Is This the Best Rick Perry Photo of All Time?

via Rick Perry's Twitter
They say a picture speaks a thousand words. This picture poses a thousand questions.
This morning, Texas Governor Rick Perry tweeted a photo encapsulating what is no doubt a very special approach to international relations. The picture largely speaks for itself, but let's ponder some of the major questions.

  • Did Mr. Seko come to the meeting wearing a baseball glove?
  • Did he think Governor Perry was some sort of representative of the Texas Rangers?
  • How do you shake hands with someone wearing a baseball glove? We ask because Rick Perry desperately needs to know the optimum approach. This approach is clearly not working.
  • Where are they standing? Is that wallpaper or a house?
  • Whose idea was it to put Rick Perry's head directly in front of a very small painting depicting a scene that is basically the opposite of Texas?
  • Is Rick Perry just trolling all of us? Is it working because I'm writing this?


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Nope. The best Rick Perry photo of all time is still the one with the corn dog in his mouth.


More free unnecessary media on Rick Perry...for someone that writes about how much they dislike him a lot it, it certainly seems more like you have a hard on for him


Wait, is Perry's left hand inside the glove? I don't know what to say. Also unusual: a Rick Perry photo in which he's not holding a firearm.


I guess it finally answers the question is Rick Perry a pitcher or a catcher?

mavdog topcommenter

one question you missed: Did the State of Texas pay for the glove Perry is giving to the Japanese Minister, and what was the price tag to the State for the travel to Asia our Governor is currently taking?

whatever the number, the answer is too much....

That's just how Perry takes his bribes. See, you all were so distracted by the glove, that you failed to notice the wad of cash under the glove.


$5 says Perry thinks he's meeting Yu Darvish.


Great questions, except for all of them.

Here's a question:

Why is the Japanese visitor wearing an American manufactured glove that sounds Japanese because the 'c' was changed to a 'k' so that trademark restrictions on named places could be sidestepped?


The Spongebob glasses make him look so smart; even though he's as dumb as a wet box of rocks. 

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

OOPS once played Madam Tang in an off Broadway production of Flower Drum Song. 

Montemalone topcommenter

Apparently he doesn't know how to play "pull my finger".

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

...then OOPS and his flunkies get back to the hotel, make squinty eyes, and tell Chinese ethnic jokes...

TheRuddSki topcommenter

LOL, Perry doesn't even know that he's supposed to bow to Asians.


The photo should more appropriately have Perry wearing a catcher's kit and Seko pitching to him because everyone knows Rick Perry gets the shaft when he talks business with leaders outside of Texas.


Could the Rangers do any worse?


Every since his back surgery, Perry hasn't been the same. 


@MattL11 That's how they pass cash at the Governor's office now.

mavdog topcommenter


He isn't a "Japanese visitor", Rick Perry is in Japan beefing up on that "International Diplomacy" thing for his presidential run.

really working out well, don't ya think?

gavin.cleaver moderator

@AeroRazavi You can't entirely blame Rick for the three interceptions he threw last night.

mavdog topcommenter


I wonder how much the DPS security detail cost us.

IDK, the DPS refuses to tell. if you look at all his trips to places like Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina for no other reason then politicing/campaigning, it is a big number.

and now we're seeing him go to Europe, the Middle East and now Asia....but there are people who seem to think it is a good expenditure of our tax dollars.

of course those same people scream about how much money government spends...ironic isn't it?

mavdog topcommenter


wow, you believe that Rick Perry is responsible for the increased amount of exports from Texas, most of which were oil/gas related, and most of which went to Mexico? amazing!

also interesting is the desire to compare Texas to California. no inferiority complex with you is there?


@mavdog @dingo 

Perry is the governor of Texas. As in #1 economically.

Appearances matter. You asked. Elections, perceptions, etc. It's not complicated.

A comparison of #1 to #2 provides relevance.


Most of which went to places other than Mexico unless you consider 36% to be 'most of which'.

Word of the day, R-E-L-E-V-A-N-C-E.

mavdog topcommenter


Perry is the governor of Texas. As in #1 economically.

"#1 economically"?? in what context are you using "#1"? Texas is not the largest economy of the states, and isn't the state with the largest % growth in its economy.

Appearances matter. You asked. Elections, perceptions, etc. It's not complicated.
well, it is "complicated" when you are as unclear as your response was. I commented that his attempt to look presidential is not successful. you missed it and commented about exports.

A comparison of #1 to #2 provides relevance.

California is 30% larger GDP than Texas, so the "inferiority complex" is accurate. you gloat "we export more" as if that is a metric that truly matters.

Most of which went to places other than Mexico unless you consider 36% to be 'most of which'.

Word of the day, R-E-L-E-V-A-N-C-E.

Look at the numbers, get a calculator to help. The majority of the increase in exports (that was your point, remember?) from Texas were oil/gas products, and the majority of the increase were those products to Mexico. and you give Rick Perry credit! bwahahaha!

that is "relevance".




Rick Perry is in Japan beefing up on that "International Diplomacy" thing for his presidential run..., you believe that Rick Perry is responsible for the increased amount of exports from Texas...

...also interesting is the desire to compare Texas to California... 

(NOTE here that I compared Texas to California in exports as relevant to Mavdog's initial "International Diplomacy" comment).

Paraphasing Mavdog:

Let's converse about international diplomacy (specific implication regarding international trade since the question was asked about Perry and his efforts to improve international economic ties).

No, wait, let's shift the discussion over to overall GDP from international trade since I am not faring too well in the original context.

Look, I'm winning! Yay for Mavdog!

mavdog topcommenter


ahh, whatsamatter, you confused? or embarrassed?

My comment was first to correct your mistake, and my editorial response was Perry's trip isn't doing much beefing up on that "International Diplomacy" thing for his presidential run.

You, clearly not understanding my comment, responded his [Perry] efforts appear to be working out well, giving Perry credit for the increase in TX exports. and bash CA for some unknown reason.

Looking at the link you provided, it is clear the increase was mostly due to greater oil/gas exports, and the increase was mostly to Mexico. Hard to credit Perry for least rational people would not.

not willing to admit your incredible naivety in crediting Perry, you then claim "Texas...#1 economically", which you've yet to explain, and misread the export stats as well...still not addressing the "Perry..beefing up for the presidential run" comment, which has become lost in your meandering.

keep up the good work!




(1) Things are working out well for Perry in international diplomacy. His efforts to strengthen international economic ties coincide with Texas being the number 1 state in exports:

(2) That fact, along with other economic data, is perceived by voters in simple terms as Texas being #1 economically. Voters digest simple concepts. So Your international diplomacy thing is working out well for Perry as far as voter perception goes.

(3) I compared TX and Ca because they are #1 and #2 in exports:

(4) You don't like the legitimately presented numbers so you paint that comparison as an inferiority complex on my part due to your apparent self perceived omniscience.

(5) You don't like the answered the original question (how is the international thing doing for Perry's presidential prospects) that I answered with supporting facts so you flip the discussion 90 degrees based upon my offhanded '#1 economically' statement from international aspects to involve GDP entirely.

You have a big bag of nothing as usual. It is your M.O. 

If you do not prevail in a discussion you shift the context and think the original discussion will magically disappear.

You will continue to do so as long as you benefit all with your worldly wisdom. This is not a difficult prediction.

The moral of the story here is that if you do not articulate with precision in alt-weekly blog comments then some sniveling petulant small minded jackwad will attempt turn the discussion based upon some small insignificant detail in your prose.

Is this the point in time where you tell everyone about the multiple graduate degrees you received from Sears?

mavdog topcommenter


oh boy, you're back for more...

1) you equate "International Diplomacy" with the amount of exports? odd, "Diplomacy" is not defined as "economic exports". do you need a link to

2) so it is "voters" who decide if Texas is "being #1 economically"? OMG don't tell all those economists and data crunchers they are being replaced by VOTERS and their work is over! caput! bwhahahaha, that is funny!

3) you ignore the size of the economies, but then as you claim "voters" decide which economy is "#1" what good are the statistics? they are worthless aren't they? oh you do crack me up...

4) your trumpeting Texas as "#1 economically" in spite of the FACT CA is a 30% larger economy says it all. "Inferiority complex" for sure, wear it proudly!

5) You still avoid the fact my post was to correct your were wrong, own it.

is this about the time you hold your breath until you turn blue?

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