A Pickup Struck and Killed a Child Waiting at an Arlington Crosswalk

Categories: News

The photo tell the story. Not all of it, maybe but enough. A mangled baby stroller abandoned in the middle of a six-lane intersection. A few feet away, a weathered pickup has stopped sprawled half across the curb. Yellow police tape twists in the foreground.

The scene is Cooper Street and California Lane in South Arlington. This morning around 10, the driver of the pickup reportedly made an ill-judged left turn from northbound Cooper, struck an oncoming car, and lost control.

Standing on the street corner, a father was waiting to cross the street with his infant son. The truck plowed into the stroller before coming to a stop.

"The dad was just screaming and the drivers were screaming," a witness, Alicia Hopkin, told CBS 11. "He picked the baby up out of the road and brought it over, and somebody helped him lay him on the median. They were all just screaming."

Candace Money left the Cooper Street chiropractic clinic where she works to see if she could help.

"I knelt down to check on the baby ... and took one look and there was no question," Money told the Star-Telegram.

Neither the child nor the dad, who was hospitalized with minor injuries, have been identified.

The story has stoked outrage in comments sections and on social media. Some, predictably, is directed at the as-yet unidentified driver, though it should be noted that there is no suggestion at this point that he was impaired. Left-turn fender-benders are common. Usually, there isn't a stroller nearby.

And there's been a mild backlash at the media for showing photos of the mangled stroller. A sample:

But isn't the fact that a child died the sensational part? And would the media be serving anyone if they tried to sugarcoat that fact? The Dallas Morning News managing editor George Rodrigue's response seems right:

Send your story tips to the author, Eric Nicholson.


My Voice Nation Help

Arlington streets are civilly engineered pedestrian death traps. I'd rather run across I-20 as a pedestrian than try to cross south Cooper anywhere.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

Too many pedestrians thinking the SIDEWALK is a safe place to stand, oblivious to the impending danger just a few inches from them.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

Too many drivers are acting like pigs, and as if no one else matters in their race to the next red light.  Whoever is responsible (and I hear the Chrysler driver is completely broken) will never be the same.  Because of a moment of lousy judgment and piggish behavior on the part of the careless driver, that poor family will always grieve for that beautiful little lost baby. 


It's not distasteful to publish that Twitter photo. It's evocative and a bit shocking, but with no corpse or pool of blood, the distaste factor is nil.


so who was the perp?


As Carlin would say, "Pretty graphic and explicit."

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@lebowski300 I felt safer helping change my buddies tire on I20 shoulder this weekend than I do ever walking anywhere around the highlands or Park mall

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@CogitoErgoSum I agree, that photo is not distasteful and should have been published.  To me the photo elicits anger and sadness.  Anger that someones inattentiveness caused this horrible scene and sadness that a young child's life was lost and no one involved in that accident will ever have that horrific scene out of their minds.  My firefighter friend has seen all sorts of death, but working a fatality involving children is the worst.  

TheRuddSki topcommenter

According to the NBC vid, the white Chrysler turned in front of the pickup, not the reverse.

Regardless, fate, tragedy, wrong place wrong time. Sad story.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@TheRuddSki yes, so very sad, and this story made me stand a few steps farther back off the curb when waiting to cross the street this morning.  

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@DonkeyHotay @TheRuddSki Never resist the opportunity to capitalize on the tragic death of a child to poke the ribs of people who aren't just like you, eh, donkey?

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I would hope the family is religious and can find solace there.

If they're atheist, they can find solace in "shit happens"

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

@ScottsMerkin @TheRuddSki

Thought of y'all right away upon reading this headline.

Glad to hear the little 'Merkin is ok.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Like biking, you have to assume every driver is out to get you and act accordingly.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter


Tell me what the difference is.

Religion is just 'shit happens' with a side of fries.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@TheCredibleHulk The tuner shop that works on my car is right there, I pass that area frequently, there are always wrecks there, but none have been this sad.  I cant even imagine.  

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Not to those who have faith. Pretty powerful stuff for them. Gets them through the day, stuff like this accident. If it works, it works.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter


Not to those that have booze. Pretty powerful stuff for them. Gets them through the day, stuff like this accident. If it works, it works.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Those who have booze and religion, OTOH....

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