WASHINGTON — U.S. airstrikes appear to have killed a French national and skilled bombmaker of an al-Qaeda-affiliated group in Syria, according to multiple media reports.

Citing unnamed U.S. officials, CNN, NBC and CBS said Thursday that an airstrike killed David Drugeon, 24, who is considered to be a high-value target. Drugeon may have been involved in efforts to using clothing dipped in explosives to try to beat airport security, CNN reported.

Gen. Lloyd Austin, commander of U.S. Central Command, said the airstrikes were aimed at the Khorasan Group, an al-Qaeda-linked group that was targeted in the first wave of airstrikes in Syria in September. U.S. Central Command wouldn't confirm Drugeon's death or that he was a target in the operation.

The military said it is still assessing the outcome of the attack, but initial indications showed the strikes "resulted in the intended effects by striking terrorists and destroying or severely damaging several Khorasan Group vehicles and buildings," according to a statement by U.S. Central Command.

The Khorasan Group — which refers to a network of extremists from the al-Nusra Front and al-Qaeda — was plotting to attack Europe or the U.S., the military said.

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