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Dec. 11 workshop schedule

Here is our proposed schedule for the day. It is open for discussion. Please let us know what you think, what you'd like to change, and what role you'd like to play:

Intro: Rebecca and Ethan, theory behind the day – more a brainstorm than a show and tell, heading towards a “grand vision” of how peer produced media can change the world, bring about world peace and make everything okay forever.

…leading quickly into the meat of the session:
How to bridge blog: Probably led by Xiao Qiang, possibly featuring Ory Okolloh, Head Heeb. How do you explain what's going on in a different place and culture to an audience that's interested but inexperienced? How do you use digital tools to build links between people in different countries and cultures?

Building a local blogosphere: Hoder leads, possibly with Krista from, and Iraqi blogger TBA. How did the Iranian and Iraqi blogospheres come about, what are the similarities and differences, and what lessons can people learn for building their own blogospheres?

Tools: Ethan leads, possibly with help from whoever wins the OSI toolset tender, Shimon Rura, Kwin Kramer or any other toolmakers in the room. An overview of various tools, not just blogs. A discussion about what we need in blogging tools and new uses for the tools we already have.

Grand vision and Manifesto: Joi Ito leads. Perhaps with Jim Moore. The goal is to come up with a vision statement/manifesto that unites our efforts, gives some vision and coherence to the individual projects we're all working on…

…then go out to eat, drink, and celebrate…

We're planning on using the Bloggercon model – that is to say, no formal speakers or panels – instead, structured discussions with one or more leaders who've prepared 5-10 minute statements.

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