310A., 319.b.(1), 319.b.(3), and 326.b., for the Sargent Farms “A” No. 2-A Well located in the SE¼ SE¼ of Section 25, Township 2 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) for the above violation.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 235
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding D J Production Services, Inc. in violation of Rules 309., 310A., 319.b.(1), 319.b.(3), and 326.b., for the Sargent Farms “A” No. 1-D Well located in the SE¼ SW¼ of Section 25, Township 2 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) for the above violation.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 236
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding D J Production Services, Inc. in violation of Rules 309., 310A., 319.b.(1), 319.b.(3), and 326.b., for the Sargent Farms “B” No. 2-B Well located in the SE¼ NE¼ of Section 25, Township 2 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) for the above violation.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 237
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding D J Production Services, Inc. in violation of Rule 326.b. for the Willis F. Demmel No. 1 Well located in the SE¼ SE¼ of Section 35, Township 9 North, Range 44 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000) for the above violation.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 238
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding Monument Gas Marketing, Inc. in violation of Rule 319.a.(1) for the Bucklen #2-34 Well located in the SW¼ NW¼ of Section 34, Township 17 South, Range 46 West, 6th P.M. and assesses no fine.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 239
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding D J Production Services, Inc. in violation of Rule 309. for the Piland No. 1-6 Well located in the SW¼ SW¼ of Section 6, Township 3 South, Range 64 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of five hundred dollars ($500) for the above violation.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 240
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding D J Production Services, Inc. in violation of Rules 324A.a., 907.a., and 910.a. for the Sargent Farms “B” tank battery located in the SE¼ NE¼ of Section 25, Township 2 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000) for the above violation.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 241
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding EnCana Oil & Gas (USA), Inc. in violation of Rule 602.b., failure to comply with the approved Access and Transportation Plan and assesses fine of One Thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for the violation.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 242
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Evergreen Operating Corporation in violation of Rules 603.a.(2), 305., and 306., failure to obtain a waiver to locate a well closer than 150 feet from a property line and to notify and consult the property owner prior to the commencement of operations with heavy equipment and assesses a fine of Three Thousand dollars ($3,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 243
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent finding EnCana Oil & Gas (USA), Inc. in violation of Rule 602.b., failure to comply with the approved Access and Transportation Plan for access to the Grass Mesa Ranch 27-2B1 Well located in the NW¼ NE¼ of Section 27, Township 6 South, Range 93 West, 6th P.M. and the AOC adopted by the Commission on December 2, 2002 and assesses a fine of One Thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for the violation.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 244
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Setex Oil & Gas Company in violation of Rules 319.b.(3) and 326.b.(1), failure to obtain Director approval for continuing shut-in status and to perform a mechanical integrity test within thirty (30) days of removing the surface production equipment from the RMPCP (UPRR) Everitt #1 Well located in the SE¼ SE¼ of Section 19, Township 6 South, Range 64 West, 6th P.M. and the RMPCP (UPRR) Everitt “A” #41-30 Wells located in the NE¼ NE¼ of Section 30, Township 6 South, Range 64 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of Four Thousand dollars ($4,000) for the violations.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 245
Approves the Order Finding Violation finding Frederick J. Shaffer Jr. in violation of Rule 326.b.(1) for failure to either perform a mechanical integrity test, produce, or plug and abandon the State-Pyle #1 Well located in the NW¼ SE¼ of Section 6, Township 20 South, Range 48 West 6th P.M. and the State-Pyles-Calvert #1 Well located in the SW¼ NE¼ of Section 11, Township 20 South, Range 49 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of Four Thousand dollars ($4,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 246
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Puckett Energy Co. in violation of Rules 325.a., 210, and 326.b., for failure to obtain written authorization for injection, to install a well sign, and to conduct an MIT on a shut-in well every five (5) years for the Dalke #2 Well located in the SW¼ SW¼ of Section 11, Township 8 North, Range 54 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 247
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Antelope Energy Co. in violation of Rules 308A., 301., 319.b.(1), and 1003.b., for failure to submit a Drilling Completion Report, Form 5 within thirty (30) days of the suspension of commenced drilling activities prior to reaching total depth, to provide written notice of intention to change plans previously approved, to obtain approval of the Director for temporarily abandoning the well and failure to close the well to the atmosphere prior to the temporary abandonment and to reclaim the location within twelve (12) months after drilling operations for the Maddy #1 Well located in the SE¼ SW¼ of Section 31, Township 10 North, Range 57 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 248
Approves the request to enter an Order Finding Violation finding Samotlor in violation of Rules 210.b., failure to post well sign (4 violations), Rule 319.b.(3), failure to obtain the Director's approval for wells shut-in longer than six (6) months (4 violations), and Rule 326.b., failure to perform MIT's within two (2) years of being shut-in (4 violations) for the Lowe "H" #1 Well, the Amoco #25-1 Well and the Amoco #25-2 Well, located in certain sections in Township 16 South, Ranges 44 and 45 West, 6th P.M. and the Hallock-Miller-Hallock #1-3X Well located in the NW¼ NE¼ of Section 3, Township 21 South, Range 43 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of Eighteen Thousand dollars ($18,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 249
Approves the request to enter an Order Finding Violation finding Rocky Mountain Operating Co. in violation of Rules 326.b., 326.d., and 1004.a., failure to pass a Mechanical Integrity Test on several wells, failure to repair or plug and abandon the wells that failed the MIT and failure to reclaim the Nichols 1-23 Well, located in the SW¼ NE¼ of Section 23, Township 10 South, Range 97 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of Twenty-six Thousand dollars ($26,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 250
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Tom Brown Inc. in violation of Rule 1004.a., failure to complete reclamation within three (3) months of plugging the Borne #1-7 Well located in the SW¼ NW¼ of Section 7, Township 10 South, Range 95 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of One Thousand ($1,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 251
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. in violation of Rule 602.b., failure to comply with the approved Access and Transportation Plan for access to Grass Mesa gas operations in Township 6 South, Range 93 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of One Thousand ($1,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 252
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Pease Oil & Gas Co. in violation of Rules 906.d.(2), 909.e., and 1004, failure to remediate spills/releases to meet the allowable concentrations in Table 910-1 and failure to complete the remediation of impacted soils and reclamation at the former Schwartz #1-X tank battery located in the NE¼ NE¼ of Section 28, Township 3 South, Range 50 West, 6th P.M., assesses a fine of One Thousand ($1,000) dollars and authorizes the COGCC to make a claim on the plugging bond.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 253
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Pease Oil & Gas Co. in violation of Rules 324A.a., 910.a., and 1004, failure to complete the remediation and reclamation of produced water impacted soils at the Whittier "A" lease located in the E½ NE¼ of Section 21, Township 9 North, Range 53 West, 6th P.M. and for exceeding the COGCC Allowable Concentrations for Inorganics in Soil in Table 910-1., assesses a fine of One Thousand ($1,000) dollars and authorizes the COGCC to make a claim on the plugging bond.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 254
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent finding Petroleum Development Corporation in violation of Rule 303.a., failure to obtain the COGCC Director's approval for its Application for Permit-to-Drill before commencing operations with heavy equipment on the Chevron/Texaco #41C-13D Well located in the SE¼ SE¼ of Section 12, Township 6 South, Range 97 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of One Thousand ($1,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 255
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent finding EnCana Energy Resources, Inc. in violation of Rule 303.b., 301., and Section 34-60-117.(1) of the Oil and Gas Conservation Act, failure to have an approved Application for Permit-to-Drill or Application for Permit-to-Recomplete to the Dakota Formation, not providing written notice of intention to do work and to protect correlative rights of all owners in every field or pool for the Owens Brothers #13-32 Well located in the NW¼ SW¼ of Section 32, Township 3 North, Range 67 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of One Thousand ($1,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 256
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Petroleum Development Corporation in violation of Rules 303.b., 301. and Section 34-60-117.(1) of the Oil and Gas Conservation Act, failure to have an approved Application for Permit-to-Drill or Application for Permit to Recomplete to the Codell Formation, not providing written notice of intention to do work and to protect correlative rights of all owners in every field or pool for the Bujalski #41-25 Well located in the NE¼ NE¼ of Section 25, Township 4 North, Range 68 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of Five Thousand ($5,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 257
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Petroleum Development Corporation in violation of Rules 303.b., 301. and Section 34-60-117.(1) of the Oil and Gas Conservation Act, failure to have an approved Application for Permit-to-Drill or Application for Permit to Recomplete to the Codell Formation, not providing written notice of intention to do work and to protect correlative rights of all owners in every field or pool for the Wyscaver #23-5 Well located in the NE¼ SW¼ of Section 5, Township 4 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of Five Thousand ($5,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 258
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Petroleum Development Corporation in violation of Rules 303.b., 301. and Section 34-60-117.(1) of the Oil and Gas Conservation Act, failure to have an approved Application for Permit-to-Drill or Application for Permit to Recomplete to the Codell Formation, not providing written notice of intention to do work and to protect correlative rights of all owners in every field or pool for the Bryce #21-28 Well located in the NE¼ NW¼ of Section 28, Township 2 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of Five Thousand ($5,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 259
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Petroleum Development Corporation in violation of Rules 303.b., 301. and Section 34-60-117.(1) of the Oil and Gas Conservation Act, failure to have an approved Application for Permit-to-Drill or Application for Permit to Recomplete to the Codell Formation, not providing written notice of intention to do work and to protect correlative rights of all owners in every field or pool for the Gutterson #23-17 Well located in the NE¼ SW¼ of Section 17, Township 3 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of Five Thousand ($5,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 260
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Petroleum Development Corporation in violation of Rules 303.b., 301. and Section 34-60-117.(1) of the Oil and Gas Conservation Act, failure to have an approved Application for Permit-to-Drill or Application for Permit to Recomplete to the Codell Formation, not providing written notice of intention to do work and to protect correlative rights of all owners in every field or pool for the Jeffers #41-35 Well located in the NE¼ NE¼ of Section 35, Township 4 North, Range 68 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of Five Thousand ($5,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 261
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Petroleum Development Corporation in violation of Rules 303.b., 301. and Section 34-60-117.(1) of the Oil and Gas Conservation Act, failure to have an approved Application for Permit-to-Drill or Application for Permit to Recomplete to the Codell Formation, not providing written notice of intention to do work and to protect correlative rights of all owners in every field or pool for the Knox #41-3 Well located in the NE¼ NE¼ of Section 3, Township 5 North, Range 67 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of Five Thousand ($5,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 262
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Petroleum Development Corporation in violation of Rules 303.b., 301. and Section 34-60-117.(1) of the Oil and Gas Conservation Act, failure to have an approved Application for Permit-to-Drill or Application for Permit to Recomplete to the Codell Formation, not providing written notice of intention to do work and to protect correlative rights of all owners in every field or pool for the NHF #13-9 Well located in the NW¼ SW¼ of Section 9, Township 5 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of Five Thousand ($5,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 263
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Petroleum Development Corporation in violation of Rules 303.b., 301. and Section 34-60-117.(1) of the Oil and Gas Conservation Act, failure to have an approved Application for Permit-to-Drill or Application for Permit to Recomplete to the Codell Formation, not providing written notice of intention to do work and to protect correlative rights of all owners in every field or pool for the NHF #32-21 Well located in the SW¼ NE¼ of Section 21, Township 5 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of Five Thousand ($5,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 264
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Petroleum Development Corporation in violation of Rules 303.b., 301. and Section 34-60-117.(1) of the Oil and Gas Conservation Act, failure to have an approved Application for Permit-to-Drill or Application for Permit to Recomplete to the Codell Formation, not providing written notice of intention to do work and to protect correlative rights of all owners in every field or pool for the Wells Ranch #23-11 Well located in the NE¼ SW¼ of Section 11, Township 5 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of Five Thousand ($5,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 265
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Petroleum Development Corporation in violation of Rules 303.b., 301. and Section 34-60-117.(1) of the Oil and Gas Conservation Act, failure to have an approved Application for Permit-to-Drill or Application for Permit to Recomplete to the Codell Formation, not providing written notice of intention to do work and to protect correlative rights of all owners in every field or pool for the Wells Ranch #32-3 Well located in the SW¼ NE¼ of Section 3, Township 5 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of Five Thousand ($5,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 266
Approves the an Administrative Order by Consent finding Elm Ridge Resources in violation of Rules 906.b.(3) and 906.c., failure to report a spill to the COGCC and to consult with the landowner prior to commencing operations to remediate a spill, and assesses a fine of Two Thousand ($2,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 267
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Petrogulf Corporation in violation of Rules 305.b.1., 306., and 306.a., failure to provide thirty (30) days notice to surface owner, to consult with the affected surface owner and to provide information to the landowner and local governmental designee for the Hand 8-44V Well located in Section 8, Township 33 South, Range 67 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of Three Thousand ($3,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 268
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding DeClar Oil & Gas, Inc. in violation of Rules 324A., 907.a., 910.a., 1004.a., and 1004.b., failure to prevent significant adverse environmental impacts to air, water, soil, or biological resources, to prevent the unauthorized discharge or disposal of E&P waste, to ensure that E&P waste is properly stored, handled, transported, treated, recycled or disposed to prevent threatened or actual significant adverse environmental impacts, for exceeding the allowable concentrations for soil in Table 910-1 and for failure to complete final reclamation within three (3) months for cropland at the former Stites #1 tank battery located in the NE¼ SE¼ of Section 17, Township 1 South, Range 56 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of One Thousand ($1,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 269
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Fritzler Resources, Inc. in violation of Rules 324A.a., 906.b., 907.a.(1), and 907.c.(2), failure to prevent significant adverse environmental impacts to air, water, soil or biological resources, to prevent the unauthorized discharge or disposal of E&P waste, to report the spill/release as required by the June 2, 2003 field inspection, to ensure that E&P waste is properly stored, handled, transported, treated, recycled or disposed to prevent threatened or actual significant adverse environmental impacts, and for disposing of produced water in an unauthorized manner at the Fehringer #1 tank battery located in the NW¼ NE¼ of Section 28, Township 12 North, Range 52 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of One Thousand ($1,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 270
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Starlight Resources LLC in violation of Rule 326.d., failure to repair or plug and abandon the Mark Degenhart #10 Well located in the SE¼ NE¼ of Section 18, Township 1 South, Range 67 West, 6th P.M. within six (6) months of failing a mechanical integrity test and assesses a fine of One Thousand ($1,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 271
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Swift Beef Company in violation of Rules 206., 309., and 310A., failure to file accurate and complete reports, to submit an Operator's Monthly Report of Operations, Form 7 within forty-five (45) days after the month in which production occurs and to submit Oil and Gas Conservation Levy, Form 8 and levy payments for eleven wells located in certain sections of Township 4 North, Range 66 West, 6th P.M. and Township 5 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M. and assesses a fine of One Thousand ($1,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 272
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Petroleum Development Corporation in violation of Rules 301., 303.b. and §34-60-117.(1) of the Oil and Gas Conservation Act, failure to provide written notice of intention to do work, to have an approved Application for Permit-to-Drill or Application for Permit to Recomplete to the Codell Formation and to protect correlative rights of all owners in every field or pool, and assesses a fine of Five Thousand ($5,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 273
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding EnCana Oil and Gas (USA) Inc. in violation of Rule 303.b., failure to have an approved Application for Permit to Recomplete to the Williams Fork Formation, and assesses a fine of Ten Thousand ($10,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 274
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Williams Production RMT Company in violation of Rules 317.a., 327., Order No. 139-38 and the Notice attached to the Application for Permit-to-Drill, failure to keep the PA 324-33 Well under control at all times during the drilling process, to comply with Order No. 139-38 and to notify staff of the lost circulation zones and gas kicks, and assesses a fine of Thirty Thousand ($30,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 275
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding EnCana Energy Resources Inc. in violation of Rules 301., 318A.a. and 318.c., failure to obtain Commission approval for change of surface hole location and failure to obtain Commission approval for change of bottom hole location, failure to located the Well in accordance with the Greater Wattenberg Area well location setback rules and failure to obtain a location exception for the Bangert #31-19 Well located in the NE¼ NE¼ of Section 19, Township 2 North, Range 66 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of Twenty Thousand ($20,000) dollars.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 276
Approves the amended stipulated order finding EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) in violation of Rules 209., 301., 317.i., 324A., 327., and 906.b.(3), for failure to prevent the contamination of fresh water by gas, failure to notify the Director when public health or safety is in jeopardy, failure to pump cement 200' above the top of the shallowest producing horizon, impacts to water quality, loss of well control and allowing an underground blowout, and failure to report a release to the Director for the Schwartz 2-15B Well, located in the SW¼ SE¼ of Section 2, Township 7 South, Range 92 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 277
Approves the request for an Administrative Order of Consent finding EnCana Oil and Gas (USA) Inc. in violation of Rule 303.b., for failure by to have an approved Application for Permit to Recomplete the Sheffield No. 6209 Well located in the NE¼ SW¼ of Section 17, Township 6 South, Range 99 West, 6th P.M. to the Williams Fork Formation.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 278
Approves the request for an Administrative Order by Consent finding EnCana Oil and Gas (USA) Inc. in violation of Rule 303.b., for failure to have an approved Application for Permit to Recomplete the Shaeffer No. 12-6B (F12) Well located in the SE¼ NW¼ of Section 12, Township 7 South, Range 93 West, 6th P.M. to the Williams Fork Formation.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 279
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding EnCana Oil and Gas (USA) Inc. in violation of Rule 303.a. for failure to obtain an Approved Application for Permit-to-Drill prior to commencement of operations with heavy equipment for the Kelly 34-12C (M34NE) Well and the Kelly 34-11C (M34NE) Well, both located in the SW¼ SW¼ of Section 34, Township 6 South, Range 92 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 280
Approves the request to enter an Order Finding Violation finding EnCana Oil and Gas (USA) in violation of Rules 303.a.1., Rule 308B., Rule 312. and Rule 317.c., failure to obtain Director’s approval before commencement of operations with heavy equipment, not submitting the Drilling Completion Report within 30 days of setting production casing, not submitting the Completed Interval Report within 30 days of completing a formation, not submitting a Certification of Clearance within 30 days of initial sales of oil or gas, and not posting the APD at the rig for the Shideler #32-4C1 (H31) Well located in the SE¼ NE¼ of Section 31, Township 7 South, Range 92 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of Twenty-five Thousand dollars ($25,000).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 281
Approves the request to enter an Order Finding Violation finding EnCana Oil and Gas (USA) in violation of Rule 303.b., failure to obtain an approved Application for Permit-to-Recomplete for seven wells in Townships 6 and 8 South, Ranges 92, 99 and 100 West, 6th P.M.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 282
Approves the request to enter an Order Finding Violation finding Lifestyle Energy Corporation in violation of Rule 1004.a., failure to reclaim the Leischuck #1 well site, located in the NW¼ SE¼ of Section 22, Township 8 South, Range 61 West, 6th P.M., and authorizes the COGCC staff to make a claim on the Thirty Thousand dollar ($30,000) blanket plugging bond posted by Lifestyle Energy Corporation in order to reclaim the Leischuck #1 well site.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 283
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Bonanza Creek Operating Company, LLC in violation of Rules 209., 317.d., 324A.a., 324A.b., and 910.a., for failure to prevent the migration of oil, gas or water, resulting in the degradation of ground water; for failure to prevent the unauthorized discharge of Exploration and Production waste; for performing an act or practice which shall constitute a violation of water quality standards or classifications established by the Water Quality Control Commission for waters of the state; and for exceeding the allowable concentrations for ground water in Table 910-1, for the CEI-Gutterson #1 Well located in the NW¼ SW¼ of Section 9, Township 6 North, Range 66 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 284
Approves the request to enter an Order Finding Violation finding Cimarron Operating, Inc. in violation of Rules 326.b, 603.j, 902.d. and 906.b., failure to perform a mechanical integrity test within two (2) years of being shut-in, failure to control weeds on the location, failure to remove oil from a pit within twenty-four (24) hours and failure to report a spill or file a Spill/Release Report, Form 19 within ten (10) days of discovery for the Belnap #1 Well located in the E½ SE¼ of Section 4, Township 6 North, Range 91 West 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 285
Approves the recommendation for an order finding violation of Rules 319.b. (3) and 326.b. (1), failure by Setex Oil and Gas Company to obtain Director approval for continuing shut-in status and failure to perform a mechanical integrity test within thirty (30) days of removing the surface production equipment from the (UPRR) Vetter # 21-31 Well located in the NE¼ NW¼ of Section 31, Township 1 South, Range 64 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 286
Approves the recommendation for an order finding violation of Rule 317.i. and Form 2 Permit Conditions of Approval, failure by Bonanza Creek Oil Company to provide 200' of 800 psi compressive strength cement above the Niobrara Formation for the Siebring #32-32 and #42-32 Wells located in the SW¼ SW¼ and the SE¼ NE¼ of Section 32, Township 5 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 287
Approves the recommendation for an order finding violation of Rules 704., 907.a., 907.b., 907.c. and 908., failure by Delta Petroleum Corporation of operating a centralized E&P waste management facility without the required financial assurance, failure to ensure that E&P waste is properly stored, handled, transported, treated, recycled or disposed to prevent threatened or actual significant adverse environmental impacts, off-site disposal of E&P waste at a facility not authorized by the COGCC, disposing of produced water in an unauthorized manner and operating a centralized E&P waste management facility without COGCC approval for the Church #4 Well located in the NW¼ NE¼ of Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 51 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 288
Approves the request an Order finding Mountain Pacific General, Inc. in violation of Rule 210.b.(1) for failure to install a permanent sign for the Garcia #34-14 Well located in the SE¼ SW¼ of Section 34, Township 33 South, Range 62 West, 6th P.M., and the Garcia #3-5 Well located in the SW¼ NW¼ of Section 3, Township 34 South, Range 62 West 6th P.M.; Rule 603.j., all locations shall be kept free of equipment not necessary for use on that lease, Rule 912.a., the unnecessary venting of natural gas produced from a well is prohibited, and Rule 308B., Completed Interval Report, Form 5A, not submitted within thirty (30) days of completing a formation, for the Garcia #4-12 Well located in the NW¼ SW¼ of Section 4, Township 34 South, Range 62 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 289
Approves the recommendation for an order finding violation of Rule 303.a., finding BP America Production Company to be in violation of failure to have an approved Application for Permit-to-Drill prior to drilling, for the Robert Dulin Gas Unit D #2 Well located in the SW¼ NE¼ of Section 26, Township 35 North, Range 7 West, N.M. P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 290
Approves the recommendation for an order finding violation of Rule 303., Rule 305., Rule 306., and Rule 318B., finding Houston Exploration Company in violation of failure to obtain an approved Permit-to-Drill prior to drilling; to provide notice to surface owner prior to drilling; to consult with the surface owner prior to drilling; and to comply with the Yuma/Phillips County Special Well Location Rule for the Ferguson #16-9-5-45 Well in the SE¼ SE¼ of Section 9, Township 5 North, Range 45 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 291
Approves the recommendation for an order finding violation of Rule 303.a.(1), and Rule 303.h., finding Noble Energy Production, Inc. in violation of failure to obtain an approved Permit-to-Drill prior to drilling for the Guttersen State CC #20-13 and #20-12 Well located in the SW¼ SW¼ of Section 20, Township 4 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 292
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent finding United States Exploration, Inc. in violation of Rule 303. for failure to obtain an approved Application for Permit-to-Drill prior to drilling the Perkins #42-5 Well located in the SE¼ NE¼ of Section 5, Township 2 North Range 64 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 293
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent finding United States Exploration, Inc. in violation of Rule 317.i. and Form 2 Permit Conditions of Approval for failure to provide 200' of 800 psi cement above the Sussex Formation for the B & M #12-5 Well located in the SW¼ NW¼ of Section 5, Township 2 North, Range 65 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 294
Request for an Order finding Sierra Oil and Gas Company and its entities in violation of Rule 1004.a., failure to reclaim the wellsite for the Binkley #2 Well located in the NE¼ SW¼ of Section 8, Township 32 North, Range 3 East, N.M.P.M. and Rule 319.b., failure to plug and abandon a well shut-in for 6 months for the Mizar Schick #1 Well located in the NE¼ SE¼ of Section 32, Township 36 North, Range 1 West, N.M.P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 295
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent finding Petroleum Development Corporation in violation of Rule 303.b., failure to obtain an approved Application for Permit-to-Drill or Application for Permit to Recomplete for the NHF #44-21 Well located in the SE¼ SE¼ of Section 21, Township 5 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 296
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent finding Plainview Oil & Gas, Inc. in violation of Rule 603.j., statewide equipment, weeds, waste, and trash requirements, Rule 1002.c., protection of soils, Rule 1002.e., surface disturbance minimization, Rule 1003.b., interim reclamation of areas no longer in use, Rule 1003.d., drilling pit closure, and Rule 1003.f., weed control, for the State #16-4 Well located in the NW¼ NW¼ of Section 16, Township 2 South, Range 70 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 297
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent finding EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. in violation of Rules 209. and 324A.a., failure by to prevent the contamination of fresh water by gas, failure to prevent a significant adverse environmental impact to water, to protect public health, safety and welfare, for the former Dietrich water well located in the SE¼ SE¼ of Section 3, Township 7 South, Range 92 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 298
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent finding EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. in violation of Rules 209. and 324A., failure by EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. to prevent the contamination of fresh water by gas, failure to prevent a significant adverse environmental impact to water, to protect public health, safety and welfare, for the Amos/Walker water well located in the SE¼ of Section 33, Township 6 South, Range 92 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 299
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent finding Presco, Inc. in violation of Rule 324A.b., Water Quality Control Commission's Basic Standards for Surface Waters, for the Battlement Mesa No. 36-23 Well located in the SW¼ NE¼ of Section 36, Township 7 South, Range 95 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 300
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent finding Texas Tea, LLC. in violation of Rule 708., failure to maintain general liability insurance coverage for property damage and bodily injury to third parties in the minimum amount of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) per occurrence.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 301
Approves the request to approve an Administrative Order by Consent finding XTO Energy, Inc. in violation of Rule 317.d. and Conditions of Permit Approval for failure to set the required amount of surface casing in the Golden Eagle #20-3 Well located in the NE¼ NW¼ of Section 20, Township 33 South, Range 67 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 302
Approves the request for an Order Finding Violation finding Wallace Oil & Gas Inc. in violation of Rule 309., failure to file with the Commission, within forty-five (45) days after the month in which production occurs, a report on Operator's Monthly Report of Operations, Form 7, containing all information required by said form, for the Newman #1-7 Well, located in the SW¼ NE¼ Section 7, Township 32 South, Range 41 West, 6th P.M., and the Hume #17-1 Well, located in the SW¼ SE¼ Section 17, Township 32 South, Range 41 West, 6th P.M.; Rule 319.b.(3), a well that has ceased production shall be abandoned within six (6) months unless the time is extended by the Director upon application by the owner, and Rule 326.b., a mechanical integrity test shall be performed within two (2) years of initial shut-in date, for the Watkins #1 Well, located in the SE¼ NW¼ Section 20, Township 32 South, Range 41 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 303
Approves the request for an Order Finding Violation finding Plainview Oil & Gas, Inc. in violation of an AOC (1V-296) and failure to comply with Rule 603.j., statewide equipment, weeds, waste, and trash requirements, Rule 1002.c., protection of soils, Rule 1002.e., surface disturbance minimization, Rule 1003.b., interim reclamation of areas no longer in use, Rule 1003.d., drilling pit closure, and Rule 1003.f., weed control, for the State #16-4 Well located in the NW¼ NW¼ of Section 16, Township 2 South, Range 70 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 304
Approved the Administrative Order by Consent finding Yale Oil Association, Inc. in violation of Rule 1004.a., failure to properly grade, recontour, reseed, and reclaim the well site and access road for the Roberts #19-9 Well, located in the NE¼ SE¼ of Section 19, Township 34 South, Range 61 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 305
Approved the Administrative Order by Consent finding Edward Mike Davis, LLC. in violation of Rule 301., failure to provide written notice of intention to change plans previously approved and failure to receive written approval for the change before the work had begun for the Krause 33-19 Well located in the NW¼ SE¼ of Section 19, Township 3 South, Range 50 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 306
Approves the request to approve an Administrative Order by Consent finding Maralex Resources, Inc. in violation of Rules 324.A.a., 324.A.b., and 902.a. for adverse environmental impacts from discharge of exploration and production waste from the reserve pit associated with the Keegan Patrick 33-7-11 #2A Well located in the NW¼ SW¼ of Section 11, Township 33 North, Range 7 West, N.M. P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 307
Approves the request to approve an Administrative Order by Consent finding Delta Petroleum Corp. in violation of Rules 903.a.(1)., failure to submit a Pit Report/Permit Form 15, 904.a.(1)., failure to line the drilling pits, 910.a., exceeding Allowable Inorganics in soils and 1003.b.(2)., failure to properly close drilling pits on non-croplands for the Daisy #41PR-29349 Well.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 308
Approves the request to approve an Administrative Order by Consent finding Noble Energy Production, Inc. in violation of Rule 301., failure to provide written notice of intention to change plans previously approved and failure to receive written approval for the change before the work began on the Gray O 26-5 Well located in the NW¼ NW¼ of Section 26, Township 4 North, Range 67 West, 6th P.M.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 309
Approves the request to approve an Administrative Order by Consent finding Berry Petroleum Company in violation of Rule 303.a., failure to have an approved Application for Permit-to-Drill prior to drilling the Long Ridge LR 15B M16 595 Well, located in the SW¼ SW¼ of Section 16, Township 5 South, Range 95 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 310
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent for failure by Lone Pine Gas, Inc. to comply with Rule 324A.b., violating the WQCC’s Basic Standards for Surface Waters, and violation of Rule 906.a., release of crude oil from a flowline associated with the Spaulding No. 1 Well located in the NW¼ NE¼ of Section 28, Township 9 North, Range 81 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 311
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent for failure by Petrogulf Corporation to comply with Rule 903.a.(1), requiring permits for drilling pits and production pits, and violation of Rule 1003.d.(2), requiring the drilling pit to be sufficiently dry prior to backfilling, for the Hooker #30-10 Well located in the NW¼ NE¼ of Section 30, Township 6 South, Range 93 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 312
Approves the request to approve an Administrative Order by Consent for failure by Unioil, Inc. to comply with Rule 206., failure to provide accurate and complete reports; and Rule 306., for failure to confirm that surface owner consultation had been completed or waived before submittal of an APD for approval for the Zeiler 23-7U Well located in the NE¼ SW¼ of Section 7, Township 5 North, Range 67 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 313
Approves the request to approve an Administrative Order by Consent for failure by Unioil, Inc. to comply with Rule 206., failure to provide accurate and complete reports; and Rule 306., for failure to confirm that surface owner consultation had been completed or waived before submittal of an APD for approval for the Zeiler 24-7U Well located in the SE¼ SW¼ of Section 7, Township 5 North, Range 67 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 314
Approves the request to approve an Administrative Order by Consent for failure by Unioil, Inc. to comply with Rule 206., failure to provide accurate and complete reports; and Rule 306., for failure to confirm that surface owner consultation had been completed or waived before submittal of an APD for approval for the Zeiler 13-7U Well located in the NW¼ SW¼ of Section 7, Township 5 North, Range 67 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 315
Approves the request to approve an Administrative Order by Consent for failure by Diversified Operating Corporation to comply with Rule 905.a., failure to submit a Site Investigation and Remediation Workplan, Form 27, for prior COGCC approval before closing an unlined production pit; and Rule 907.a.(1)., failure to ensure that E&P waste is properly stored, handled, transported, treated, recycled or disposed to prevent threatened or actual significant adverse environmental impacts to air, water, soil or biological resources for the Long Draw #1-22 Well located in the NE¼ NE¼ of Section 22, Township 3 North, Range 62 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 316
Approves the request to approve an Administrative Order by Consent for failure by Red River Ranch Holdings LLC. to comply with Rule 209., failure to take special precautions in drilling the Red River Ranch No.18-3E Well located in the NW¼ SW¼ of Section 18, Township 35 South, Range 67 West, 6th P.M., Rule 324A.a. for not taking adequate precautions to prevent significant adverse environmental impacts to water resources, Rule 324A.b. for violating WQCC’s standard that surface waters of the state shall be free from substances attributable to human-caused point source or non-point source discharge, Rule 907.a.(1) for not ensuring that E&P waste was properly treated, stored, handled, or disposed of to prevent threatened or actual significant adverse environmental impact, and Rule 907.a.(2) for failure to conduct E&P waste management activities and construct and operate E&P waste facilities to protect the waters of the state from significant adverse environmental impact.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 317
Approves the request to approve an Administrative Order by Consent finding Colorado Interstate Gas Company in violation of Rules 209., 317.d., 324A.a., 324A.b., 326.d., 327., 404., 906.a., and §34-60-107, C.R.S. at Well #26, located in the SW¼ NE¼ of Section 25, Township 3 North, Range 58 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a total fine of Three Hundred Seventy-Four Thousand dollars ($374,000.00) for the violations.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 318
Approves the Administrative Order finding Noble Energy, Inc. in violation of Rule 324A.a., for the unauthorized discharge of gas from the Wailes 41-33 #1-X Well, located in the NE¼ NE¼ of Section 33, Township 1 South, Range 64 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 319
Approves the request to approve an Administrative Order by Consent for failure by Chevron U.S.A., Inc. to comply with Rule 303., commencing operations without a valid permit on the Associated Unit A #4X Well located in the NE¼ NE¼ of Section 14, Township 2 North, Range 103 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 320
Approves the request to approve an AOC for failure by Magpie Operating, Inc., to comply with Rule 902.d., accumulation of oil on a pit shall be removed within 24 hours of discovery and Rule 907.c.(1), produced water shall be treated prior to placement into a production pit to prevent crude oil from entering the pit at the Stugart 1 Well located in the NE¼ SW¼ of Section 30, Township 5 North, Range 68 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 321
Approves the request to approve an AOC for failure by Magpie Operating, Inc., to comply with Rule 902.d., accumulation of oil on a pit shall be removed within 24 hours of discovery, Rule 907.a.(1), E&P waste shall be properly stored and handled, and Rule 210.b.(2) requiring permanent signs at the battery at the Warberg, Carl A. D #1 Well located in the NW¼ NE¼ of Section 29, Township 5 North, Range 68 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 322
Approves the request to approve an AOC for failure by Magpie Operating, Inc., to comply with Rule 902.d., accumulation of oil on a pit shall be removed within 24 hours of discovery and Rule 907.c.(1), produced water shall be treated prior to placement into a production pit to prevent crude oil from entering the pit at the Saulcy #2 Well located in the NW¼ SE¼ of Section 29, Township 5 North, Range 68 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 323
Approves the request to approve an AOC for failure by Magpie Operating, Inc., to comply with Rule 902.d., accumulation of oil on a pit shall be removed within 24 hours of discovery, Rule 907.a.(1), E&P waste shall be properly stored and handled, and Rule 210.b.(2), requiring a permanent sign at the battery at the Dean Proctor #1 Well located in the SW¼ SW¼ of Section 28, Township 5 North, Range 68 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 324
Approves the request to approve an AOC for failure by Magpie Operating, Inc., to comply with Rule 902.d., accumulation of oil on a pit shall be removed within 24 hours of discovery, Rule 907.a.(1), E&P waste shall be properly stored and handled, and Rule 907.c.(1), produced water shall be treated prior to placement into a production pit to prevent crude oil from entering the pit at the Ihnen #1-A Well located in the SE¼ NE¼ of Section 31, Township 5 North, Range 68 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 325
Approves the request to approve an AOC for failure by Magpie Operating, Inc., to comply with Rule 902.d., accumulation of oil on a pit shall be removed within 24 hours of discovery and Rule 907.c.(1), produced water shall be treated prior to placement into a production pit to prevent crude oil from entering the pit at the Hale #2 Well located in the SE¼ SE¼ of Section 31, Township 5 North, Range 68 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 326
Approves the request to approve an AOC for failure by Magpie Operating, Inc., to comply with Rule 902.d., accumulation of oil on a pit shall be removed within 24 hours of discovery, Rule 907.a.(1), E&P waste shall be properly stored and handled, and Rule 907.c.(1), produced water shall be treated prior to placement into a production pit to prevent crude oil from entering the pit at the Bunker #1 Well located in the NE¼ NE¼ of Section 31, Township 5 North, Range 68 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 327
Approves the request to approve an AOC for failure by Magpie Operating, Inc., to comply with Rule 902.d., accumulation of oil on a pit shall be removed within 24 hours of discovery, Rule 907.a.(1), E&P waste shall be properly stored and handled, and Rule 907.c.(1), produced water shall be treated prior to placement into a production pit to prevent crude oil from entering the pit at the Bunker #5 Well located in the SE¼ SW¼ of Section 29, Township 5 North, Range 68 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 328
Approves the request to approve an AOC for failure by Magpie Operating, Inc., to comply with Rule 902.d., accumulation of oil on a pit shall be removed within 24 hours of discovery, Rule 907.a.(1), E&P waste shall be properly stored and handled, and Rule 907.c.(1), produced water shall be treated prior to placement into a production pit to prevent crude oil from entering the pit at the Anderson #1 Well located in the SW¼ SW¼ of Section 32, Township 5 North, Range 68 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 329
Approves the request to approve an AOC for failure by Petroleum Development Corporation to comply with Rule 325.c.(7), failure to inject at pressures less than the maximum injection pressure, as set by the Director, for the Gardner (SWD) 12-26 Well located in the SW¼ NW¼ of Section 26, Township 1 North, Range 45 West, 6th P.M.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 330
Approves the request to approve an Administrative Order by Consent for failure by Pioneer Natural Resources USA, Inc. to comply with Rule 902.g., construction of a pit in fill material, and Rule 907.a.(1), failure to ensure that E&P waste is properly stored, handled or disposed to prevent threatened significant adverse environmental impacts to water, soil or biological resources, at the Erin #21-15 Well site located in the NE¼ NW¼ of Section 15, Township 33 South, Range 67 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 331
Approves the request for an order finding violation by Star Acquisition VIII, LLC for failure to comply with obligations set forth in Rules 303.a.(1), 303.d.(1), 303.d.(2), 305.b.(1), 306.a., 306.a.(1), 306.a.(3), 317.c., and 318., and for plugging and abandoning the Rowe #1A Well located in the NE¼ SE¼ of Section 21, Township 33 North, Range 12 West, N.M.P.M. prior to complying with the obligations set forth in Rule 319.a.(6), and assesses a fine of $9,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 332
Approves the request for an order finding violation by Star Acquisition VIII, LLC for commencing drilling operations at the Dyehard #3A Well located in the NE¼ NW¼ of Section 13, Township 33 North, Range 12 West, N.M.P.M. prior to complying with obligations set forth in Rules 303.a., 303.d.(1), 303.d.(2), 305.b.(1), 306.a., 306.a.(1), 306.a.(3), 317.c., and 318., and assesses a fine of $10,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 333
Approves the request for approval of an Administrative Order by Consent finding TOP Operating Company in continuing violation of Rule 906.d. for failing to perform timely remediation required by Remediation Work Plan #3743 at the Rider Family Trust #1 Well (aka the Rider #1-36 Well), located in the NE¼ SE¼ of Section 36, Township 3 North, Range 69 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of $10,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 334
Approves the Administrative Order By Consent for failure by Pioneer Natural Resources USA, Inc. to comply with Rule 324A.a., failing to take adequate precaution to protect environmental quality and to prevent the unauthorized discharge of E&P waste; Rule 902.a., failing to construct and operate an E&P pit to protect waters of the state; Rule 902.g., construction of a pit in fill material; and Rule 907.a.(1), failing to ensure that E&P waste is properly stored, handled or disposed to prevent threatened significant adverse environmental impacts to water, soil or biological resources, at the Muleherder #14-14 Well located in the SW¼ SW¼ of Section 14, Township 32 South, Range 68 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of $14,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 335
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent for failure by Stephens Energy Company LLC to comply with Rule 902.c., for operating a pit with less than two feet of freeboard; Rule 902.d., for allowing oil to accumulate for more than 24 hours on an unpermitted, insufficiently fenced, unnetted pit; Rule 603.j., for failing to maintain well site with respect to trash and excessive equipment/supplies not necessary for use on that lease; and Rule 1003.b., for failure to complete interim reclamation of the reserve pit within 12 months of well completion; and for failure to maintain well site to minimize erosion, at the Breeze State #11-8 Well, located in the NE¼ SW¼ of Section 8, Township 6 North, Range 89 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of $4,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 336
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent for failure by TOP Operating Company to comply with Rule 906.d., for failing to perform timely remediation required by Remediation Work Plan #3743 at the Counter #2 Well located in the NE¼ NE¼ of Section 30, Township 2 North, Range 66 West, 6th P.M., the Counter #3 Well located in the SE¼ NE¼ of Section 30, Township 2 North, Range 66 West, 6th P.M., the Schneider #3 Well located in the NW¼ NW¼ of Section 30, Township 2 North, Range 66 West 6th P.M., the Knox #1-23 Well located in the SW¼ NW¼ of Section 23, Township 2 North, Range 67 West, 6th P.M., and the Knox #22-23 Well located in the SE¼ NW¼ of Section 23, Township 2 North, Range 67 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of $6,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 337
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent for failure by Presco, Inc. to comply with Rules 324A.a., for failing to take precautions to prevent the unauthorized discharge or disposal of E&P waste, chemical substances, trash, discarded equipment or other oil field waste, 902.c., for failing to construct and operate a pit which failed to provide for a minimum of two feet of freeboard between the top of the pit wall and the fluid level of the pit, 902.d. for failing to remove accumulated oil in a pit within 24 hours of discovery, 902.e., for failing to install appropriate netting or fencing, when necessary, to prevent significant adverse environmental impacts resulting from access to a pit by wildlife, migratory birds, domestic animals, or members of the general public, 906.a., for failing to control or contain spills/releases of E&P waste immediately upon discovery and impacts resulting from spills/releases to be investigated and cleaned up as soon as practicable, 907.a.(1) for failing to ensure that E&P waste is properly stored, handled or disposed of to prevent threatened or actual significant adverse environmental impacts to air, water, soil or biological resources, 907.a.(2), for failing to conduct E&P waste management activities and to construct and operate E&P waste management facilities to protect the waters of the state from significant adverse impacts from E&P waste, and 1002.e., for failing to implement BMPs to minimize offsite erosion and sedimentation by controlling stormwater run-off, at the Battlement Mesa #27-44 well site located in the SE¼ SE¼ of Section 27, Township 7 South, Range 95 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of $16,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 338
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent for failure by Presco, Inc. to comply with Rules 324A.a., for failing to take precautions to prevent the unauthorized discharge or disposal of E&P waste, chemical substances, trash, discarded equipment or other oil field waste, 902.c., for failing to construct and operate a pit which failed to provide for a minimum of two feet of freeboard between the top of the pit wall and the fluid level of the pit, 902.d. for failing to remove accumulated oil in a pit within 24 hours of discovery, 902.e., for failing to install appropriate netting or fencing, when necessary, to prevent significant adverse environmental impacts resulting from access to a pit by wildlife, migratory birds, domestic animals, or members of the general public, 906.a., for failing to control or contain spills/releases of E&P waste immediately upon discovery and impacts resulting from spills/releases to be investigated and cleaned up as soon as practicable, 907.a.(1) for failing to ensure that E&P waste is properly stored, handled or disposed of to prevent threatened or actual significant adverse environmental impacts to air, water, soil or biological resources, 907.a.(2), for failing to conduct E&P waste management activities and to construct and operate E&P waste management facilities to protect the waters of the state from significant adverse impacts from E&P waste, and 1002.e., for failing to implement BMPs to minimize offsite erosion and sedimentation by controlling stormwater run-off, at the Battlement Mesa #26-42 well site located in the SE¼ SW¼ of Section 26, Township 7 South, Range 95 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of $16,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 339
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent for failure by Presco, Inc. to comply with Rules 324A.a., for failing to take precautions to prevent the unauthorized discharge or disposal of E&P waste, chemical substances, trash, discarded equipment or other oil field waste, 902.c., for failing to construct and operate a pit which failed to provide for a minimum of two feet of freeboard between the top of the pit wall and the fluid level of the pit, 902.d. for failing to remove accumulated oil in a pit within 24 hours of discovery, 902.e., for failing to install appropriate netting or fencing, when necessary, to prevent significant adverse environmental impacts resulting from access to a pit by wildlife, migratory birds, domestic animals, or members of the general public, 906.a., for failing to control or contain spills/releases of E&P waste immediately upon discovery and impacts resulting from spills/releases to be investigated and cleaned up as soon as practicable, 907.a.(1) for failing to ensure that E&P waste is properly stored, handled or disposed of to prevent threatened or actual significant adverse environmental impacts to air, water, soil or biological resources, 907.a.(2), for failing to conduct E&P waste management activities and to construct and operate E&P waste management facilities to protect the waters of the state from significant adverse impacts from E&P waste, and 1002.e., for failing to implement BMPs to minimize offsite erosion and sedimentation by controlling stormwater run-off, at the Battlement Mesa #34-24 well site located in the NW¼ NW¼ of Section 35, Township 7 South, Range 95 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of $16,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 340
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent for failure by Presco, Inc. to comply with Rules 324A.a., for failing to take precautions to prevent the unauthorized discharge or disposal of E&P waste, chemical substances, trash, discarded equipment or other oil field waste, 902.c., for failing to construct and operate a pit which failed to provide for a minimum of two feet of freeboard between the top of the pit wall and the fluid level of the pit, 902.d. for failing to remove accumulated oil in a pit within 24 hours of discovery, 902.e., for failing to install appropriate netting or fencing, when necessary, to prevent significant adverse environmental impacts resulting from access to a pit by wildlife, migratory birds, domestic animals, or members of the general public, 906.a., for failing to control or contain spills/releases of E&P waste immediately upon discovery and impacts resulting from spills/releases to be investigated and cleaned up as soon as practicable, 907.a.(1) for failing to ensure that E&P waste is properly stored, handled or disposed of to prevent threatened or actual significant adverse environmental impacts to air, water, soil or biological resources, 907.a.(2), for failing to conduct E&P waste management activities and to construct and operate E&P waste management facilities to protect the waters of the state from significant adverse impacts from E&P waste, and 1002.e., for failing to implement BMPs to minimize offsite erosion and sedimentation by controlling stormwater run-off, at the Battlement Mesa #35-12 well located in the NE¼ NW¼ of Section 35, Township 7 South, Range 95 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of $16,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 341
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent for failure by Presco, Inc. to comply with Rules 324A.a., for failing to take precautions to prevent the unauthorized discharge or disposal of E&P waste, chemical substances, trash, discarded equipment or other oil field waste, 902.c., for failing to construct and operate a pit which failed to provide for a minimum of two feet of freeboard between the top of the pit wall and the fluid level of the pit, 902.d. for failing to remove accumulated oil in a pit within 24 hours of discovery, 902.e., for failing to install appropriate netting or fencing, when necessary, to prevent significant adverse environmental impacts resulting from access to a pit by wildlife, migratory birds, domestic animals, or members of the general public, 906.a., for failing to control or contain spills/releases of E&P waste immediately upon discovery and impacts resulting from spills/releases to be investigated and cleaned up as soon as practicable, 907.a.(1) for failing to ensure that E&P waste is properly stored, handled or disposed of to prevent threatened or actual significant adverse environmental impacts to air, water, soil or biological resources, 907.a.(2), for failing to conduct E&P waste management activities and to construct and operate E&P waste management facilities to protect the waters of the state from significant adverse impacts from E&P waste, and 1002.e., for failing to implement BMPs to minimize offsite erosion and sedimentation by controlling stormwater run-off, at the Battlement Mesa #36-13 well site located in the NW¼ NE¼ of Section 36, Township 7 South, Range 95 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of $16,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 342
Approves the Administrative Order by Consent for failure by Presco, Inc. to comply with Rules 324A.a., for failing to take precautions to prevent the unauthorized discharge or disposal of E&P waste, chemical substances, trash, discarded equipment or other oil field waste, 902.c., for failing to construct and operate a pit which failed to provide for a minimum of two feet of freeboard between the top of the pit wall and the fluid level of the pit, 902.d. for failing to remove accumulated oil in a pit within 24 hours of discovery, 902.e., for failing to install appropriate netting or fencing, when necessary, to prevent significant adverse environmental impacts resulting from access to a pit by wildlife, migratory birds, domestic animals, or members of the general public, 906.a., for failing to control or contain spills/releases of E&P waste immediately upon discovery and impacts resulting from spills/releases to be investigated and cleaned up as soon as practicable, 907.a.(1) for failing to ensure that E&P waste is properly stored, handled or disposed of to prevent threatened or actual significant adverse environmental impacts to air, water, soil or biological resources, 907.a.(2), for failing to conduct E&P waste management activities and to construct and operate E&P waste management facilities to protect the waters of the state from significant adverse impacts from E&P waste, and 1002.e., for failing to implement BMPs to minimize offsite erosion and sedimentation by controlling stormwater run-off, at the Battlement Mesa #36-23 well site located in the SW¼ NE¼ of Section 36, Township 7 South, Range 95 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of $16,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 343
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent for failure by Presco, Inc. to comply with Rules 324A.a., for failing to take precautions to prevent the unauthorized discharge or disposal of E&P waste, chemical substances, trash, discarded equipment or other oil field waste, 902.c., for failing to construct and operate a pit which failed to provide for a minimum of two feet of freeboard between the top of the pit wall and the fluid level of the pit, 902.d. for failing to remove accumulated oil in a pit within 24 hours of discovery, 902.e., for failing to install appropriate netting or fencing, when necessary, to prevent significant adverse environmental impacts resulting from access to a pit by wildlife, migratory birds, domestic animals, or members of the general public, 906.a., for failing to control or contain spills/releases of E&P waste immediately upon discovery and impacts resulting from spills/releases to be investigated and cleaned up as soon as practicable, 907.a.(1) for failing to ensure that E&P waste is properly stored, handled or disposed of to prevent threatened or actual significant adverse environmental impacts to air, water, soil or biological resources, 907.a.(2), for failing to conduct E&P waste management activities and to construct and operate E&P waste management facilities to protect the waters of the state from significant adverse impacts from E&P waste, and 1002.e., for failing to implement BMPs to minimize offsite erosion and sedimentation by controlling stormwater run-off, at the Chevron #34-4 (PD34) well site located in the NW¼ NW¼ of Section 34, Township 7 South, Range 95 West, 6th P.M., and assesses a fine of $16,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 344
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent for failure by Samotlor Petroleum Investments (“Samotlor”), LLC to comply with Rule 319.b.(1), for failure to obtain the Director’s approval to continue shut-in status of the well for longer than six months, Rule 319.b.(4), for failure to perform a Mechanical Integrity Test (“MIT”) on the injection well within two years after the shut-in date, and Rule 326.a.(4), for failure to perform an MIT on the injection well every five years after the date of the initial MIT, at the Golden Hammer Lowe “H” #2 Well located in the SE¼ NW¼ of Section 18, Township 16 South, Range 44 West, 6th P.M., assesses a fine of $6,000, orders Samotlor to conduct an MIT within 45 days of the order, with the failure to timely perform the MIT resulting in the COGCC foreclosure of Samotlor’s $30,000 plugging bond, supplemented as may be necessary by funds from the COGCC’s Environmental Response Fund, to plug and abandon said well and reclaim the wellsite and associated facilities, and orders that until such time that Samotlor pays the total fines of $24,000 assessed by this AOC and under Order No. 1V-248, in conjunction with a finding that a knowing and willful pattern of violations exists, the Director shall not approve any APD, any Certificate of Clearance, and/or Change of Operator, Form 10, or other permit for conducting oil and gas operations for Samotlor or any entity of which Mr. Jesse Ferrer is a principal, majority owner, operational or general manager, or which Mr. Ferrer otherwise controls.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 345
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent with Pioneer Natural Resources USA Inc. to resolve a notice of alleged violation of Rule 324A.a. for not taking adequate precautions to prevent significant adverse environmental impacts to water resources at the Molokai #13-36 TR well site located in the NW¼ SW¼ of Section 36, Township 32 South, Range 68 West, 6th P.M  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 346
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent between Staff and OXY USA WTP LP, for violation of Rules 324A.a., 324A.b., 902.a., 903.a., and 907.a.(2), at the Cascade Creek #605-1 Well located in the SE¼ NW¼ of Section 5, Township 6 South, Range 97 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 347
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent between Staff and OXY USA WTP LP, for violation of Rules 324A.a., 324A.b., 902.a., 903.a., and 907.a.(2), at the OXY #697-09-61 Well Pad located in the SW¼ SE¼ of Section 9, Township 6 South, Range 97 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 348
Approves the request for an Order Finding Violation finding Barnes Petroleum Corporation in violation of Rules 302.a., 706., 319.b.(1), and 326.d., at the Rosener #1 Well located in the NW¼ NE¼ of Section 8, Township 1 South, Range 59 West, 6th P.M.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 349
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent with Eddy Oil Company to resolve alleged violations of Rules 317.d., 324A.a., 324A.b., 326.d., and 906.a at the Dupper #2 Well, located in the NW¼ NW¼ of Section 26, Township 4 North, Range 65 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 350
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent with Williams Production RMT Company (with letter agreement attached) to resolve violation of Rules 324A.a., 324A.b., 902.a., 903.a., and 907.a.(2) for oil and gas operations at the Puckett #WGV 21-23-697 and Puckett #WGV 22-23-697 Wells, located in the NE¼ NW¼ of Section 23, Township 6 South, Range 97 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 351
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent with Kinder Morgan for violations of Rules 303., 308A, and 308B for oil and gas operations at the HE #5 Well (API No. 05-083-06601), located in the SE¼ SW¼ of Section 36, Township 38 North, Range 19 West, N.M.P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 352
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent with Kinder Morgan for violations of Rules for violations of Rules 303., 308A, and 308B for oil and gas operations at the Sand Canyon #10 Well (API No. 05-083-06604), located in the SW¼ NW¼ of Section 8, Township 35 North, Range 18 West, N.M.P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 353
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent as presented by staff for a violation of Rule 326.b.(1), for failure to perform a mechanical integrity test as required and assessing a total administrative fine of $10,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 354
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent as presented by staff for a violation of Rule 303 for commencing operations to drill a well in the period between the expiration of an approved APD and the issuance of a new APD, and assessing a total administrative fine of $5,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 355
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent as presented by staff for violations of Rules 324A(a), 324.A.(b), 907.a(1), 907.a(2) and 907.d(3)B related to the disposal of drilling mud and discharge into the Cache la Poudre River, and assessing a total administrative fine of $20,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 356
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent as presented by staff for violations of Rules 324A(a), 324.A.(b), 907.a(1), 907.a(2) and 907.d(3)B related to the disposal of drilling mud and discharge into the Cache la Poudre River, and assessing a total administrative fine of $20,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 357
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent as presented by staff for a violation of Rule 303 for commencing operations to drill a well in a three-day period between the expiration of an approved APD and the issuance of a new APD, and assessing a total administrative fine of $1,500.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 358
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent as presented by staff for a violation of Rule 303 for commencing operations to drill a well in a five-day period between the expiration of an approved APD and the issuance of a new APD, and assessing a total administrative fine of $2,500.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 359
Approves an Administrative Order By Consent against Whiting Oil and Gas Corporation for a violation of Rule 303.a., for its oil and gas operations at the Boies Well Pad, located in the NE¼ SE¼ of Section 30, Township 2 South, Range 97 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 360
Approving an Administrative Order By Consent against Pioneer Natural Resources (USA) Inc. for violations of Rule 324A.a.and 324A.b., for its oil and gas operations at the Molokai #13-36TR Well (API No. 05-071-08837), located in the NW¼ SW¼ of Section 36, Township 32 South, Range 68 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 361
Approves an Administrative Order By Consent against Energy Oil & Gas, Inc. for a violation of Rule 325.a., for its oil and gas operations at the Garcia #3-5 Well (API No. 05-071-07234) located in the SW¼ NW¼ of Section 9, Township 34 South, Range 62 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 362
Approves an Order Finding Violation against Premier Oil & Gas, Inc. for violations of Rules 206., 210.b.(1), 309., 319.b.(1), 326.b.(1), 604.d., and 706., for its oil and gas operations at the Church Ranch #1W Well (API No. 05-059-06026), located in the NW¼ SW¼ of Section 9, Township 2 South, Range 70 West, 6th P.M. Order No. 1V-362 (Addendum), Docket No. 1011-OV-15, Premier Oil and Gas, Inc.’s Application to Modify Order No. 1V-362, entered January 2011 against Premier Oil and Gas, Inc., Premier Oil and Gas, Inc. through Melvin Richards and Allen Stout. Entry of an Addendum to Order 1V-362 denying the relief requested in the Application  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 363
Approves an order denying the Applicant’s request for a Order Finding Violation against Pioneer Natural Resources USA, for various Rule violations at the Alibi #23-2 Well located in the NE¼ SW¼ of Section 2, Township 33 South, Range 68 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 364
Approves an Order Finding Violation against Provide Energy, LLC for violations of Rules 205.a., 206., 301., 309., 706., 1002.d., 1002.e.(1), 1003.b., 1003.e.(2), and 1003.f., for its oil and gas operations at the State 16-4 #1 Well (API No. 05-059-06024), located in the NW¼ NW¼ of Section 16, Township 2 South, Range 70 West, 6th P.M.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 365
Approves the request for an Order Finding Violation against OXY USA WTP LP for various Rule violations at the Cascade Creek #697-15-54 Well pad located in the SW¼ SE¼ of Section 15, Township 6 South, Range 97 West, 6th P.M.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 366
Approves the request for an Order Finding Violation against Grynberg Petroleum Co. for various Rule Violations at the Hiawatha State #4-3 Well, located in the NW¼ SE¼ of Section 3, Township 11 North, Range 101 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 367
Approves the request for an Order Finding Violation against Grynberg Petroleum Co. for various Rule Violations at the Hiawatha Deep #4-36 Well, located in the SW¼ SW¼ of Section 36, Township 12 North, Range 101 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 368
Approves the request for an Order Finding Violation against Aspen Operating, LLC, for various Rule violations at the Hamilton wells, located in Sections 32 and 33, Range 13 South, Range 95 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 369
Approves the request to approve an Administrative Order by Consent for numerous Rule violations by Kinder Morgan CO2 CO LP for its operations at the McElmo Dome and Doe Canyon CO2 Fields.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 370
Approves the request for an order finding violation against Kilo Energy Group, LLC for various Rule violations at the Keg #1 Well, which is located in the NW¼ NW¼ of Section 22, Township 33 North, Range 12 West, N.M.P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 371
Approves the request for an Administrative Order by Consent against Orr Energy LLC for violations of Rule 303.b. at the Lowe #31-34, #31-85, and #31-24D wells and the South #6-21D, #6-22D, #6-23D, and #6-24D wells.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 372
Approves the request to approve an Administrative Order by Consent against Berry Petroleum Company for various Rule violations at the Chevron #12-213D Well, located in the SW¼ NW¼ of Section 12, Township 6 South, Range 97 West, 6th P.M  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 373
Approves the request for an Administrative Order by Consent against Marathon Oil Company for various Rule violations at the 697-12A #12 Well, located in the NE¼ NE¼ of Section 12, Township 6 South, Range 97 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 374
Approves the request for an order finding violation against Noel Reynolds for various Rule violations at the Ester #1 Well, located in the SE¼ SE¼ of Section 21, Township 33 North, Range 12 West, N.M.P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 375
Approves the request for an order finding violation against Noel Reynolds for a Rule violation at the Touchstone-Weber Heirs #1 Well, located in the NW¼ NE¼ of Section 13, Township 33 North, Range 12 West, N.M.P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 376
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent (AOC) against Smith Energy LP for a violation of Rule 326. at the Cache Unit #21 Well, located in the SE¼ SE¼ of Section 34, Township 35 North, Range 20 West, N.M.P.M.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 377
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent (AOC) against A.G. Andrikopoulos Resources, Inc. for various Rule violations at the James Et Al. #1 Well, located in the SE¼ NE¼ of Section 7, Township 4 North, Range 98 West, 6th P.M. and the Elk Springs Unit #14-32 Well, located in the SW¼ SW¼ of Section 32, Township 5 North, Range 98 West, 6th P.M.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 378
Approves an order finding violation (OFV) against West Hawk Energy (USA) LLC for various Rule violations at certain wells (the Figure Four Ranch wells) located in Rio Blanco County.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1v - 379
Approves an order finding violation against S&S Oil & Gas Operating for various Rule violations at certain wells located in Baca County.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1v - 380
Approves the request for approval of an Administrative Order by Consent (AOC) against Citation Oil & Gas Corp. for various Rule violations at certain wells located in Kiowa and Cheyenne counties.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1v - 381
Approves the request for approval of an Administrative Order by Consent (AOC) against Chemco, Inc. for various Rule violations at the E.J. Muir Unit #1 Well, located in the NE¼ SW¼ of Section 35, Township 18 South, Range 45 West, 6th P.M., and the T-Wear #1 Well, located in the NW¼ SW¼ of Section 13, Township 18 South, Range 45 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1v - 382
Approves the request for: (1) an order finding violation against Dolphin Energy Corp. for various Rule violations at the certain wells located in Garfield County, and (2) an order finding a pattern of violation against Dolphin Energy Corp., and its principal, Cecil D. Gritz, due to the failure, for more one year, to perform the abatement and corrective actions required by certain NOAVs.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 383
Approves the request for: (1) an order finding violation against Tatonka Oil and Gas Company, Inc. for various Rule violations at the Culverwell #10-23-07-94 Well, located in the NW¼ SE¼ of Section 23, Township 7 North, Range 94 West, 6th P.M., and the Eldon Gerber #07-24-07-92 Well, located in the SW¼ NE¼ of Section 24, Township 7 North, Range 92 West, 6th P.M., and (2) an order finding a pattern of violation against Tatonka Oil and Gas Company, Inc., and its principal, Brian Hughes, due to the failure, for more one year, to perform the abatement and corrective actions required by certain NOAVs.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1v - 384
Approves the request for an order finding a pattern of violation against S&S Oil & Gas Operating, and its principal, J.R. Sorrels, due to the failure, for more than one year, to perform the abatement and corrective actions required by certain NOAVs.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 385
Approves the request for an order finding a pattern of violation against West Hawk Energy (USA) LLC, and its principal, Gonzalo Torres Macchiavello, due to the failure, for more than one year, to perform the abatement and corrective actions required by certain NOAVs.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 386
Approves the request for an order finding violation against West Hawk Energy (USA) LLC. Commission Staff has requested that the Commission issue an order calling or foreclosing the remaining West Hawk financial assurance bond for purposes of assisting in the recovery of costs associated with the proper plugging and abandonment of the former West Hawk wells.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1v - 387
Approves the request for an order finding violation against Richard Conley in violation of Rules 302.a., 312.c., 317.i. and 706. for its operation of the Bone #1 Well located in the NE¼ NE¼ of Section 24, Township 32 North, Range 6 West, N.M.P.M.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1v - 388
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent against Diversified Operating Corp. for various Rule violations at certain wells located in Weld County.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1v - 389
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent against Western Operating Company for various Rule violations at the King-Pyles #2 Well, located in the SW¼ SW¼ of Section 9, Township 19 South, Range 45 West, 6th P.M., the Foster #1 Well, located in the NE¼ NW¼ of Section 15, Township 19 South, Range 45 West, 6th P.M., the Dawson A 1 Well, located in the NE¼ NW¼ of said Section 9, and the Dawson #4 Well, located in the NE¼ SW¼ of Section 3, Township 19 South, Range 45 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 390
Approves the request for an order calling the financial assurance instrument for the Humiston #1 Well (API #05-083-06110), located in the SE¼ NW¼ of Section 33, Township 36 North Range 13 West, N.M.P.M., for purposes of assisting with the proper plugging and abandonment of the Well.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 391
Approves the request for Commission approval of an Administrative Order by Consent (AOC) with Noble Energy, Inc., for failure to report hydrogen sulfide measurements as required by Rule 607.c. for wells located in Garfield and Weld Counties. The AOC provides that Noble Energy contribute $50,000 to establish and execute a Third Party Hydrogen Sulfide Awareness Program.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 392
Approves the request for Commission approval of an Administrative Order by Consent (AOC) with Winn Exploration Company, Inc. (Operator No. 10404) for its operations at the Slanovich 34-27 Pad for failure to comply with the Condition of Approval for the Form 2A and violation of § 34-60-121(1), C.R.S.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 393
Approves the request for Commission approval of an Administrative Order by Consent (AOC) with Aus-Tex Exploration (Operator No. 10412) for its operations at the Pathfinder #C 11-12 1 Pad for failure to comply with Condition of Approval for the Form 2A and violation of § 34-60-121(1), C.R.S.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1v - 394
Approves the request that P & M Petroleum Management, LLC. (Operator No. 66565) be found in violation of Rule 706. for noncompliance with Commission financial assurance requirements.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1v - 395
Approves the Hearing Officer recommendation to foreclose on the financial assurance for the Ruth #1 Well operated by Ula Pearl Ruth (Operator No. 90902) and authorizes the COGCC to assume control of the Ruth #1 Well and place it in the COGCC PRAW program.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 396
P & M Petroleum Management LLC shall be assessed a total fine $10,000 for the Rule 706 violation set forth in Order No. 1V-394. P & M Petroleum Management LLC continued failure to post the appropriate financial assurance required by Rule 706, and Order No. 1V-394, may result in Commission Staff withholding approval of any requested permits or other approvals requested by P & M Petroleum Management LLC, until such time as the full amount of required financial assurance is posted with the Commission.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
Expanded OrdersOrder
1V - 397
Approves the request that Texas Tea (Operator No. 87195), be found in violation of numerous Rules, for its operations at the Van Scoyk #1 Well (API No. 05-001-08516), located in the SE¼ SE¼ of Section 22, Township 1 South, Range 67 West, 6th P.M., the Pace #2 Well (API No. 05-123-08720), located in the NW¼ SE¼ of Section 17, Township 2 North, Range 67 West, 6th P.M., the Adams County #1 Well (API No. 05-001-08204), located in the SW¼ SW¼ of Section 14, Township 1 South, Range 67 West, 6th P.M., the Krogh #2 Well (API No. 05-001-08503), located in the NE¼ NE¼ of Section 14, Township 1 South, Range 67 West, 6th P.M., also violations associated to General Operations, and assessed an appropriate fine.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 398
Approves the request for an Administrative Order by Consent against Beren Corporation, in violation of Rules 324A, 902, 904, 906, and 907.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 399
Approves amoung other things: An AOC with Encana, which acknowledges violations of Rule 805.a., Rule 907.a.(1), and Rule 912.a. at the Ross ‘G’ Unit Well #1 (“Well”) in Boulder County, but offsets the $15,000 penalty, by recognizing Encana response costs in excess of the penalty, which also provided a public benefit.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1v - 400
Approves the request for approval of an AOC imposing a $10,000 fine with Geokinetics USA INC. for violation of Rule 333.a. for failure to file a Form 20 and receive approval prior to initiating seismic operations  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1v - 401
Approves the request for approval of an AOC imposing a $7,500 fine with Jack Grynberg DBA Grynberg Petroleum Company for a violation of Rule 326 (Mechanical Integrity Testing).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1v - 402
Approves the request for approval of an AOC imposing a $5,000 fine with Jack Grynberg DBA Grynberg Petroleum Company for a violation of Rule 905 (Closure of Pits).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1v - 403
Approves the request for approval of an AOC imposing a $10,000 suspended fine with Alamosa Drilling (“Alamosa”) for violation of Rule 603.a.(2)., for locating a well at an unauthorized location in violation of the 150 foot setback requirement from a surface owner property line. Alamosa has agreed to remove all surface equipment and properly plug and abandon the well. If it does so within the time frame specified in the AOC, the $10,000 fine is vacated. If the timeframe is not satisfied, the $10,000 fine is imposed upon notice by the Director.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 404
Approves AOC associated to Rules 302, 325, and 316A and Lone Star's LSWD #1 Well.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 405
Approves AOC associated to Booco's Contract Services Inc. Grassy Creek Coal Co #1 (API: 05-107-06042) Well.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 406
Approves the request for approval of an Administrative Order by Consent (AOC) imposing a $15,000 fine, $30,000 in costs reimbursement, and establishing a compliance schedule for full remediation of the site.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 407
Top Operating Company shall be found in violation of Rules 210.d, 301, 308A, 308B, 309, 522.a.(5)c, 603, 604.a, 604.d, and 906.a for its operations at the Rider No. 1 Well located in the NE¼ SE¼, Section 36, Township 3 North, Range 69 West, 6th P.M.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 408
Benchmark Energy LLC shall be found in violation of Rule 326, for failure to properly and timely conduct mechanical integrity tests on certain Wells, and shall be assessed a total fine of $15,000 for the Rule violations set forth in Order.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 409
Among other things, Magpie is found in violation of Rule 707 for failure to provide adequate financial assurance for its excessive inactive wells. Magpie is assessed a fine of $10,000 for the violation of Rule 707 as described in Order. Magpie shall resolve the Rule 707 financial assurance deficit of $ 160,000 according to the compliance schedule in Order.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 410
Texas Tea’s operating permits for the certain wells are hereby suspended as of the effective date of this Order, Texas Tea shall continue with operations at these wells only for the purpose of bringing them into compliance with applicable well permits and the 2012 AOC, and Texas Tea’s Certificate of Clearance is hereby revoked as of the effective date of this Order. Until such time as the Director reinstates its Certificate of Clearance, Texas Tea is not authorized to transport produced hydrocarbons from any of its permitted wells and locations within Colorado.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 411
Approves the amended AOC with Antero (Operator 10079) reflecting modifications negotiated with a complainant whose complaint gave rise to the NOAV. The original Order 1V-411, approved May 6, 2013, imposed a $150,000 penalty for a violation of Rule 324A. The Amended Order retains the same penalty. Antero paid the penalty shortly after the original Order was approved.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 412
Approves the request that Lone Pine violated Rules 210.d.; 324A.a.; 324A.b.; 326.b.(1); 902; 906.a.; 907.c.(1); and 912.b. as described in Order, among other things.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 413
CM Production LLC ("CM") stipulates and agrees that, upon the closing of the transaction conveying the Lone Pine Assets to CM, the Commission has full authority to enforce the Lone Pine AOC against CM as though the AOC were between the COGCC and CM. CM further waives any claim or defense that the Commission lacks authority to enforce the AOC against CM in full.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 414
Approves the AOC with Kinder Morgan imposing a $220,000 fine for 30 violations at four sites pursuant to four NOAV’s. A maximum of $80,000 may be satisfied by funding a public project pursuant to Rule 523.e upon approval by the Director.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 415
Approves the AOC with PDC agreeing to a $35,000 payment for an atmospheric release of flowback fluids occurring on February 11, 2013. PDC also commits to arrange and pay for three training classes in Weld County entitled “Effective Strategies & Tactics for Municipal Responders,” taught by Wild Well Control for emergency responders who potentially could respond to an oil or gas well emergency.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 416
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent (AOC) with Mull Drilling Company Inc. for a violation of Rule 325.a for commencing underground injection of fluids into a Class II well prior to receiving authorization from the Director. The AOC imposes a $10,000 penalty.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 417
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent (AOC) with Kerr-McGee Oil & Gas Onshore LP (Kerr-McGee) for an incident resulting in liquid runoff and airborne release of production fluid on March 16, 2013 from its HZ Reigle #29N-9 Well (API # 05-123-36184), and an adjacent well in Weld County. The AOC provides for a penalty of $42,500 and allows Kerr-McGee to fund a public project under Rule 523.e. Each dollar spent on the public project will reduce the cash penalty payment on a dollar for dollar basis.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 418
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent (AOC) with A.G. Andrikopolous Resources, imposing a $20,000 penalty. The operator was initially cited for violations of Rule 319 and Rule 326 for two wells for failure to request temporarily abandoned status and failure to perform mechanical integrity tests. These two violations were dismissed in exchange for a violation of Rule 311, when the operator reported that the wells had been plugged at the time the Notice of Alleged Violation was issued, but the operator failed to submit the required Form 6 (Subsequent Report of Abandonment) as required by Rule 311.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1v - 419
Approves the request for of an AOC with Axia imposing a $50,000 penalty for alleged violations of Rule 902.c, Rule 902.d, Rule 903, Rule 906, and Rule 907. for the Bulldog 5-31H-790 Well (API No. 05-081-07727-01), located in Lot 6, Section 5, Township 7 North, Range 90 West, 6th P.M. The penalty is calculated based on 10 days for each violation.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 420
Approves the request for an Administrative Order by Consent (“AOC”) against Caerus Washco LLC.(Operator No. 86610).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1v - 421
Approves the request for an AOC with Benchmark Energy LLC (Operator No. 10380) imposing a $10,000 penalty for a violation of Rule 1004 (Final Reclamation Threshold for Release of Financial Assurance) for the Logan J Sand Unit #4-19 Well (API # 05-075-06043) located in the NE¼, SE¼, Section 1, Township 8 North, Range 54 West, 6th P.M., for failure to satisfactorily perform final reclamation for a produced water pit as required by the approved Form 27, and failure to keep the reclaimed area clear of noxious weeds.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 423
Approves the request for an Administrative Order by Consent (“AOC”) against Laramie Energy II, LLC (Operator No. 10232).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 426
Approves the request for an Administrative Order by Consent (“AOC”) against Kerr-McGee Oil & Gas Onshore LP (Operator No. 47120).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 427
Approves the request for an Administrative Order by Consent (“AOC”) against ConocoPhillips Company (Operator No. 19160).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 428
Approves the request for an Administrative Order by Consent (“AOC”) against Orr Energy Inc (Operator No. 10154).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 429
Approves the request for an Administrative Order by Consent (“AOC”) against Synergy Resources Corporation (Operator No.10311 ).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 431
Approves the request for an Administrative Order by Consent (“AOC”) against Gunnison Energy Corporation (Operator No. 100122).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 432
Approves the request for an Administrative Order by Consent Administrative Order by Consent (“AOC”) against LoneStar Geophysical Surveys LLC (Operator No. 10463).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 433
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent against J-W Operating Company (Operator No. 44350) for violations resulting from a release of produced water and condensate from an improperly abandoned pipeline.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 434
Approves the request for an Administrative Order by Consent (“AOC”) against Charles P. Dunning(Operator No. 200077).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 435
Approves the request for an Administrative Order by Consent (“AOC”) against Beren Corporation (Operator No. 7800).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 436
Approves the request for an Administrative Order by Consent (“AOC”) against Hilcorp Energy Company (Operator No. 10133).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 437
Approves the request for an Administrative Order by Consent Order Finding Violation (“OFV”) against Thomas L Spring, LLC (Operator No. 81480).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 438
Approves the Administrative Order By Consent against Maralex.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1v - 439
Approves the request for an Administrative Order by Consent Administrative Order by Consent (“AOC”) against Bill Barrett Corporation (Operator No. 100071).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 440
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent (“AOC”) with Sundance Energy Inc. (Operator No. 10340) for alleged violations of Rule 603.a(1) Statewide Location Requirements; Rule 206.a. (Reports); and § 34-60-121(1) C.R.S. Failure to Comply with Permit Condition.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1v - 441
Approves an AOC with Noble Energy Inc. imposing a $10,000 fine for a violation of Section 34-60-121(1) C.R.S (Violation of Permit Conditions) for constructing production facilities at Wells Ranch AE/30-68HN (Multi) facility (Location No. 422606) in Weld County, contrary to the approved Form 2A permit.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 442
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent (“AOC”) with Saga Petroleum, L.L.C. (Operator No. 101101) for alleged violation of Rule 317.d. (Casing Program to Protect Hydrocarbon Horizons and Groundwater) for failure to seek authorization before repairing an injection well casing.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 443
Approves an Administrative Order by Consent (“AOC”) with Petrohunter Operating Company(Operator No. 10200) for violations of Rule 309 (Production Reporting); Rule 319.b. (Temporary Abandonment); and Rule 326.b. (Mechanical Integrity Testing) at four well sites in response to four NOAV’s.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1v - 444
Approves an AOC with Stehle Oil Company for Rule 309 (Production Reporting) violations at five wells, imposing a $50,000 penalty, with $5,000 payable within 30 days after approval, and $45,000 suspended pending full performance of a compliance plan.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 445
Approves an AOC with Walter S. Fees, Jr. and Son Oil & Gas, LLC imposing a $25,000 fine for three violations of Rule 326.b.(1) (Mechanical Integrity Testing - Shut-In Wells) for failing to perform a mechanical integrity test (“MIT”) on each of three wells located in Mesa County, Colorado.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 446
Approves an AOC with Western Operating Company imposing a $25,000 fine for violations of Rules 905.b. (Closure of Pits, and Buried or Partially Buried Produced Water Vessels), 907.a. (Management of E&P Waste, General Requirements), and 909 (Site Investigation, Remediation, and Closure) at the Forbes 1-14 Well (API # 05-121-06758) in Washington County, Colorado.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 447
Approves an AOC with Hyndrex Resources (Operator No. 42640) imposing a $30,000 penalty for violations of Rule 906 (Spills and Releases), Rule 1004.a (Final Reclamation of Well Sites and Associated Production Facilities), and Rule 1103 (Pipeline Regulations- Abandonment) with $15,000 suspended as long as Hyndrex completes all of the corrective actions described in the AOC to the satisfaction of Commission Staff.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 448
Approves an AOC with McElvain Energy Inc. imposing a $7,500 fine for one violation of Rule 326.b.(1) (Mechanical Integrity Testing - Shut-In Wells) for failing to perform a mechanical integrity test (“MIT”) on one well located in La Plata County, Colorado.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 449
Approves an AOC with Grynberg Petroleum Co. imposing a $10,000 penalty, with $5,000 suspended for a violation of Rule 326.b.1 (Mechanical Integrity Testing, Shut-in Wells) at the Croissant 4 Well (API No. 05-123-21651) (“Well”) in Weld County. The suspended $5,000 penalty will be vacated if Grynberg remains compliant with all Commission Rules at the Well for one year from the date this Order is approved by the Commission. Otherwise, the remaining $5,000 penalty will become due upon demand by the Director without further action by the Commission.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 450
Approves an AOC with Bonanza Creek Energy Operating Company, LLC imposing a $26,000 penalty for four single-day violations of Rule 308B, five single-day violations of Rule 311, seven single-day violations of Rule 316.B., and one 10-day violation of Rule 326.b.1.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 451
Approves an AOC with Grynberg Petroleum Co. imposing a $50,000 ($25,000 suspended) penalty for violations of Rules 309 (Form 7, Operator’s Monthly Production Report), 310 (Form 8, Mill Levy), and 312 (Form 10, Certificate of Clearance) at eight wells.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 452
Approves an AOC with Great Western Operating Co. imposing a $7,500 fine for one violation of Rule 326.b.(1) (Mechanical Integrity Testing - Shut-In Wells) for failing to perform a mechanical integrity test (“MIT”) on one well located in Adams County, Colorado.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 453
Approves an AOC with Hyndrex Resources imposing a $16,000 penalty for violation of Rule 326.b.1 (Mechanical Integrity Testing, Shut-in Wells) at the Ampet/Amoco 9-34 Well (API NO. 05-001-0885) and 9 Ampet-Amoco 1-1 Well (API NO. 05-001-08863) in Adams County, Colorado.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 454
Approves an AOC with Coral Production Corp. imposing a $1,000 penalty for a violation of Rule 317.d. (Casing Program to Protect Hydrocarbon Horizons and Ground Water) at the Yenter #A-1 Well (API No. 05-075-06179) (“Well”) in Logan County.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 455
Approves the AOC with Schneider (Operator No. 76840) imposing a $76,000 penalty, with $30,000 suspended, for four violations of Rule 326.b.1 (Mechanical Integrity Testing, Shut-in Wells) and four violations of Rule 309 (COGCC Form 7. Operator’s Monthly Production Report) – two violations each at four wells located in Morgan and Weld Counties. The suspended penalty will be vacated if Schneider submits properly-completed Form-7’s to the COGCC no later than 45 days after the end of each month for one year after the hearing approving the AOC. Schneider filed all delinquent Form-7’s prior to the hearing, pursuant to the AOC. If Schneider fails to comply, the suspension will be lifted, and the remaining $30,000 penalty will become due upon demand by the Director without further action by the Commission.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 456
Approves an AOC with Lorentz Oil & Gas LLC (Operator No. 10117), imposing a $1,000 penalty for one single-day violation of Rule 309 for failure to properly submit Form 7, Operator’s Monthly Production Report.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 457
Approves an AOC with Smith Oil Properties, Inc. (Operator No. 79905), imposing a $3,000 penalty for three single-day violations of Rule 326.b.1 (Mechanical Integrity Testing, Shut-in Wells) for failure to perform Mechanical Integrity Tests on three wells within two years of the becoming shut-in. Smith has agreed to plug and abandon all three wells.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 458
Approves the AOC against Think Oil, Inc. in violation of Rule 706.a at the Vaughn #1 well (API# 05-081-05332) and the Silver Et Al #1 well (API# 05-081-06682).   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 459
Approves an AOC with Bill Barrett Corporation (Operator No. 10071), imposing a $17,000 fine for a 17-day violation of Rule 324A.a. (Pollution). Additionally, the AOC provides for a public project under Rule 523.e. The public project involves: a) Collection and analysis of the flammability potential (flash point and boiling point) of representative crude oil samples; b) Coordination through the Weld County Office of Emergency Management to communicate flammability and hazard information to Weld County emergency responders; c) Communication of the incident investigation findings and lessons learned, including the flammability data, to other operators in the DJ Basin; and d) Discussions regarding best practices for industry to set-up, manage and operate flowback operations to reduce emission and flammability potential in order to have a safe and “healthy” work environment.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 460
Approves an AOC with Wellstar Corporation (Operator No. 95245), imposing a $9,000 penalty for one 10-day violation of Rule 905.a. (Closure of Pits)/1003 (Interim Reclamation) for failure to properly conduct the required soil analysis during pit closure.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 461
Approves an AOC with Rio Mesa Resources Inc. (Operator No. 74740), imposing a $16,000 penalty for two ten-day violations 326.b.1 (Mechanical Integrity Testing, Shut-in Wells) for failure to perform Mechanical Integrity Tests on two wells within two years of the becoming shut-in.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 462
Approves the AOC with Magpie Operating Inc. (Operator No. 52530) imposing a $150,000 penalty for two NOAV’s issued at two sites. Two enforcement cases have been consolidated into a single AOC. Violations include Rule 210 (Signs and Markers); Rule 324.A.a (General Pollution); Rule 603. (Weeds, Waste and Trash); Rule 804 (Visual Impact Mitigation); Rule 905 (Pits); Rule 906 (Spills and Releases); Rule 907 (Management of E&P Waste); Rule 909 (Site Investigation); Rule 910 (Remediation Standards); Rule 1002 (Site Preparation); and Rule 1003 (Interim Reclamation). The AOC provides for a suspension of $30,000 of the penalty if Magpie completes a compliance schedule on time. Failure to satisfy the compliance schedule will result in the reinstatement of the $30,000 suspended penalty and revocation of the operator’s Form 10  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 463
Approves the AOC with Beeman Oil and Gas LLC, (“Beeman”) (Operator No. 7125) for 21 violations of seven different Rules at Grommett Wells #’s 1, 2 and 3, imposing a penalty of $155,000 with a conditional suspension of $38,750 if Beeman timely performs corrective actions at the three Grommett Wells, and seven additional wells. If Beeman fails to satisfy the corrective action requirements, the suspended $38,750 becomes due upon notice by the Director, without further action by the Commission.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 464
Approves an OFV against Diamond Oil & Gas Inc. (Operator No. 10067), imposing a $120,000 penalty for six, 10-day violations of Rule 309 for failing to file Form 7, Operator’s Monthly Production Report, for more than 10 months, and six, 10-day violations of Rule 326.b.1 for failing to perform MIT’s within two years of the Wells becoming Shut-in. The Wells are on federally-owned surface lands and federal mineral leases. BLM concurs with Commission staff’s conclusion that the Wells should be plugged and abandoned. The OFV would revoke Diamond’s Form 10, Certificate of Clearance, declare the Wells as orphaned, and establish BLM as the lead agency for plugging and abandoning the Wells, while also authorizing Commission staff to work with the BLM as necessary to ensure the Wells are plugged and abandoned.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 465
Approves the AOC with K.P. Kauffman (Operator No. 46290) imposing a $117,500 penalty, with $33,000 suspended, for fourteen violations of Rule 326.b.1 (Mechanical Integrity Testing, Shut-in Wells) at fourteen wells located in Weld, Arapahoe and Adams Counties. The suspended penalty will be vacated if Kauffman performs a mechanical integrity test, or plugs and abandons, nineteen, non-compliant wells before December 31, 2014. If Kauffman fails to comply, the suspension will be lifted and the remaining $33,000 penalty will become due upon demand by the Director without further action by the Commission.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 466
Approves the AOC with Renegade Oil and Gas Company (Operator No. 74165) imposing a $7,500 penalty for one violation of a 10-day violation of Rule 326.b.(1) (Mechanical Integrity Test, Shut-in Wells) for failure to perform a Mechanical Integrity Test on one Well in Adams County, Colorado.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 467
Approves the AOC with Sunburst Inc. (Operator No. 83555) imposing an $8,000 penalty for one 10-day violation of the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Act, § 34-60-121(1), C.R.S., for failure to comply with its approved Form 2A permit at a production facility in Larimer County, Colorado.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 468
Approves the AOC with WPX Energy Rocky Mountain LLC (Operator No. 96850) imposing a $30,000 penalty for four 10-day violations of § 34-60-121(1), C.R.S. (Violation of a Permit Condition) for failure to submit a Sundry Notice, Form 4, and acquire prior approval before commencing completion operations as required by the conditions of approval in the Form 2’s for four Wells in Garfield County, Colorado.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 469
Approves the AOC against Petro Mex Resources (Operator No. 10059)   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 470
Approves the Order Finding Violation (“OFV”) against Redwine Resources, Inc. (Operator No. 10107).  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 471
Approves the AOC against Dejour Energy (USA) Corporation (“Dejour”) (Operator No. 10301) and is assessed a penalty of $45,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 472
Approves the AOC against Enervest (Operator No. 10098) in violation of Rule 311 and is assessed a total penalty of $1,000 for the rule violation.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 473
Approves the AOC against CCI Paradox Upstream, LLC (Operator No. 10453) and assessed a $18,000 fine.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 474
Approves the AOC against Wiepking (Operator No. 96340) in violation of Rule 342.A. and assessed a $1,000 fine for the Rule violation.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 475
Approves the AOC against Carrizo Oil and Gas Inc. (Operator No. 10338) for violation of Rule 308A and 308B, and is assessed a total penalty of $4,000 for the rule violations.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 476
Approves the AOC against Bonanza Creek Energy Operating Company, LLC. (Operator No. 8960) and found in violation of Rule 324.A.a; Rule 606A.h., and 602 A.o. and assessed a total penalty of $3,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 477
Approves the AOC against Sundance (Operator No. 10340) for violation of Rule 342.A.a; Rule 606A.h., Rule 602A.m., and 602 A.q. and assessed a $4,000 fine.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 479
Approves the AOC against ConocoPhillips Company (Operator No. 19160) for violation of Rule 324A.a and 605.d and assessed a penalty of $2,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 480
Approves the AOC against Julander Energy Company (Operator No. 44204) for violation of Rule 326.b.(1), and is assessed a total penalty of $15,000 for the rule violations.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 481
Approves the AOC against Tekton Windsor LLC in violation of Rule 318Ae.(4) and assessed a penalty of $2,000.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 482
Approves the AOC against M E III Corporation (Operator no. 52060) for violation of Rule 309 and Rule 310., and is assessed a penalty of $20,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 484
Approves the AOC against Petro Mex Resources (Operator No. 10059) This Order does not vacate Order 1V-469 in whole or in part.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 485
Approves the AOC against Texas Tea of Colorado LLC, dba Texas Tea LLC (Operator No. 87195) for violation of Rules 210.b, 309, 319.b.3, 324A.a, 326.b.1, 603.f and 912.a, and is assessed a total penalty of $70,000 for the rule violations.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 486
Order 1V-457 is unaffected by this Order except for the corrective action deadlines and requirements.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 487
Approves the AOC against TOP Operating Company(Operator No. 39560) for violation of Rules 309, 603.f., 605.a.(9), and 906.a. and is assessed a total penalty of $33,000.   Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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1V - 488
Approves the AOC against Wayne L. Wise (Operator No. 97120) for violation of Rules 210.b and 319.b, and is assessed a total penalty of $16,000.  Scanned Images of Hearing DocumentsHearing Files
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