Arlington's City Council Won't Abolish Red Light Cameras, But Its Citizens Might

Categories: News

Yousuf Fahimuddin
Arlington City Council member Robert Rivera can rattle off scores of reasons why his constituents think the city should pull the plug on its red-light cameras. They worry about Big Brother's growing omniscience and the privatization of policing, or object to the government making a revenue grab while cloaking it in public safety measure. Some just have a gut feeling that it's unconstitutional.

Rivera doesn't formally endorse any of those sentiments, which, though they have been echoing across the country for a decade, have failed to slow the rapid adoption of the technology by cash-strapped local governments. His stated reason for floating a proposal to abolish red-light cameras in Arlington is more pragmatic and thus less easy to dismiss as the product of the populist fringe. Arlington's system simply isn't fair.

Tarrant County Tax Assessor-Collector Ron Wright has repeatedly refused Arlington's entreaties to block the vehicle registrations of red-light scofflaws, saying that cities are responsible for collecting their own fines. (In a similar display of chutzpah, Collin County Tax Assessor Kenneth Maun rebuffed similar advances by the NTTA.) Because violations caught by red-light cameras are civil offenses that can't go on credit reports or driving records, there are no consequences for ignoring the tickets, meaning the upstanding citizens who actually pay them are suckers.

See also: Redflex, DFW's Favorite Red Light Camera Company, Is Accused of Passing Bribes in Texas

However carefully Rivera crafted his arguments, his proposal fell with a thud when he brought it before council last week. It will discuss the matter again in October, but with the cameras bringing in roughly $2 million in revenue per year, the chance that Rivera's colleagues will change their minds is roughly the same that they'll start distributing copies of the Constitution with Open Carry Tarrant County.

But it may not be up to the City Council. Veteran Tea Party activists Faith Bussey and Kelly Cannon are pushing to amend the city's charter to abolish the city's red-light cameras.

Bussey feels that Arlington's red-light program is problematic for many reasons, not least of which that it's operated by a vendor, Redflex Traffic Systems. She describes Redflex as "private company that's using the city to shakedown taxpayers. It's wrong."

She's found plenty of agreement. "The response has been huge on our side," Bussey says of her and Cannon's early efforts.

To get the charter amendment on the ballot, Bussey and Cannon will have to convince 5 percent of Arlington's 185,823 registered voters (9,292) to sign a petition calling for a referendum, and then convince at least half of the voters who show up at the polls in May to vote against red-light cameras.

See also: Collin County Might Kill Planned Toll Lanes, but Dallas Never Put Up a Fight

It won't be a cakewalk, but Bussey and Cannon have already lined up a couple of dozen volunteers to canvass polling places during the gubernatorial voting, and it's hard to imagine many people not being willing to sign their petition. Red-light cameras, like toll roads, are loathed by the ACLU left and the Tea Party right alike.

There's also a precedent. Houston voters abolished their red-light cameras in 2010, and at least a couple of its suburbs followed suit. It's been more of a trickle than a trend, but those cases suggest that, when there's an activist is sufficiently committed to getting something on the ballot, red-light cameras are toast.

Send your story tips to the author, Eric Nicholson.


My Voice Nation Help

Robert Rivera, you have my vote! All the other limens on city council take note!!! We will get a charter amendment and our way. Another reason you yahoo's are not for the people or by the people!!

RTGolden1 topcommenter

Is the civil charge how they get around the sixth amendment?


Also, the red-light camera companies don;t bother to confirm simple things like if you still own the vehicle.  I sold a truck and submitted my paperwork the very next day.  MOnths later, I get a red light camera ticket in the mail.  I sent them images of the title xfer and the new owner's contact information to get them off my back.

But, still, that is some weak shinola.  Check the effing records, idiots.

holmantx topcommenter

If knocking down I-345 would save one life it would be worth it, right?  See, this way it would be impossible to drive the wrong way when drunk if it weren't there.

This is essentially the same argument Arlington is throwing up.  Red light cameras save lives.

so would removing all stop lights and replacing them with stop signs and cameras.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

I got a red light ticket in Arlington, I ignored it for about 9 months.  Then I received a letter in the mail stating that I would not be able to renew my registration if I didnt pay the ticket and then get a waiver release from the Arlington PD.  I paid it bc I thought my reg would be frozen, but based on this story, was that false?  Did they send me a letter under false pretenses? 


When I first read the headline, I imagined mobs of drunk Arlingtonians (in jorts and sleeveless tees, naturally) going around with baseball bats destroying all the fucking cameras. This fleeting thought will end up being the highlight of my morning. 


Eric, you don't mention in this piece how a few years back the legislature took half the revenue from every ticket issued by red light cameras. That money was supposed to go to trauma centers. You might look into how much of that revenue has actually made it to any trauma center anywhere in the state. In many, if not most cities that have this program they might just barely break even. That means the cameras are what they ought to be - a legitimate public safety program and not a "cash cow". The cities that may be generating revenue from red light cameras ought to spend that money on other intersection safety upgrades like LED signal lights, better pedestrian crossing systems, etc.

I always find the juxtaposition of supposedly "law and order" types essentially arguing to abolish red light cameras. I like these systems as much as the next person, which is to say I don't. That being said, they do reduce fatalities at monitored intersections and in cities that use them they generate a halo effect at other intersections, reducing accidents at non-monitored intersections too. So, those against the cameras are for red light running?


Where do I sign their petition. Finally others are starting to see the light about the corruption etc associated with these things. 

Hopefully next someone will start looking into Traffic Fines & how they are a shakedown/SCAM

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

Action News has confirmed suspect Kathryn Knott is the daughter of Chalfont, Bucks County Police Chief Karl Knott.

At their Southampton home, no one answered but when we asked several neighbors about the charges against Knott, off camera, they would only say they're not surprised.---6ABC


@ScottsMerkin They were absolutely full of it. I've been 'dodging' a ticket for years now, and really all that means is that I ignore a phone number that calls me randomly. No issues when I got pulled over for speeding, no issues when I got a parking ticket in Deep Ellum. They can go to hell, for all I care.


@MattL11 Oh of course. They wouldnt even bother figuring out which 20 are the ones that ticket and would just take every cam down lol



There are as many accidents after installation of red light cams as before in many cases.  The nature of the crashes change from T-bones to rear-enders.   What really helps decrease accidents is lengthening the time the yellow light runs.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@Anon. If you could have seen the 2 videos of my red light tickets, you'd be calling bullshit too.  Both times i came to a red light in a right turn only lane.  I came to  a  complete stop for less than 2 seconds though, and then turned right on red. Boom ticket!  

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I always find the juxtaposition of supposedly "law and order" types essentially arguing to abolish red light cameras.

Maybe they see it as an abuse of the law.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

The story gets better (or worse, according to your POV).  She's a nurse.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


On receipt of my cam ticket, for California stop before righ-on-red on empty road, I returned to the scene of the crime and ran the light multiple times while making an obscene gesture for the cam. Never heard from them again.


I don't know how the system in Arlington is set, but usually a camera triggers if you turn right on red at faster than a certain speed, like 10mph. Again, I have no knowledge about how Arlington's system runs, but in no case should a fine ever be issued without the review of an actual police officer or other administrator. In every case, if a video demonstrates compliance with the law, then that should be disputed.

Well run red light camera systems do not engage is the kinds of games like shortening the yellow light or issuing tickets to folks who come to a complete stop and then turn right on red. Instead they include the full four second yellow light, allow for a very slow speed right turn on red, they always review the individual cases before any citation is issued, and create fair provisions for disputing any alleged offense.


The property destroyed, not to mention the lives irreparably damaged or lost, by the kinds of accidents caused by running red lights is difficult to justify. Somehow the aginers lose sight of that small detail.

Essentially those against automated red light enforcement are arguing for a right to ignore traffic signals and kill people. Would the aginers prefer police officers to write those tickets? A citation for running a red light, issued by a police office, is a lot more than $75.00.

Or how about this for a solution? Don't run red lights. Problem solved.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz what does being a nurse have to do with it?  She is either a gay beater, or not she could be a vet, a doc, a CEO, or a burger flipper.  If she hates gays enough to beat them, she sucks.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Dude, that Kathryn Knott babe is some kinda hot. I for one want to see this story updated often - surely she has some revealing selfies.

Montemalone topcommenter


Thank you Redflex minion.

Here in Chicago Redflex is under investigation for corruption, not to mention a shitload of tickets issued because they got with Streets and San to shorten the yellow light cycle and also the right turn on reds that resulted in tickets.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@Anon. Red light cameras have continuously running video and are timed to flash every time the lights turn red.  The company running the camera issues the civil fine and reviews the camera,   And I believe Grand Prairie was caught shortening yellow lights as well

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@Anon. Red light runners, gonna run red lights, camera or not.  Especially the ones who cause major wrecks, why is that?  Bc the person running the light that changed on them as they enter the intersection is clearing the intersection before the cross traffic even gets a green light.  You want to protect even more people, never allow an unprotected left turns.  Those new flashing yellow arrows can be confusing to drivers and cause more accidents.  These cameras are nothing more the revenue generators, that have a very small affect on safety.  

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz and yet nothing presented here would help convict her of a hate crime.  Go on twitter, people tweet like this all the time.  All I really see are the tweets of a very spoiled rich girl or your regular college attending sorority chick

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Being a girl, it's surprising there's no umbrella or pink bubbles.

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