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State of Texas: It’s Getting Hot In Here

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Dave Mann has been with the Observer since 2003. Before that, he worked as a reporter in Fort Worth and Washington, D.C. He was born and raised in Philadelphia. He thinks border collies are the world’s greatest dogs, and believes in the nourishing powers of pickup basketball.

  • 1bimbo

    global cooling or global warming? wait, now it’s ‘climate change’. shhhh, listen carefully…..THERE. IS. NO. SUCH. THING. AS. GLOBAL. WARMING. now we can move onto something else

  • Marshall Hinsley

    We ran the numbers for Dallas back in 2012. Here’s a video on what we found, going back to the early 1900s.

The Polar Vortex that descended over parts of the United States in early January brought not only frigid temperatures but also a new round of skepticism about climate change. Talk show host Rush Limbaugh said the cold weather proved that climate changes is a "hoax." Despite the occasional cold snap, average temperatures across Texas are going up. Nearly every city in Texas sees fewer freezes now than it did in the 1970s. And average temperatures in Austin have gradually risen in the past 50 years.

Sources: Climate Central; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Illustration by by Joanna Wojtkowiak