Change Corporations

Corporations -- mining and energy companies -- drill the wells and dig the mines.

Earthworks' No Dirty Gold campaign is pressuring Macy's, one of America's 10
largest jewelry retailers, to sign the Golden Rules of responsible mineral sourcing.

They determine how communities are impacted, or not.  Their practices determine if:

That’s why we use consumer pressure to complement the work that Earthworks does to reform government policies and service communities.

More than 100 major jewelry retailers and over 100,000 individual consumers have joined our No Dirty Gold campaign demanding that mining companies provide alternatives to “dirty” or irresponsibly mined gold.

Sometimes, the most effective way to improve corporate conduct is to engage with companies directly.

That’s why we are talking to the mining industry directly through the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance, a multi-sector effort which includes civil society and industry members, and to oil and natural gas companies through the STRONGER process. 

Ultimately, all the work that Earthworks does to engage corporations and consumers is aimed at improving the way that extraction happens on the ground.

Earthworks participates in these and other initiatives to change corporations

Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance

Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance

We are talking with the mining industry (and communities, jewelers, and labor) to establish a voluntary, independently-verified set of environmental, human rights and social standards for mining.

Our Bristol Bay

Our Bristol Bay

Anglo American promised not to mine in the headwaters of Alaska's Bristol Bay over community opposition. We're helping convince Anglo to honor its promise.

No Dirty Gold

No Dirty Gold

The No Dirty Gold campaign aims to change the way gold is mined, bought and sold by targeting the jewelry industry -- consumer of more than 80% of mined gold.

On Twitter

@noahbrenner @Patrick_Madden I realize that's a joke, but #oilandgas industry PR so framed in false choices that it's not funny. #fracking
"If #Denton in the heart of the #oilandgas industry can't live with #fracking, then who can?" | @ldattaro @vicenews

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