Latest stories

Adding More Members to the Tz'utujil Tziij Facebook Group

The Tz'utujil Facebook has been enjoying increased growth from internet users in Guatemala interested in communicating in the Mayan language.

Achuar and Shuar Community Voices Broadcasting Online

Radio stations in Achuar and Shuar indigenous communities in the Ecuadorian Amazon are preparing to establish an online presence to broadcast in their own language, as part of the Rising Voices Amazonia initiative.

The First Stories about Girls’ Lives in Kyrgyzstan

The RV grantee project Girl Activists in Kyrgyzstan have been receiving the first submissions from girls around the country who want to share their stories. This first story comes from Jibek who writes about being discouraged from studying science.

Participant Selection for PCRC's “Media Literacy and Resisting Manipulation” Workshop

The PCRC recently launched an open call for participation for their upcoming “Media Literacy and Resisting Manipulation” youth workshop to be held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) from October 25 – 29, 2014. They received an overwhelming response from a diversity of places across the country.

Meet the Cloghers: Empowered Women Blogging for Human Rights

Meet some of the newly trained Cloghers hailing from all across Cambodia who are studying and working in diverse fields.

Jatta Wöötanö – Yekuana Ethno-Communication About Their Culture

Let's meet the Jatta Wöötanö – Yekuana Etnocomunicators project, one of the Rising Voices Amazonia grantee projects from Venezuela.

Meet Two Voices of Hope Citizen Journalists in Action

Meet Twinkle and Eric John, two of the young citizen journalists taking part in the Voices of Hope RV grantee project in Estancia, IloIlo, Philippines.

Yadiko Uruk – Children of Tobacco, Coca and Sweet Cassava

This is the first update by one of our Amazonia Rising Voices projecto grantees, Yadiko Uruk + Children of Yadiko, located in Colombia.

First Ever Citizen’s Journalism Workshop for Typhoon Yolanda Survivors

The Rising Voices grantee project Voices of Hope held the initial citizen journalism workshop for a community still searching for answers about the reconstruction following Typhoon Yolanda in the Philippines.

Revitalizing the Tsimane’ Language in the Bolivian Amazon

Tsimane' Language Universe is one of the grantees of the project Rising Voices Amazonia, a long term initiative where members of the Tsimane’ society are involved.