Elizabeth Ames Jones

Personal Profile

Full Name: Elizabeth Ames Jones
Age: 58
Race: White
Spouse: Will

Financial Statements


Election Info

Texas Senate District 25, 2012-05-29
Lost with 30.53% of vote
Railroad Commissioner, 2006 General Election
Won with 54.04% of vote
Railroad Commissioner, 2006 Republican Party Primary Election
Won with 65.64% of vote
Texas House District 121, 2004 General Election
Won with 100.00% of vote
Texas House District 121, 2004 Republican Primary Election
Won with 100.00% of vote
Texas House District 121, 2002 General Election
Won with 89.93% of vote
Texas House District 121, 2002 Republican Primary Election
Won with 100.00% of vote
Texas House District 121, 2000 General Election
Won with 68.24% of vote
Texas House District 121, 2000 Republican Party Primary Election
Won with 66.36% of vote

Political Profile

Party: Republican Party

Contact Info

Website: Jones for Texas
Twitter: @EAJforTexas
Facebook: facebook.com/elizabethamesjones
Capitol Office
Room: 1701 N. Congress
Address: P.O. Box 12967
Austin, TX 78711
Phone: 512-463-4817
Local Office
Address: 3444 North First Street
Abilene, TX 79603
Phone: 325-677-3545
Follow @EAJforTexas

Twitter Feed

  • RT @LDommel: RealClearMarkets’ Tamny: Fed Is ‘Killing’ Economy with its Loose Policies http://t.co/lr6nY8cT via @Newsmax_Media PAYING 4 ...

    2 years ago

  • In Butler County, OH. We have knocked on 1000s of doors& called 1000s. Don't quit, Ohioans. Your polls close at 7:30! Stay the course.

    2 years ago

  • RT @KarlRove: MT @FoxNewsSunday: Our #FNS Power Panel: @brithume @JoeTrippi @KarlRove @jeffzeleny @FoxNews Election HQ this Sunday / Loo ...

    2 years ago

  • heading to the Romney Rally in West Chester Ohio..up to 25,000 expected! Ohioans are on fire for Mitt.

    2 years ago

  • RT @wbconservative: EXCLUSIVE: CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say http://t.co/0qOH2Sy1

    2 years ago

  • Heading to Ohio, helping to reel in a win. Remembering Benghazi. POTUS not wanting us to worry our little heads over that bump in road.

    2 years ago

  • RT @gretawire: Now US Senator Pat Roberts (R-Kan) (most senior Marine in Congress) sending letter to President Obama:   Senator... http: ...

    2 years ago

  • RT @chevron2248: Dick Morris on O'Reilly is still predicting greater than 300 electoral votes for Romney and getting 5% greater than Oba ...

    2 years ago

  • American people smarter than POTUS gives us credit for. Benghazi wasn't a video game. Real blood.

    2 years ago

  • RT @exposeliberals: Taxes going up for 163 million American workers in 2013 if Obama is re-elected http://t.co/1gk5b64e #tcot #tlot #sgp ...

    2 years ago