Eagle Ford Shale

BP Writing Off Utica on 'Disappointing Appraisal Results'

BP plc is taking a $521 million impairment on its Utica Shale acreage in Ohio and will not proceed with development in the play, top management said Tuesday. Read More

Sanchez Drilling Quicker, Cheaper in Eagle Ford; TMS Well Coming Up

Accelerated completions and more pad drilling helped Houston-based Sanchez Energy Corp. triple first quarter production from a year ago... Read More

Winter Knocks Down 1Q Production at Cabot, But Company Shaking Off the Cold

Despite severe winter weather that curtailed some of Cabot Oil & Gas Inc.'s production in both Texas and Pennsylvania in the first quarter, newfound momentum and a growing confidence in its assets will find it deploying another rig in the third quarter and scrapping its year-end plans to cut its budget by $75 million. Read More

U.S. Onshore Well Count Rises Year/Year, Drops 3% Sequentially

The U.S. onshore well count rose 4% year/year in 1Q2014, but it was down by 3% sequentially, with the biggest declines in the Marcellus and Barnett shales, Baker Hughes Inc. said... Read More

February Texas Oil Production 'the Most Since 1980'

An index of oil and natural gas upstream activity in Texas reached a new high for February with increasing production -- for oil the highest since 1980 -- higher commodity prices at the wellhead following along with a booming workforce. Read More

Eagle Ford Emissions Seen Rising With Development

Emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the Eagle Ford Shale region could increase sharply in the coming years as development ramps up, according to a recently released study.

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ConocoPhillips Raises Eagle Ford Reserves Estimates

Super independent ConocoPhillips' estimated resource base in the Eagle Ford Shale is 2.5 billion bbl of oil in place, much more than a previous forecast of 1.8 billion, management said Thursday. Read More

Texas Tie-Up Expands Proppant Transport Services Across North America

Three Texas oilfield service providers have merged to form 1845 Oil Field Services for proppant logistics and freight management in North America's onshore. Read More

Texas Regulators Hire Their Quake Czar

With growing attention being paid to tremors thought to be associated with drilling waste injection wells, the Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC) has made good on its promise to hire a seismologist to study the issue. Read More

Census Data Shows Energy Boom Fueled Historic Growth After Recession

The nation's energy boom, stoked by technological advances both onshore and offshore, drove significant economic growth for the oil and gas industry, which also fueled a corresponding population boom in resource-rich areas such as North Dakota and Texas between 2007 and 2012, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Read More